Gout vs Plantar Fasciitis: Difference and Comparison

Foot injuries can be severe. Even if the injury is not too severe, it can still make basic movements difficult for a time. Two injuries that are confused with each other are Gout and Plantar Fasciitis.

Even though both of these injuries cause difficulty in movement, they still vary in almost everything else.

Key Takeaways

  1. Gout is caused by excess uric acid in the body, while plantar fasciitis is caused by inflammation in the foot’s plantar fascia ligament.
  2. Gout primarily affects the joints, while plantar fasciitis affects the foot’s heel area.
  3. Gout is treated with medication and lifestyle changes, while plantar fasciitis is treated with rest, stretching, and physical therapy.

Gout vs Plantar Fasciitis

The difference between gout and plantar fasciitis is that gout can affect any joint of the body, such as the wrist, ankle, etc., whereas plantar fasciitis affects the foot only. Both injuries’ causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, etc., also vary significantly.

Gout vs Plantar Fasciitis

Gout is a disease that is a common form of inflammatory arthritis. It mostly affects the big toe joint but can also affect any other joint in the body. It can be very painful when symptoms worsen, and gout flares appear.

Plantar fasciitis is a disease resulting from a plantar fascia’s inflammation. It only affects the bottom of the foot that runs from the heel to the toes. Most plantar fasciitis cases resolve by themselves without professional treatment.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonGoutPlantar Fasciitis
CausesExcessive uric acid in the blood.Physical activity, overweight, pregnancy.
Affected AreaIt can affect any of the joints in the body.It only affects the foot.
SymptomsReddish joints, swelling, intense pain, etc.Heel pain, arch pain, etc.
DiagnosisJoint fluid test, Ultrasound, etc.MRI test, X-ray test, etc.
TreatmentMedications include NSAIDs, Corticosteroids, etc.Ultrasonic tissue repair, physical therapy

What is Gout?

Gout is a disease that is a result of hyperuricemia. Hyperuricemia is defined as a rise of uric acid in the blood. Dehydration, metabolism disorders, blood disorders, etc., cause this rise in uric acid.

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Gout affects about 4% of the population worldwide. The disease can affect any of the joints in the body but is most common in the big toe joint.

Some common symptoms of gout include swelling and redness of the affected joint, burning sensation, and tenderness in the joint to the point where it is unbearable to touch.

If mild gout is left untreated, it can become much more severe to the point where it cannot be cured and lasts for a lifetime. However, medications and physical therapy can marginally reduce the symptoms to mild discomfort only.

Since gout is a result of hyperuricemia, it is linked to diseases beyond the joints. Therefore, gout can cause many other organ-related problems, including permanent joint stiffness, cardiovascular diseases, kidney damage, etc.

Gout is more commonly observed in middle-aged men and is caused by both genetics and environmental factors. People with diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, etc., are prone to gout. However, the inheritance of this disease is scientifically unclear.


What is Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar Fasciitis is a disease that is caused by the inflammation of the Plantar Fascia. Plantar Fascia is a thick fibrous tissue that connects the heel to the toes of the foot.

It supports and balances the foot arch, which helps in walking. Plantar Fasciitis affects about 10% of people worldwide. The disease affects only the heel of the foot and is one of the most common causes of heel pain.

Some symptoms of plantar fasciitis include stabbing pain in the heel and arch, limping, swelling, and tenderness of the feet. The pain is excessive when walking after prolonged inactivity or rest.

Mild symptoms of the disease are self-treated. However, in some cases, untreated plantar fasciitis can result in small tears in the plantar fascia.

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As a result, the pain gradually keeps increasing before it becomes a serious injury. Therefore, getting the condition diagnosed in its early stages is still advisable. Both men and women above 40 years of age only get affected by plantar fasciitis.

Overweight people possess an even higher risk because of the increased pressure on the plantar fascia. There are promising treatments available for the disease, including physical therapy, steroidal surgeries, and other medications.

plantar fasciitis

Main Differences Between Gout and Plantar Fasciitis

  1. Gout is treated by a medical professional, whereas plantar fasciitis, in most cases, is self-treated.
  2. Gout can affect any of the joints in the body, whereas plantar fasciitis affects only the foot.
  3. Severe gout does not have a direct cure, and mild symptoms last for a lifetime. On the other hand, plantar fasciitis can be cured with promising treatments.
  4. Gout is not a common disease, whereas plantar fasciitis has become much more common than a few decades ago.
  5. Untreated gout can cause various other problems in all internal organs of the body, whereas untreated plantar fasciitis causes problems in only the lower body.
Difference Between Gout and Plantar Fasciitis
  1. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/ar2952
  2. https://journals.healio.com/doi/full/10.3928/0147-7447-19931001-13

Last Updated : 11 June, 2023

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14 thoughts on “Gout vs Plantar Fasciitis: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The detailed symptoms of gout and plantar fasciitis are enlightening, shedding light on the potential signs individuals should be aware of when considering these conditions.

    • I couldn’t agree more. Recognizing the symptoms earlier can lead to better treatment outcomes for individuals affected by these conditions.

  2. The comparison table is a valuable addition to the article, allowing for a more logical approach to understanding gout and plantar fasciitis.

    • Absolutely, the table effectively summarizes the essential aspects of these two conditions, making it easier for readers to comprehend.

  3. The scientific references included in the article bolster the credibility of the information presented, ensuring readers can trust the content.

    • I absolutely agree. It’s crucial to have reliable sources to support the information shared about medical conditions like gout and plantar fasciitis.

  4. The clear differentiation between the demographics and risk factors for gout and plantar fasciitis is crucial in understanding the predisposition to these conditions.

    • Absolutely. Identifying the specific populations at risk for each condition is essential in ensuring early intervention and appropriate management.

    • I share the same view. Understanding the demographic and risk factors can enhance public health efforts to prevent these conditions effectively.

  5. The discussions on the potential long-term implications of untreated gout and plantar fasciitis are highly pertinent and emphasize the importance of early intervention.

  6. The gout vs plantar fasciitis comparison table is very useful. It simplifies the information for readers to understand the main differences between the two conditions.


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