vs Difference and Comparison

Modern problems require modern solutions with new technologies. In the era of digitalization and upcoming technologies, website making and development plays an important aspect in every field.

As websites are the first go-to impression of customers towards business and E-commerce.

The words and belong to the world of web frameworks. However, they have different uses and applications.

Key Takeaways

  1. ASP.NET is a web application framework for developing dynamic websites, while ADO.NET is a data access technology for connecting applications to databases.
  2. ASP.NET utilizes server-side scripting for web page rendering, whereas ADO.NET facilitates data manipulation and retrieval from various data sources.
  3. ASP.NET supports multiple programming languages, while ADO.NET primarily relies on the .NET framework and languages like C# and VB.NET. vs

The difference between and is that is an open-source framework that is a server-side web application used for web development and to create dynamic web pages. is a data access technology that uses a standard set of components to communicate between relational and non-relational systems. Both have their applications over others. vs

ASP.NET is a programming language and a free web framework that uses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create beautiful websites and web apps.

This enhances the.NET framework with tools and libraries tailored to the development of web applications. It helps us quickly create web apps using a full-featured programming language like C# or VB.NET.

ADO.NET is a data access framework that allows us to connect with data sources like databases and XML files.

Data access and data modification in are separated into different components that can be used separately or together.

It enables us to access underlying data and databases, which consist of data retrieval and manipulation classes and methods.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonASP.NETADO.NET
MeaningIt is a Microsoft-developed and-marketed web application framework that allows programmers to create dynamic websites and web apps with the help of programming languages.It is a data access technology that provides a connection between the front-end controls and the database on the back end.
ApplicationsIt helps us to create web apps quickly, using a full-featured programming language like C# or VB.NET.These objects encapsulate all data access processes and control interaction with them to display data, thereby masking the specifics of data movement.
AcronymASP stands for Active Server Pages. It is a framework used for building web pages. It develops and supports various development models.It stands for ActiveX Data Objects for the .NET Framework.It is also referred to as the latest database access technology from Microsoft.
ExistenceASP.NET Web Forms has been labeled obsolete, and new projects are being turned down. It’s still used by a few legacy apps.In some circumstances, it is still used. There comes a couple of cases where SQL Bulk Copy is used for commands.
ArchitectureThe basic architecture follows in a level manner in the format of Language, Library, and then Common Language Runtime.It offers a layered design that is comprised mostly of a few ideas, such as Connection, Reader, Command, Adapter, and Dataset objects.

What is

In 2002, ASP.NET was introduced as a replacement for Classic ASP.

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The extension .aspx is used for ASP.NET pages, which are authored in C# (C sharp). The most recent official version of ASP.NET is ASP.NET 4.6.

It is a web development platform created by Microsoft that is employed in developing web-based applications.

A variety of.Net languages can be used to create ASP.Net applications, and C#, VB.Net, and J# are among them.

Active Server Pages (ASP) and Network Enabled Technologies (.NET) are the acronyms for Active Server Pages and Network Enabled Technologies.

ASP.Net is a popular programming language for building websites and applications because of its speed and low cost.

It is a commonly used and popular programming language. It’s simple to learn and requires very little setup and resources.

Because there are so many chances for .NET programmers all over the world, it’s a great place to start for new programmers.

ASP.NET is a web application framework that assists in preparing dynamic web pages, while .NET is a (software) development platform used to design, run, and execute programs.

A web page’s execution lifecycle occurs in several phases.

These include processes such as initialization, instantiation, restoring, and maintaining state to understand so that custom code may be added at any point to conduct business logic.

What is

ADO.NET is a .Net Framework module that establishes a connection between an application and its data sources through its database access technology created by Microsoft.

SQL Server and XML are examples of data sources. ADO.NET is a set of classes for connecting, retrieving, inserting, and deleting data.

It reads, writes, updates, and deletes data from a data source using SQL queries and stored procedures.

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The ADO.NET Command object is used to run SQL queries, which return data in the form of DataReader or DataSet objects.

After that connection is closed, we need to work with the data using DataSet objects and reconnect to the data source when a change is needed.

XML plays an important role in ADO.NET.It is used to store data in the cache and communicate data between applications by using XML.

XML schemas are used to store and communicate data across applications in datasets. We can work on this XML file without interacting with the actual dataset in other apps.

ADO.NET has several advantages that include managing code, deployment, Single Object-Oriented API, Visual Data Components, XML Support, Performance and Scalability and Connections, and Disconnected data.

Main Differences Between and

  1. The two terms ASP.NET and ADO.NET are acronyms of different terms.ASP.NET stands for  Active Server Pages, whereas ADO.NET stands for  ActiveX Data Object. However, both are .NET frameworks but have different applications.
  2. ASP.NET is a .NET Framework, and ADO.NET is a .NET Library.
  3.  In ASP.NET, we can write codes in different languages such as C#, VB.Net, ASP .Net, etc. On the other hand, ADO.NET  allows the conversion of data to XML format.
  4. ASP.NET is a technology through which dynamic web applications can be created, whereas ADO.NET is used to access data from databases.
  5. ASP.NET is a compilation of many languages to create different web apps, but ADO.NET only works with data.

Last Updated : 11 June, 2023

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9 thoughts on “ vs Difference and Comparison”

  1. This article has managed to elucidate the fundamental distinctions between ASP.NET and ADO.NET in an easily comprehensible manner.

  2. The detailed explanation of ASP.NET and ADO.NET in the article is of immense value to anyone interested in web development and data access.

  3. This article has done an exceptional job in explaining the differences between ASP.NET and ADO.NET, thus clarifying their respective uses in web development and data manipulation.

  4. I believe the article explained the difference between and extremely clear. These distinctions are vital for any developer or computer scientist; clarifying them can only be beneficial.

  5. The detailed comparison table has effectively illustrated the differences between ASP.NET and ADO.NET, which is informative for those working in web development.

  6. The article has provided an in-depth discussion of ASP.NET’s web application framework and ADO.NET’s data access technology. It has efficiently outlined their applications and functionality.

  7. The distinctions between ASP.NET and ADO.NET, as delineated in the article, are clear, comprehensive, and highly informative for web developers and programmers.

  8. The comparison between ASP.NET and ADO.NET is well articulated, providing a comprehensive understanding of the programming languages and web frameworks.


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