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There are so many religions subdivided among so many countries and states throughout the global world.

These religions have their holy books that show their followers the right path to follow and lead their lives.

Among these sacred books are the Christian Bible and the Jewish Bible.

Key Takeaways

  1. The Christian Bible is a religious text that includes both the Old and New Testaments and is the central text of Christianity.
  2. The Jewish Bible, also known as the Tanakh, is a collection of texts that includes the Torah, the Prophets, and the Writings and is the central text of Judaism.
  3. The primary difference between the Christian and Jewish Bible is that they include different books and have different interpretations of religious concepts and teachings.

Christian Bible vs Jewish Bible

The Christian Bible includes the Old and New Testaments, while the Jewish Bible only includes the Old Testament. The Jewish Bible consists of the holy book, Tanakh, which supports and preaches Judaism to its followers to preach.

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The Christian Bible is the most commonly known one that comprises various texts and writings related to Christianity and where it originated.

In the initial period, the Christian Bible was written by hand, explaining gods supremacy and divinity. The Christian Bible consists of the old as well as the New Testament.

The Jewish Bible, also known as the Hebrew Bible, is called Tanakh. This Bible is said to have a compilation and merged version of the Catholic Bible and the Old Testament.

This holy book has a collection of texts which are written canonically. This book consists of 24 books in writing.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of comparisonChristian BibleJewish Bible
Number of booksThey are a compilation of 24 books.They are a compilation of 17 books.
Primary LanguageThe primary language of this Bible was Greek and Latin.The primary language of this Bible was Hebrew.
Primary ReligionPeople who preach from this Bible follow Christianity.People who preach from this Bible follow Judaism.
Law they followThey follow the Halakh Law.They follow the Canon Law.
Content formsComprises of Old and New Testament.Comprises of the Tanakh.

What is Christian Bible?

Christian Bible is considered the holy book of Christians. They are said to have the religious text for their followers are believed to be the thoughts of God himself.

Every Christian follows all the writing, keeps complete faith in them, and preaches to attain solace. The Christian Bible was formed by compiling a set of books after it underwent canonization.

Christian Bible is said to have writings in Anthology, which denotes the inspiration divinely.

These texts written in the Bible are compilations of many historical accounts, poetry, parables, etc. It is a compilation of many books, and these many books were called canons.

These canons developed after a certain point over the years and changed the mindset of many people.

The Christian Bible explains some Orthodox and old mind-stated ideas of the Roman Catholics. It is a combination of the Old Testament and the New Testament.

According to many fathers of the Church, the Christian Bible has tremendously influenced people’s thoughts and brought about immense change in people to change one’s personalities, men and women.

It has also been observed that the Christian Bible significantly impacted literature and history back in those days.

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What is Jewish Bible?

The Jewish Bible consists of the Torah, the Nevi’im, and the Ketuvim. The Jewish Bible was called Tanakh. This book was comprised and consisted of the writing of this book were of 24 books in total.

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The Tanakh got developed later between the second and third centuries.

The Jewish Bible, the Tanakh, is read by the Hebrews and Jewish people. These people follow Judaism as their religion.

The Tanakh is named after three books taking the first letter of each part of
the five.

The Torah tells its followers and teaches the guidelines with rules and duties with obligations stated in Genesis, Numbers, Exodus, the Deuteronomy, and Leviticus.

The five principal books of the Tanakh are orally and in written form in the Jewish Bible.

The Nevi’im and the Ketuvim have many categories under them that were transcripted in the Jewish Bible. These transcriptions are known to be God’s Supporters who follow them.

The Tanakh is a compilation of the first and the second century. The revelations that were made to Moses for Constituting the oral as well as written parts were deciphered.

jewish bible

Main Differences Between Christian Bible and Jewish Bible

  1. The Christian Bible consists of 24 books, and on the other hand, the Jewish Bible consists of 17 main books.
  2. The Christian Bible is from the Old Testament and the New Testament. On the other hand, the Jewish Bible was called the Tanakh.
  3. People who preach Christian Bible follow Christianity, whereas the people who follow the Jewish Bible are Hebrews who follow Judaism.
  4. People who follow the Christian Bible follow the Halakha Law, whereas people who follow the Jewish Bible follow the Canon Law.
  5. The original language of the Christian Bible was Greek and Latin, whereas the original language of the Jewish Bible was Hebrew.
Difference Between Christian Bible and Jewish Bible
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By Emma Smith

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.