Gynaecomastia vs Breast Cancer: Difference and Comparison

As per the World Health Organization, 9.8 million people died due to cancer in 2018. Also, in India, about 1300 people are dying every day due to cancer.

Cancer has become the 2nd most reason that is causing death around the world. Cancer, a group of diseases that leads to abnormal cell growth, can spread and harm other body parts.

There are different types of cancer, and they are named after the area in which they affect the body. Out of all the types of cancer, let’s talk about Breast Cancer and other diseases like Gynaecomastia.

Key Takeaways

  1. Gynecomastia is a benign enlargement of male breast tissue, while breast cancer is a malignant growth of cells in the breast tissue.
  2. Gynecomastia presents as a symmetrical, rubbery mass beneath the nipple, whereas breast cancer may manifest as an irregular, hard lump.
  3. Gynecomastia results from hormonal imbalances, while breast cancer has various risk factors, including genetic predisposition and environmental influences.

Gynaecomastia vs Breast Cancer

Gynaecomastia is a common condition that causes the breast tissue in males to swell and become larger than normal. This condition is caused by an imbalance of hormones in the body. Breast cancer is a type of cancer that develops in the breast tissue. It can occur in both men and women, although it is much more common in women.

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Gynaecomastia is a non-life-threatening growth of tissue in the male breast. It is common in males. It is due to hormonal imbalance.

This disease is only associated with an increase in the overall size of the breast. Either there is a change in the shape of one side or both unevenly.

Drugs can cure but for severe cases, the requirement of surgery. There is no such close monitoring after the treatment of Gynaecomastia.

Breast Cancer is a life-threatening disease. It can occur both in males and females.

But it is higher in women than males. Sign of breast cancer is “changing in the shape of the breast, development of red patch on the skin, etc.

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It is one of the reasons which led to an increase in death among women. There are different types of stages in breast cancer, i.e., from stages 0-4.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonGynaecomastiaBreast Cancer
Nature of the diseaseIt is a non- cancerous disease.It is a life threatning cancerous disease.
Occuranceonly in maleBoth male and female
Treatmenteither through drugs or operationthrough radiotherapy or chemotherapy
Cost of treatmentaffordablenot affordable for everyone
Causemainly due to harmonal disordermultiple reasons like genetic, size of breast, mutation in the BRCA1 AND BRCA2

What is Gynaecomastia?

Gynaecomastia is a common, non-life-threatening disease occurring in boys or men. An increase in the amount of breast gland tissue is due to an imbalance of hormones.

The disbalance of estrogen and testosterone is the primary reason. It occurs on either both sides or one side of the breast.

It may affect unevenly. Newly born male babies during the puberty stage or older men may be affected by Gynaecomastia.

It is the result of hormonal disbalance. There are two hormones responsible for this.

Either there is a decrease in testosterone or an increase in estrogen. Some other reasons are also responsible for Gynaecomastia.

It isn’t a severe problem. It causes pain in the breast.

Gynaecomastia is more common between the age group of 50 to 69. At least one in four men in this group are suffering from this disease.

Early medication is possible at home by following some tips like regular exercise, saying no to alcohol, no stress, proper diet, etc.


What is Breast Cancer?

Breast Cancer is a life-threatening disease. It starts in the breast, so it is called breast cancer.

In this case, cells grow at full speed. It forms tumours. Women are more vulnerable than males. Its visibility is possible in X-rays.

There are different stages(stages 0 to stage 4) of breast cancer. The doctor classifies these stages according to the size of a tumour.

In stage 0, no invasion takes place, and cancer cells are limited to within ducts. In the first stage, the growth of the tumour is up to 2 centimetres.

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In the second stage, the tumour’s size is about 2 to 5 cm. In stage 3, the tumour crosses 5 cm.

In the 4th stage, it spreads to the other part like the liver, brains, etc.

The cause of breast cancer is unclear, but in maximum cases, women who carry certain types of mutation in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 have a higher chance of developing breast cancer.

Also, women with denser breasts have a chance of breast cancer. These are some of the reasons.

The treatment cost of breast cancer is not cheap. Treatment is expensive.

The death rate in women is much higher. Rarely do men die due to breast cancer.

