Fairies vs Pixies: Difference and Comparison

Kids worldwide have been raised telling stories that can add value to their moral beliefs. Incidentally, these stories are meant to instil belief in God and life.

It may be noticed such folklore shall have certain characters depicted as good and evil entities. Moreover, such characters feature in certain animated films and comics as well.

Such displays of characters that the kids can see and the stories they listen to create a world of difference during childhood. They can quickly find a connection between what they hear and see.

Fairies and Pixies are two prominent entities in folklore that are also featured in comics. These characters feature in many stories in many situations, mainly in offering help, support, gifts and miracles.

Though many identify Fairies and Pixies as the same, a few differences exist between them. These entities sometimes may not be indicated while a mother tells a story, but it can be seen and experienced that there are a few apparent differences between the two.

Key Takeaways

  1. Fairies are mythical creatures originating from European folklore, depicted as tiny, winged human-like beings with magical powers.
  2. Pixies are also mythical beings from European folklore, particularly from British tales, characterized as small, mischievous, and sometimes wingless creatures.
  3. Both fairies and pixies are popular in literature, art, and popular culture, but they differ in their origins, physical characteristics, and the nature of their magical abilities.

Fairies vs Pixies

Fairies are tiny mythical being in folklore described as a form of spirits possessing magic powers and dwell on earth in close relationship with humans. Pixies are mythical beings of British folklore described as tiny elf-like, cheerful, and mischievous spirit or fairy.

Fairies vs


Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonFairiesPixies
SizeFairies are 6 inches in size.Pixies are 4 inches in size
WingsDragonfly wings, longer than their bodyButterfly wings and shorter ones
GenderBoth Male and Female Fairies are available in comics and filmsThere is no gender distinction in the Pixies
AppearanceThey are miniature humans and have human-like featuresThey do not have any human-like features, and they have coloured skin and hair
NatureFairies are kind and loveablePixies are mischievous and rude
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What are Fairies?

Fairies are the most popular fictitious characters featured in many folklore worldwide. They mostly feature in situations when there is help or support needed.

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Fairies are miniature humans. They are depicted as 6 inches human-like creatures with dragonfly wings.

In certain animated films, the fairies have different wings too. The common factor among all the fairies is they have wings longer than their 6-inch body.

It is also observed that the fairies are displayed in dresses. They dress up cutely for the colour of their wings.

Fairies behave just like humans in all the stories. Fairies are considered very kind and loveable at all levels.

Despite gender differences, female fairies are prominent in all comics and animated films. It can be seen that the fairies, most of the time, spend their day being within the bushes of flowers and bugs.

Fairies are portrayed as angel-like creatures with miraculous powers to support the main characters in the story. They are the ones who give wealth and intelligence with a click.

Fairies are allergic to silver and, at the same time, are also found living underwater. They love eating fruits and cheese very much.


What are Pixies?

Fairies are not as famous as the Fairies, but they are miniature beings with no human-like features like the Fairies. Pixies have coloured skin and are also spotted with hair on their head.

However, the head is covered with a pointed hat in all animated films and has wings attached to its body. It has shorter butterfly wings.

The Pixies are 4 inches long. However, the physical characterization of Pixies is made so that they do not wear any clothes.

But in a few comics, it can also be seen with clothes. Pixies, unlike the fairies, are rude and naughty.

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They are named for putting people in trouble and gaining happiness from it. Comics or animated films have not differentiated their gender so far.

They fly along with the bushes and consume nectar as their prime source of food. They are depicted as rude and tend to fight for their loved ones.

They are found picking fights with the fairies. Unlike the Fairies, the Pixies are super fast in movement.

Some comics portray them to be ferocious too. They live for 20 years, and incidentally, they are allergic to silver.

Main Differences Between Fairies and Pixies

  1. The main difference between Fairies and Pixies is that Fairies are miniature human-like creatures with human behaviour, while Pixies are miniature beings with insect-like behaviour.
  2. The Fairies are 6 inches long, while the Pixies are 4 inches long, making the latter look smaller than the human miniature.
  3. The Fairies have dragonfly wings that are longer than their body, while the pixies have butterfly wings it is shorter than their body.
  4. The Fairies are found to eat fruits and cheese, while Pixies survive on nectar and pollen.
  5. Male and female fairies are available, but the Pixies are not gendered-specific.
Difference Between Fairies and
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About Author

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.