CMD vs BAT: Difference and Comparison

Working with different files can be very hectic and confusing for a user, and CMD and BAT files are created to simplify these tasks.

They are created for the automation of repetitive and frequent tasks by the user by simply using a simple programming language. This can save a lot of time and make the work more synchronized and balanced. There can be other advantages of them as well.

Both of them are used for a similar purpose and, therefore, can be confused by people as the same, which is incorrect. Despite their similarities, both of them can be easily differentiated on several terms that are mentioned below.

They can also help in choosing the best according to the need.

Key Takeaways

  1. CMD is a command-line interpreter used in the Windows operating system, while BAT is a batch file used to automate command sequences.
  2. CMD supports a wider range of commands than BAT.
  3. BAT files are created using a text editor, while CMD does not require any file creation.


The difference between CMD and Bat is that CMD has more advanced functions and advanced scripting developed for Windows NT as it was developed later, whereas, in comparison, BAT has fewer advanced functions and older scripting due to its earlier development. Extension of them can be read in cmd exe in case of CMD extension and cmd exe. And, both in the case of BAT extensions. The error level is reset when the error level is called in CMD while the previous command is executed in the same situation in the case of BAT. CMD being more advanced, is supported in most of the window versions, while BAT is not supported in some of the latest versions of windows. User intervention is not required in BAT, while it is important and required in CMD.


CMD or command was released in December 1987 and is also known as Windows Command Processor.

With its direct interaction with some operating systems can be done. In simple terms, it accepts the command from the user and translates them into machine language.

It has advanced features and is supported in most versions of windows, including some of the new versions. Also it can be used on android as well.

BAT is older than CMD, which implies it was first released before 1987. It has some of the same functions as CMD, but some advanced functions might not be present in it.

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This makes it unfit for the newer version of windows, where almost all features are updated and advanced. Operations of files are done in sequence. It cannot be used on android.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonCMDBAT
ReadOnly in cmd exe.In and cmd exe.
FunctionsMore advancedLess advanced functions
Supported inAlmost all versions of windowsOnly in older versions of windows
Operation of filesNot in sequencesThey are operated in sequence
UsageIt can be used on androidIt cannot be used on android.

What is CMD?

Following are some steps that need to be followed for accessing the CMD:

  1. You need to open the run window, which can be easily done by pressing the Windows key + R on the keyboard.
  2. After this, the windows will run, and then CMD has to be written and press enter.
  3. Thus the CMD window will get open.

Following are some of the windows commands along with their uses:

  • Ping: for testing network connectivity of two systems by sending an ICMP or Internet Control Message Protocol.
  • PathPing: for determining the network issues. The network issues can be of any router or subnet.
  • Disk copy: copying one floppy disk’s contents into another floppy disk.
  • Cipher: cipher can be used to alter the encryption or display the existing encryption strategy.
  • Shadow: for accessing the remote desktop session remotely

Many other commands can be used for several purposes. It is better than others due to its latest and advanced features and more secure platform.

What is BAT?

In BAT, when an error is visible, the error level variable changes. It runs in the NTDVM environment, which was updated later on. The extension of it can be read in and cmd exe.

When the error level is called, the previous command is executed. It is adapting with CMD for the functions due to a lack of advanced functions.

It executes files from other Windows versions, but some versions do not support this. BAT is used for storing files in .bat format. The program is called a batch file, just a batch script.

For editing the .bat files, any text editor can be used, for example, ms word or notepad. With BAT, users can direct the file as no intervention is required by them due to the sequence operation of files.

Files have their way of execution. It is also used for maintenance and big programs in the windows system.

Main Differences Between CMD and BAT

  1. In terms of scripting, CMD has an advantage as it has improved scripting, whereas the scripting of BAT is older. Scripting of CMD was developed for Windows NT. While for BAT, it was developed for the DOS command prompt.
  2. Files of both of them will not work in all environments. In the case of CMD, it will work in a 16-bit environment, while BAT, they can work in all environments.
  3. They have different versions of Microsoft language, CMD has the latest while BAT has an older version, and hence in terms of the version of Microsoft language also CMD has an advantage over BAT.
  4. CMD is perfectly compatible backwards, whereas BAT is the opposite of it and not backwards compatible.
  5. BAT can only be run in if made to do so. Otherwise, it won’t, whereas CMD runs mostly on
  6. BAT has an advantage over CMD in that it can develop to run in all systems, whereas execution in non-NT systems with CMD is not allowed.
  7. Extensions to run the programs/files are not needed in both of them; it is only required in the case of CMD, while in BAT, no extension is required.
  8. When compared to speed and stability, CMD is better as it is way faster and more stable than BAT, which is comparatively slower and less stable.
  9. CMD can be used in Android as it has an application in android and is not designed only for windows, whereas BAT cannot be used in android due to its design only being suitable for running in windows.
  10. CMD is safer, while BAT is less safe due to the reason of sequence of commands, which does not run in CMD while in BAT, after a file is opened, it runs a sequence of commands making it less safe from security attacks.
Difference Between CMD and BAT
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Last Updated : 11 June, 2023

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8 thoughts on “CMD vs BAT: Difference and Comparison”

  1. It’s interesting to see that CMD supports a wider range of commands than BAT. This article really makes it clear which one to use in different situations.

  2. This article is a great resource for anyone working with these types of files. The comparison table really highlights the contrasts between CMD and BAT.

  3. I find the explanation of how CMD and BAT files differ very useful. It’s easy to understand and will definitely help in choosing the best option for different tasks.

  4. The in-depth comparison of CMD and BAT is very informative. It gives a clear understanding of their differences and when to use each one.

  5. The detailed comparison between CMD and BAT files is really helpful. It’s important to understand the differences when working with different file types.

  6. The breakdown of the main differences between CMD and BAT is extremely useful for those unfamiliar with these file types. It’s a great reference resource.


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