GED vs High School Diploma: Difference and Comparison

There are many ways to complete our school education. If we are more willing to pursue this further, we can join some colleges as well.

For that, we need something to show that we have a good education which is equivalent to 12th grade. It can be done by two methods one is a GED, and the other is a high school diploma, and they are written by many students. 

Key Takeaways

  1. A General Educational Development (GED) is an alternative credential for individuals who still need to complete high school. In contrast, a high school diploma is earned by finishing a traditional high school program.
  2. The GED consists of various tests in various subjects, whereas a high school diploma is awarded based on coursework, credits, and overall academic performance.
  3. Employers and colleges prefer high school diplomas, but a GED can still provide access to job opportunities and higher education.

GED vs High School Diploma

GED stands for General Educational Development Test and is a credential that is equivalent to a high school diploma. The exam is written by those who fail to complete high school. High school diploma is a certificate given after finishing high school and is required by those who want to further their studies.

GED vs High School Diploma

A GED is an exam written by people who fail to complete their high school, and it is considered a diploma so that with the help of that, students can proceed further with their studies.

But having a GED will not always guarantee that you can find a job easily. It is considered to be very hard to find a job, especially when you are searching for a job in the United States.

A high school diploma is equivalent to getting a 12th-passed certificate. It is crucial, especially when you plan to study further.

These are completed by people who just left their 10th standard. So, they will write this exam to qualify and continue applying for colleges based on their score. This diploma is beneficial for getting admission to colleges.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonGEDHigh School Diploma
DefinitionIt is similar to a high school diplomaIt is taken by students who left their education after the 10th standard.
Requirements in EducationStudents are not required to have any specific requirements in educationStudents should have completed some specific education for a high school diploma
TestingThey have four levels of tests to get selectedThey have to write a test in each of their subjects
OptionYou can easily complete and get the certificate in a few monthsThis will be useful for students who want to go to college
WorkforceIf you are planning to do a job, then GED is the best option for youBut a high school diploma will not guarantee a job for you

What is GED?

GED is similar to your high school diploma. With the help of your GED score, you can apply for colleges or even jobs. It is very famous in the United States of America.

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More than 98% of schools in the US used to accept GED for their admission process. That includes community colleges, private schools, and universities. The expansion of the GED is a general educational development test. 

When you have a GED certificate, it is equal to having a 12th-grade school certificate. The value is that much worth it. All your work will be done online, and you can even study from the comfort of your home with an internet connection.

It will allow you to study like every other people. In India, GED is considered a diploma that most people study when they stop studying after 10th and decide to do GED as a diploma.

Also, students do GED when they fail to get a high school certificate. Studying GED and completing it depends on one’s abilities. If you have an excellent ability to study, then it won’t be hard for you.

If you are not interested in learning, it will become tough for you to complete it. It also has less information on the subject, which makes it somewhat easier compared to the other exams.

Studying for GED will not cost you much, and you have to complete all 4 papers in them.

ged students

What is High School Diploma?

It is something that will leave you with a high school graduation certificate. When a student completes high school, he or she will be able to get a GED certificate for their completion.

This certificate will be precious to them when they want to join a college to make a good and effective resume, making their selection process easier. With the help of this, some students can even apply for jobs as well.

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But again, getting a job just with the help of a high school diploma is not an easy task. People can’t simply hire you just because you have completed a high school diploma.

Even if you land some jobs, they will be very basic, and you have to work hard to reach some significant positions. Having a high school diploma will help you to gain some practical skills.

A high school diploma will show how much hard work you have put into learning that.

Because in high school, it is very similar to getting a 12th grade. Here you have to write exams in whatever subject you learn. You can’t skip any exam and move forward. It will come under the type of general diploma.

It will indicate that you have met all the basic requirements for further education. 


Main Differences Between GED and High School Diploma

  1. An exam that is taken by students who want a certificate that is equivalent to a high school diploma is called GED. On the other hand, students who want a certificate equal to the 12th standard take a high school diploma.
  2. In GED, you have to write four exams. On the other hand, for a high school diploma, you have to write an exam in each subject.
  3. Studying for GED is not difficult as it will contain only the essential things. But studying for a high school diploma is a difficult task as it is crucial.
  4. You can efficiently complete the GED within a few months. But it will take more time to complete the high school diploma.
  5. With the help of a GED, you can search for jobs. But with the help of a high school diploma, it isn’t easy to get placed in a job.
Difference Between GED and High School Diploma

Last Updated : 13 July, 2023

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