Domain Name vs DNS: Difference and Comparison

The internet age has given rise to endless possibilities but has also created massive confusion between many new terms that have been rolled out.

These two terms are brought up here and there on the world wide web.

So, in simple terms, a domain name is the name the user puts in to reach a specific IP address.

Now, DNS’s full form is Domain Name System, and as the name suggests, it helps the user get to a specific IP address based on the domain name he has put in first.

To further make it clear enough, here’s an example for you. DNS is like a dictionary or a phonebook.

A domain name is a keyword that helps you get to the meaning of that word or that phone number you are trying to get at.

Key Takeaways

  1. A domain name is an alphanumeric identifier that represents an internet protocol (IP) address, while DNS is a system that translates domain names to IP addresses.
  2. The primary function of a domain name is to provide an easy-to-remember identity for a website. At the same time, DNS enables the internet to function seamlessly by resolving domain names into IP addresses.
  3. While a domain name is registered with a domain registrar, DNS operates through a network of servers that maintain a database of IP addresses and domain names, allowing them to communicate.

Domain Name vs DNS

A domain name is a human-readable label representing an internet resource such as a website. DNS (Domain Name System) is a hierarchical and distributed system that translates domain names into IP addresses and numerical identifiers to locate internet-connected devices.

Domain Name vs DNS

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonDomain NameDNS
MeaningA domain name is a registered name in DNS.Acts as a phonebook for translating human hostnames to internet addresses.
On the basis of ConvenienceEasy to remember and thus user-friendly.Difficult for an average user to understand the machine language.
On the basis of practicalityIt is more practical for the user.It is not practical for the user.
On the basis of timeIt’s a shortcut and saves up much of your valuable time.It’s time-consuming for the user if they do the job of a DNS on their own.
On the basis of functionalitySmaller process.Very lengthy process. myntra.com192.0.2.44  

What is a Domain Name?

A domain name is a shortcut to get to the specific web address we want. Domain name primarily consists of two things.

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One is the website’s name, such as, and the extension followed by that name, such as .com or .org, and the list goes on.

So, when the user types in the search bar, the domain name, such as in this example.

Then, based on that name DNS also known as Domain Name System, picks up the domain name to locate the respective IP address and load the required web page.

A website needs a web server and a domain name to exist and function. So, a domain name plays a very pivotal role in a website.

If domain names didn’t exist, users had to enter the whole IP address to reach a specific webpage.

This makes it an arduous task for the user and would’ve discouraged and diminished the online presence of many. After all, convenience wins the heart of many consumers.

domain name

What is DNS?

It helps the machine understand the human put domain names and convert them into readable IP addresses, which takes one to the desired webpage.

In layman’s terms, DNS is a guide that routes you to the location you want to reach.

It’s like an encyclopedia that has the explanation of multiple things. When a user requests to reach a particular web page by typing in a domain name, this is called a query in technical terms.

To break down the process of DNS, here are a few steps in sequential order that will help you understand it even better. So, without any further ado, let’s get started:

  1. You type a domain name and press enter. E.g.,,,, and
  2. This request is automatically routed to a DNS resolver.
  3. Now, this request is routed to a DNS route name server.
  4. The ISP DNS resolver now routes requests to the TLD server for .com domains.
  5. The process continues until the machine understands exactly where to take you.

Main Differences Between Domain name and DNS

  1. A domain name is the website’s name along with its respective suffix.
  2. DNS is the system that caters to the client’s query by diverting them to the webpage they wish to load on their screen.
  3. It’s easy to type in a domain name in the search bar.
  4. Not an easy job to remember or to find the exact IP address on your own and type it in the search bar.
  5. DNS acts as an intermediary between the user’s input and the machine.
  6. A domain name is a codeword that triggers the DNS to act and get things going.
Difference Between Domain Name and DNS
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Last Updated : 11 June, 2023

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One request?

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26 thoughts on “Domain Name vs DNS: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The article does a great job of clarifying the distinctions between domain names and DNS. The comparison table is particularly helpful.

  2. This article is so informative and well-structured. It’s a great resource for anyone looking to understand the differences between domain names and DNS.

  3. This article provides a comprehensive explanation of domain name and DNS, making it easier to understand for non-tech savvy individuals.

  4. The article effectively highlights why domain names are crucial for the online presence of websites and why DNS is necessary for the smooth functioning of the internet. Well written!

  5. This article is a valuable resource for anyone looking to gain a clear understanding of domain names and DNS. The explanation of the DNS process is particularly illuminating.

  6. This article provides a comprehensive explanation of domain name and DNS, making it easier to understand for non-tech savvy individuals.

  7. The article does a great job of clarifying the distinctions between domain names and DNS. The comparison table is particularly helpful.

  8. The article has effectively simplified a complex topic. The explanation of DNS as a guide that routes you to the location you want to reach is brilliant.

    • The article effectively highlights why domain names are crucial for the online presence of websites and why DNS is necessary for the smooth functioning of the internet. Well written!


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