Headphone vs Earphone: Difference and Comparison

To keep yourself away from the chaos of the world, you need to keep your ears shut. Modern technologies have many gadgets for this.

Key Takeaways

  1. Headphones are worn over the head and cover the entire ear, while earphones are worn inside the ear canal.
  2. Headphones are larger and provide better sound quality than earphones.
  3. Earphones are more portable and convenient, while headphones are more comfortable for extended periods.

Headphone vs Earphone

Headphones are designed to be worn over the head, with earcups that cover the entire ear. They come in a variety of designs, including open-back, closed-back, and noise-cancelling. Earphones, or in-ear headphones or earbuds, are designed to fit inside the ear canal. They come in a variety of designs, including wired and wireless.

Headphone vs Earphone

Headphones are a pair of small speakers that are more expensive than earphones. Headphones are costly but provide good quality sound in low and mid-range, whereas earphones don’t provide good quality sound in the low range.

Earphones consist of a device inserted into the ears that produce sound. Hearing earphones at a high volume for a large amount of time can cause difficulties in the ear.

Comparison Table

Parameter of ComparisonHeadphoneEarphone
Cost Headphones are low-prices Earphones are high-priced
Sound Quality Not good in low-range Superior in low and mid-range
Noise CancellationDesirable noise cancellation It has noise cancellation
Airflow It has little to no airflow It has less airflow
Performance Low but has a mic High but doesn’t have a mic
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What is Headphone?

Headphones are a pair of small loudspeaker drivers worn on or around the head over a user’s ear. It converts the electrical signal to sound and lets the user listen privately. 

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When in 1878, the beginning of the loudspeaker was marked, it did not take long for people to realize that one’s entertainment became a nuisance for the other one.

Often some of the other products top the gadget rank. Why? It’s just because of the characteristics of the products.

The product loaded with excellent qualities will outperform. Some of the aspects which should be kept in mind while buying headphones are –

  • Water-Resistant
  • Voice Assistant 
  • Bone Conduction
  • Sound Amplification
  • Noise Cancellation
  • Good combo of Bass and Treble 

Headphones ranging from Closed-back Headphones, Open-back Headphones,

Over-ear Headphones, On-ear Headphones, In-ear Headphones, Bluetooth Headphones, Noise Cancelling Headphones, Circumaural Headphones, Supra-aural Headphones, and Bone Conduction Headphones are available in the market.


What is Earphone?

These are tiny speakers that are inserted in our ears to dive into the magic of music. They allow us to silence the world for the time it’s in our ear and enjoys our own company.

Hearing them at a Higher volume can cause damage to the ears. They can be as harmful as the sound produced by bikes. Although they are so small, the high volume can create tension in our ears.

How Should It Be Used?

  1. Many doctors suggest the 60% for a 60-minute rule, that is, to use earphones at 60% volume and also for 60 minutes. Then, let the ears rest for a few hours.
  2. Don’t let the volume be so high that people near you easily hear the music which you are listening to in your ears.
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Parts of Earphones

  • Outer Earbud Shell
  • Magnet
  • Diaphragm
  • Coil
  • Earphone cords 

 Thin cords, small speakers, and miniature earbuds are about an inch, but this tiny arrangement produces an incredibly high volume of sound to the length.

How does Earphone Work?

  • Meta coil that is getting charged by the electrical current flows through the wire of earphones.
  • This charge produces a magnetic effect that moves back and forth and meanwhile stretches the diaphragm.

Main Differences Between Headphone and Earphone

  1. Headphones are less convenient, whereas earphones have a mic and are more convenient. 
  2. Headphones are categorized into on-ear headphones, circumaural headphones, and headset headphones, whereas earphones are categorized as in-ear headphones, earbud earphones, sports earphones, and Bluetooth earphones.
Difference Between Headphone and Earphone
  1. https://journals.lww.com/ear-hearing/Fulltext/2007/06000/Output_Levels_of_Commercially_Available_Portable.00002.aspx

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Sandeep Bhandari
Sandeep Bhandari

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.


    • Definitely, even those who aren’t familiar with technical jargon can understand and benefit from reading this.

    • I agree, it is helpful to have an understanding of the origins in order to appreciate the current state of the technology.

    • Absolutely! You don’t realize how much technology is packed into such small devices until you read about it.

    • Yes, I think so too. The comparison table is particularly useful to understand which device is suitable for each of us.

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