Blogger vs WordPress: Difference and Comparison

One of the best advantages of the 21st Century is having proper and uninterrupted access to the internet.

This access has led to the opening of many creative fields to the common people, thus making those hobbies and career paths more mainstream, which were once reserved for only a privileged few.

The internet gave a voice to the people and proved to us that there are people out there who have good and interesting things to say. People love sharing their experiences, knowledge, and ideas.

This leads to the formation of vast resources, which helps plenty of people when they need some help and looks it up on the internet for it.

Blogger and WordPress are two very famous and widely used platforms. They serve as a pedestal for these creative people to connect and share their views and opinions across the internet and deliver this content to anyone interested in such relevant topics.

Key Takeaways

  1. Blogger and WordPress are blogging platforms allowing users to create and publish content online.
  2. Blogger is a simpler and more user-friendly platform, while WordPress offers more customization options and flexibility.
  3. Blogger is free and hosted by Google, while WordPress requires a web hosting service and may incur additional costs for premium features.

Blogger vs WordPress

Blogger is a free blogging platform owned by Google, is easier to use and has limited customization options. WordPress is an open-source platform that can be self-hosted or hosted by, offering more versatility, flexibility and a wider range of customization options.

Blogger vs WordPress

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonBloggerWordPress
DefinitionBlogger is a blogging site that has a simple interface and requires no prerequisite knowledge to use.WordPress too, is a site for blogging and content generation, which does require some prerequisite knowledge and is more complex than Blogger.
Parent CompanyThe parent company of Blogger is Google.WordPress is owned and operated by Automattic.
PriceBlogger is free.WordPress is free for blogging. However, one needs a web host, which costs money.
CustomizationBlogger offers low customizability options.WordPress has high customizability options.
SEO optionsBlogger has no SEO (Search Engine Optimization) tools whatsoever.One can use free SEO plugins and tools in WordPress. There are paid options too.

What is Blogger?

Blogger is a web-based blogging platform that is based in America. Initially, it was developed by Pyra Labs; however, in 2003, Google purchased it and has belonged to the company since then.

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One big drawback of Blogger is that all the content generated by a blogger is hosted on Google’s server, and anyone cannot get a custom domain name.

The content is accessed under the subdomain of

The biggest drawback of storing things on Google’s server is that the company might change the content without needing the user’s approval. 

Initially, when Blogger started, Pyra Labs used to charge money for a few features present on the site.

However, under the acquisition by Google, this thing changed, and all features of this site became free, which led to a wider number of people joining in to post ideas and thoughts on the internet.

In 2004, Google acquired Picasa and integrated its photo-sharing utility into Blogger. This acquisition and integration made it possible for users to now post photos in Blogger.

That, which now seems like a very basic activity, was a big feature back then.

It was in 2006 when there was a major redesign of Blogger, and all the blogs associated with any Google account were transferred to the Google servers.

Google had said that this step would lead to better ease of use because the quality of the servers used now was significantly better.

The very useful ‘Draft’ feature was also introduced in the same year itself, which helps the user save an unpublished blog for later editing.

We can notice that the platform was building up to become a modern content creation platform.


What is WordPress?

WordPress is a web-based content creation and management system that first appeared in 2003. Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little developed it.

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It was created by the efforts of creating a fork of b2. One of Mike’s friends, Christine Selleck Teremoulet, suggested the name WordPress.

Since then, the company has boomed a lot and now enjoys some of the highest market shares in its industry. 

WordPress has many customisations and options not found in other blogging or content management sites.

Certain features make WordPress excellent. The major highlights among them are themes, plugins, accessibility, etc.

Every WordPress user is allowed to apply various themes on their page, giving the users a certain control over how their pages look.

Plugins extend the features and functions of the webpage and bring about more third-party changes to them, thus loading them with more features.

One of the best examples of plugin functionality is SEO, which is really important in today’s fierce competition.


Main Differences Between Blogger and WordPress

  1. The main difference between Blogger and WordPress is that Blogger is a blogging site with a simple interface and requires no prerequisite knowledge. At the same time, WordPress is a site for blogging and content generation, which requires some prerequisite knowledge and is more complex than Blogger.
  2. Google owns Blogger, while Automattic owns WordPress.
  3. Blogger is free, but you must pay money to use a web host in WordPress.
  4. Blogger has really low customization options, while WordPress is highly customizable.
  5. Blogger has no SEO options, while WordPress has plugins for SEO.
Difference Between Blogger and WordPress

Last Updated : 11 June, 2023

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25 thoughts on “Blogger vs WordPress: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The internet is definitely one of the most valuable tools in the modern era. It allows for the dissemination of knowledge and ideas like never before, connecting people from all over the world.

    • True, but it has also led to information overload and the spread of misinformation, which are significant drawbacks.

    • Absolutely, the internet has democratized information and given a platform to individuals who would never have had the opportunity to share their thoughts and creativity in the past.

  2. The detailed insights into the functionalities and features of Blogger and WordPress provide valuable information for users seeking the right platform for their content. It’s essential to understand the nuances of each platform to make informed decisions.

    • The comparison between Blogger and WordPress illuminates the diverse options available to content creators, catering to varying preferences and needs.

    • Absolutely, informed decision-making is vital to harness the full potential of these platforms and maximize the impact of one’s content.

  3. The comparison between Blogger and WordPress highlights the unique features and limitations of each platform. It’s crucial for aspiring content creators to understand these differences when choosing the right platform for their needs.

    • However, the complexity of WordPress might deter some users, while Blogger’s simplicity can be appealing to beginners.

    • Absolutely, informed decision-making is essential, especially when it comes to establishing an online presence and building a following.

  4. Blogger and WordPress are two innovative platforms that have revolutionized content creation and distribution. They have empowered individuals to express themselves and provided a space for diverse voices to be heard.

    • Indeed, they have broken down traditional barriers to entry in the publishing world, allowing anyone with an internet connection to become a content creator.

  5. The evolution of Blogger and WordPress reflects the dynamic nature of the digital era, shaping the online landscape and paving the way for diverse forms of content creation and consumption.

    • Absolutely, their continual adaptations have ensured the relevance and accessibility of content creation in the modern age.

    • However, the rapid changes in the digital sphere also pose challenges for content creators, requiring them to stay updated with the evolving platforms and tools.

  6. The detailed comparison of Blogger and WordPress underscores the significance of understanding the unique features, functionalities, and limitations of each platform. It’s crucial for users to make informed decisions tailored to their specific needs and goals.

    • Absolutely, an informed approach to platform selection is essential to optimize content creation and distribution strategies.

  7. Both Blogger and WordPress have played significant roles in shaping the landscape of online publishing. Despite their differences, they have contributed to the democratization of content creation and distribution.

  8. The historical backgrounds of Blogger and WordPress shed light on their evolution and adaptation to the changing digital landscape. It’s fascinating to witness how these platforms have grown and influenced the online sphere.

    • Indeed, they have continually innovated to meet the needs of content creators and consumers, reflecting the dynamic nature of the internet.

    • The transformative nature of Blogger and WordPress has set benchmarks for other platforms, driving competition and pushing the boundaries of online publishing.

  9. The impact of Blogger and WordPress on the digital ecosystem cannot be overstated. Their continual evolution and adaptation have influenced the trajectory of content creation and distribution, democratizing the online sphere.

    • Absolutely, their contributions have reshaped the digital landscape, offering diverse pathways for individuals to express their creativity and share their ideas.

  10. The historical insights into the development of Blogger and WordPress shed light on their transformation from simple platforms to sophisticated tools for content creation and management.


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