Cyclone vs Hurricane: Difference and Comparison

Our Mother Earth has different types of atmospheric conditions for the different regions. Some places experience extremely hot conditions, while some places experience very cold conditions.

And all these conditions are responsible for some natural calamities in nature. The shifting or moving of tectonic plates leads to volcanic eruptions.

The extreme hot wind or cold wind speed leads to cyclones, hurricanes, typhoons, etc., in the sea.

Key Takeaways

  1. Cyclones are large-scale rotating weather systems that develop over warm ocean waters, while hurricanes specifically refer to the most severe tropical cyclones in the Atlantic and Northeast Pacific.
  2. Hurricanes have wind speeds of at least 74 miles per hour, whereas cyclones can include weaker and stronger weather systems.
  3. Meteorologists use the term “typhoon” for severe tropical cyclones in the Northwest Pacific and “cyclone” for those in the South Pacific and the Indian Ocean.

Cyclone vs Hurricane

The difference between Cyclone and Hurricane is that Cyclones are formed because of the low pressures of wind, whereas comparatively, on the other hand, Hurricane is formed by the different speeds of the air.

The places or regions of occurrence of these natural calamities are also different, and their names depend on it somewhere.

Cyclones are mostly found in the area of the Pacific Ocean, whereas, comparatively, on the other hand, Hurricanes are formed in the places of the Caribbean Sea.

Cyclone vs Hurricane

Cyclones are said to be the general term used for the large tropical storms that are formed in the sea. For different regions, these storms are categorized.

Thus cyclones are categorized as they normally occur in the area of the Pacific Ocean. The speed of the wind during the occurrence of any cyclone is very high. It may range up to 74 m/h to 120 km/h.

Hurricanes are also among the category of huge size storms like Cyclones. The unique feature of a hurricane is that while they are moving, they continuously grow in an upward direction.

The warm water of the sea fulfils the food or the conditions required by any hurricane to last. Hurricanes are storms that last up to seven days.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonCycloneHurricane
DefinitionThese are produced by the extremely low pressure of the wind in its central region and gets accompanied by the bad weather conditionsProduced by the low pressure and bad weather conditions and along with it they are grown inwards and in an upward direction
RotationNorthern Hemisphere – Counterclockwise Southern Hemisphere – ClockwiseNorthern Hemisphere – Counter Clockwise Southern Hemisphere – Clockwise
Intensity High intensityThe different intensities and thus divided into five different subclassification
Frequency10 to 14 years10 to 15 years
LocationPacific OceanCaribbean Sea
MeasurementBeaufort ScaleAnother scale and damage caused is measured in between 1 to 5

What is Cyclone?

Cyclone is a common term that is used for any storm occurring in the sea or ocean.

These storms are named based on their types and locations of their occurrence, so cyclone gets their usual names as they occur in the place or area of the southwest side of the Pacific Ocean.

These are defined as the continuous depression in the air and wind pressure in a central region that gets accompanied by bad weather conditions. When a cyclone hits any area, the place receives a huge cm of rainfall in that region.

The frequency of any cyclone hitting a region is between 10 to 14 years. They are measured by a scale that can tolerate a wind speed up to 300 km/p, the Beaufort scale.

The movement of the cyclone in the northern hemisphere is anticlockwise, while in the southern hemisphere is anticlockwise.


What is Hurricane?

Hurricane is also getting their name just like cyclones depending on the region of their location in the sea or ocean. The storm is named after any God.

They are categorized in a special category of cyclones, and they may have a height of 600 miles.

The intensity of any hurricane may vary, and thus it is sub-classified into many other types. The unique feature of these hurricanes is that they can grow in the direction inwards and upwards while they have one more thing, which is the eye in the centre.

The major point to be noted is that in the region of the eye, the weather conditions are normal while the region beyond the eye experiences a bad weather conditions. The frequency of these hurricanes occurring is between 10 to 15 years.  


Main Differences Between Cyclone and Hurricane

  1. The Cyclones are storms that are produced because of the extremely low conditions in the central regions of it, and along with it, the weather conditions of the region become worst whereas comparatively, on the other hand, Hurricanes are storms that are formed because of the low wind an air pressure in the atmosphere along which the direction of the Hurricane continuously moves inwards and upwards.
  2. The movement of the cyclone in the northern hemisphere is anticlockwise in direction while in the southern hemisphere is clockwise in direction whereas comparatively, on the other hand, the movement of the hurricanes in the northern hemisphere is anticlockwise while for the southern hemisphere region, it is clockwise direction.
  3. Cyclones occur in very high intensity, whereas comparatively, on the other hand, Hurricanes are subclassified based on the different intensity of their occurrence.
  4. The frequency of cyclone storms occurs between 10 to 14 years, whereas comparatively, on the other hand, the frequency of the occurrence of any hurricane in a region lasts between 10 to 15 years.
  5. The region of occurring cyclones is in the Pacific Ocean, whereas comparatively, on the other hand, the region of occurrence of any Hurricane is in the Caribbean Sea.
  6. The cyclones are measured on the scale of Beaufort scale, which ranges up to 300 km/h, whereas, comparatively, on the other hand, hurricanes are measured through another scale while the damages caused may increase in between a range of 1 to 5. 
Difference Between Cyclone and Hurricane
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Last Updated : 11 June, 2023

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11 thoughts on “Cyclone vs Hurricane: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The formation and characteristics of cyclones and hurricanes are influenced by specific atmospheric conditions. The frequency and intensity of these storms necessitate a comprehensive understanding to mitigate their impact.

  2. The comparison table provides a clear overview of the differences between cyclones and hurricanes. Understanding these distinctions is essential for disaster preparedness in regions prone to such natural calamities.

  3. It’s interesting how cyclones, hurricanes, and typhoons share common features, but are named differently and occur in specific regions. The impact they have on the environment and people living in these regions is significant.

    • The meteorological classification based on geographical region, intensity, and wind speed is an important factor in understanding these natural phenomena.

  4. The difference between cyclones, hurricanes, and typhoons, depends on the region they occur. Atmospheric conditions on each of those places are different, leading to the formation of these natural calamities.

  5. The unique features of hurricanes, such as the eye in the center and the direction of their growth, underscore their distinct nature compared to cyclones. Studying these phenomena is crucial for climate research and disaster management.

  6. The contrast between cyclones and hurricanes is remarkable. The factors that influence their formation and the frequency of occurrence underscore the significance of studying these atmospheric conditions in specific regions.

    • The naming convention and the distinct characteristics of cyclones and hurricanes are crucial in understanding the impact they have on different parts of the world.

    • The frequency of these natural calamities points to the need for resilient infrastructure and disaster management policies in regions that are prone to cyclones and hurricanes.

  7. The frequency and intensity of cyclones and hurricanes are influenced by complex atmospheric conditions. The comparative analysis helps in understanding the larger environmental and climatic impact of these natural calamities.

  8. The distinction between cyclones and hurricanes is not only based on wind pressure but also on their location and frequency of occurrence. The impact of these atmospheric phenomena is significant and warrants further study.


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