Corn vs Wart: Difference and Comparison

Skin disease is an illness that influences the human skin. However, numerous kinds of skin diseases have either a temporary or permanent effect on the skin. Corn and Wart are two kinds of skin diseases that are extremely similar to each other, yet they are different in many aspects.

Key Takeaways

  1. Corns develop due to skin pressure and friction, while warts result from a viral infection.
  2. Corns mainly appear on the feet, whereas warts can occur on any body part.
  3. Treatment for a corn involves reducing pressure on the affected area, while warts require antiviral medication or removal.

Corn vs Wart

Warts have a grainy, fleshly appearance with black pinpoints. Corns look more like a raised, hard bump surrounded by dry, flaky skin. Corns aren’t caused by viruses and are not contagious, while warts are contagious. Wart occurs anywhere on the foot, while corn occurs only on pressure points.

Corn vs Wart

Corns are generated on the foot, toes, or the side of the ankle by the excess pressure caused on the skin or due to too much friction on the skin. . Corns on foot make a person unable to walk due to enormous pain.

Corn left untreated can be dangerous and painful that can sometimes form severe skin issues.

Warts are generated on the foot, toes, and other parts of the body due to a contagious virus known as Human Papillomavirus. The wart can be transmitted from one person to another through touch, sexual contact, and physical contact with the infected person.

Warts are curable and are treated by a dermatologist under special care.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonCornWart
DefinitionCorn is small, thickened, or stiff dead skin bulging like a bulb in the foot or toes caused by excess pressure environment.Warts are small swelling or tumor-like growth seen in different parts of the body caused by Human Papillomavirus.
CauseCorn is formed due to the excess pressure caused on the skin or due to too much friction on the skin. Wart is infected due to the presence of a contagious virus known as Human Papillomavirus in the body.
Physical AppearanceSmall thickened dead skin is raised.A small dot-like structure is seen.
QuantityOnly one or two is found.Forms a large quantity.
ContagiousIt is not contagious.It is contagious.

What is Corn?

Corns are the stiff, thick, and hard surfaces of the skin that are formed due to excessive friction or too much pressure on the skin that can cause extreme pain while walking. Corn is a very familiar and usual foot issue that can be seen in every individual working under excess pressure.

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Corns are the small cover of hard, thickened dead skin with a small plug of skin in the centre that is raised from the skin and forms a bulb-like structure.

Corns can be treated at home using home remedies such as Soaking the infected foot in hot water for 10 to 15 minutes to sthe hard areas of dead skin presented in Corn and by using a pumice stone or any other sanding object like a skin file.

These treatments should be done consistently twice a day or more to fully cure the infected area.

Corns can be painless at the beginning, but it becomes exceptionally painful when left untreated for a long period. Moreover, corn leads to other critical diseases such as septic arthritis, osteomyelitis, and Bursitis.

Corns are non-contagious as it is a skin problem caused due to friction. As a result, it is unable to get transmitted to another person through any physical contact.


What is Wart?

Wart is the tiny black spots present on the feet, toes, arms, and different parts of the body that are formed due to the presence of a contagious virus known as Human Papillomavirus in the body or due to the excess keratin protein present in the layers of the skin.

Wart is seen in tiny black smooth, and roundish dots or cauliflower-like bulbs present in the top layer of the skin, known as the epithelial cells. Wart tends to grow the excess keratin protein outward into a blob-like structure.

Moreover, it is also seen in the face of the injected person. Wart is painless at the beginning, but it becomes extremely after few days when it is left untreated moreover. Due to its contagious behaviour, it’s suggested to consult a dermatologist to cure it fully.

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Lazer treatment and the Electric arc method are found successful in fully curing the infected area.

Home remedies such as the application of turmeric, apple cider vinegar, tea tree oil, and garlic in the affected areas can be used to cure Warts permanently, but the application should be made under special care to avoid bleeding and spreading the Warts in numerous areas.

Warts are highly contagious skin diseases that are transmitted from one person to another through touching the infected area, physical contact, and sexual contact.

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Main Differences Between Corn and Wart

  1. Corn is formed by too much friction experienced on the skin, whereas Wart is formed due to the presence of a contagious virus.
  2. Corns are small, covered, thickened dead skin with a small plug of skin in the middle that is raised up from the skin, whereas Wart is tiny black smooth and roundish dots.
  3. Corns are not transmittable as they are non-contagious, whereas Warts are transmittable as they are contagious.
  4. Corns are seen in less quantity, whereas Warts can be seen in large quantity.
  5. Corns are found on the foot’s areas, whereas Warts are found in many different parts of the body.
Difference Between Corn and Wart

Last Updated : 11 August, 2023

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19 thoughts on “Corn vs Wart: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The detailed descriptions of corns and warts, along with their treatment methods, provide valuable information for identifying and addressing these skin conditions.

  2. The comparison of corns and warts provides valuable insights into their key differences and respective treatment options, aiding individuals in identifying and addressing these conditions effectively.

    • Indeed, this article offers a comprehensive guide for distinguishing between corns and warts, and understanding the necessary treatment approaches.

  3. The detailed explanations of the causes and physical appearances of corns and warts are integral for better understanding these conditions.

  4. This article provides an in-depth understanding of the physical characteristics and treatment of corns and warts. Very insightful!

  5. The detailed comparison table is particularly useful in highlighting the differences between corns and warts, making it easier to comprehend.

  6. The article provides a clear description of how corns and warts are formed and the key differences in their physical appearance.

  7. The detailed information on how corns and warts are formed, and their respective treatment options is highly useful.

  8. The information on the causes, appearance, and contagious nature of warts, as well as the potential risks of untreated corns, is essential knowledge for everyone.

  9. I appreciate this informative and detailed article about the differences between corns and warts. It is crucial to understand the distinctions for proper treatment.


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