Awareness is the need of the hour for a healthy lifestyle to avoid such diseases.

breast cancer

Main Differences Between Gynaecomastia and Breast Cancer

  1. Gynaecomastia is a non-cancerous disease. Breast cancer is a cancerous disease.
  2. Gynaecomastia is a non-life-threatening disease, whereas breast cancer is a life-threatening disease.
  3. Gynaecomastia occurs in males, but breast cancer can occur in both males and females.
  4. Treatment for Gynaecomastia is either through drugs or surgery(in severe cases). But, treatment for breast cancer is radiation therapy or chemotherapy.
  5. Diagnosis of Gynaecomastia is excellent, but the diagnosis of breast cancer depends on stages.
Difference Between Gynaecomastia and Breast Cancer



Last Updated : 13 February, 2024

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26 thoughts on “Gynaecomastia vs Breast Cancer: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The article provides a comprehensive account of gynaecomastia and breast cancer, emphasizing the importance of early detection and prompt medical intervention. It’s crucial for everyone to be well-informed about these health conditions.

    • The detailed examination of the causes and effects of gynaecomastia and breast cancer aids in fostering greater awareness and understanding of these diseases to promote timely interventions.

  2. The article correctly highlights the difference between gynaecomastia and breast cancer. Breast cancer is a dangerous disease that affects both men and women. It’s imperative for people to be aware of the signs and seek medical attention.

    • It’s essential to understand the different stages of breast cancer, as early detection can significantly improve the chances of successful treatment.

    • The detailed comparison table provided is quite informative. People should be familiar with the differences in nature, occurrence, and treatment of gynaecomastia and breast cancer.

  3. The article provides valuable insights into the differences between gynaecomastia and breast cancer. It’s essential for individuals to recognize the symptoms and seek medical assistance when necessary.

    • The detailed comparison table efficiently summarizes the distinct characteristics of gynaecomastia and breast cancer, facilitating a clear understanding of these concerning health conditions.

    • The delineation of the symptoms and stages of breast cancer is informative and emphasizes the significance of early diagnosis and appropriate treatment for improved patient outcomes.

  4. The explanation of gynaecomastia and breast cancer is very well articulated. It’s crucial to recognize the factors causing these conditions and understand the variations in treatments.

    • The detailed description of the diverse stages of breast cancer is enlightening. It’s a wake-up call for everyone to pay attention to their health and take preventative measures.

    • The article adequately explains the differences in the causes of gynaecomastia and breast cancer. This knowledge can help individuals identify warning signs and obtain appropriate care.

  5. The article delivers well-documented information about gynaecomastia and breast cancer. It’s essential to raise awareness about the risk factors and early identification of these conditions.

    • The detailed explanation of the causes and effects of breast cancer highlights the importance of regular health screenings for early detection and treatment.

    • A comprehensive understanding of gynaecomastia and breast cancer is vital for informed decision-making regarding preventive care and necessary medical interventions.

  6. The detailed delineation of gynaecomastia and breast cancer is informative and underscores the need for improved awareness and knowledge about these health conditions. It’s crucial for individuals to recognize the signs and symptoms and seek prompt medical attention when necessary.

    • Greater education and awareness about gynaecomastia and breast cancer are critical in cultivating a proactive approach towards personal health and well-being.

  7. The article’s comprehensive overview of gynaecomastia and breast cancer is insightful. It’s essential for individuals to recognize the signs and adopt preventive measures for their health and well-being.

    • Educating individuals about the potential symptoms of breast cancer is crucial. It encourages timely medical attention and empowers individuals to take proactive steps towards early detection.

    • The article effectively outlines the varying stages of breast cancer, emphasizing the need for regular health check-ups and vigilance in detecting any possible signs of the disease.

  8. This article provides valuable information about gynaecomastia and breast cancer. It’s crucial for individuals to be knowledgeable about these conditions to seek early intervention.

    • Understanding the significance of hormonal imbalances in gynaecomastia allows for better comprehension of the condition and promotes awareness about preventive measures.

  9. The comparison between gynaecomastia and breast cancer presents essential distinctions. It highlights the severity of breast cancer and the necessity of early diagnosis and effective treatments.

    • The article effectively details the differences in nature and treatment of gynaecomastia and breast cancer. A thorough understanding of these conditions is fundamental for personal health management.

  10. The comprehensive information presented about gynaecomastia and breast cancer is valuable in enhancing public knowledge and understanding of these conditions. It highlights the necessity of early intervention and proactive health management.

    • Understanding the potential causes and effects of gynaecomastia and breast cancer is essential for promoting timely care and improved health outcomes.

    • The article effectively communicates the various stages of breast cancer and the importance of regular health screenings to facilitate early detection and appropriate treatment.


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