Hindu Astrology vs Western Astrology: Difference and Comparison

Both Hindu Astrology and Western Astrology are equally effective as they use various methods to determine a person’s behaviour, nature, vents, and prediction.

The difference in both methods lies in the fact that Hindu Astrology follows the Sidereal system based on the position of the constellations, while Western Astrology uses the Tropical Calendar to determine to aforementioned elements.

Key Takeaways

  1. Hindu astrology, or Jyotish, is based on the sidereal zodiac, while Western astrology utilizes the tropical zodiac.
  2. Jyotish emphasizes the importance of the Moon and the concept of karma, whereas Western astrology highlights the sun and individual personality traits.
  3. Hindu astrology features the unique system of Vedic nakshatras, while Western astrology relies on the 12 zodiac signs.

Hindu Astrology vs Western Astrology 

The difference between Hindu Astrology and Western Astrology is that the zodiac signs are determined based on the position of the Constellation, which is also known as the Sidereal Zodiac, whereas in Western Astrology, it is based on seasonal matters and thus also called to be Tropical Zodiac.

Hindu Astrology vs Western Astrology

In Hindu Astrology, the Constellations play a major role in the determination of a person’s behaviour, nature and fortune.

It uses other planets like the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, and two nodes of the moon, which are Rahu and Ketu.

The combination of Planetary movements and the Date of Birth of the subject are used for the production of the Horoscope in Hindu Astrology.

Western Astrology believes that the Sun is the most important factor. The Sun Western Astrology majorly influences all the events that take place on the Earth is mainly Horoscopic and where the sky has been divided into 88 constellations and consists of 12 signs.

Comparison Table

Parameters Of TableHindu AstrologyWestern Astrology
Zodiac signs

The zodiacs are determined based on Constellation.The zodiacs are determined seasonally.
PlanetsThe planets are only visible,The planets are visible, plus Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.
Planets in SignsIt is used in various ways, to understand the planet’s strengths.It is central to the chart interpretation.
Rulership of the signs

Traditionally, Aquarius to Saturn, Scorpio to Mars, and Pisces to Jupiter.Scorpio to Pluto, Aquarius to Uranus, and Pisces to Neptune.
House System
House SystemTwo major house systems are used.It is ascendant on the first house cusp. One of the many systems are selected.
AspectsOpposition and Conjunction by whole signs.Aspects are only related to planets and angles.
Basis of CalculationIt is based on the date and time of birth of the subject.It is only based on the date of birth of the subject.
The shape of Jataka or Janam Kundli
In Hindu Astrology it is square in shape.
In Western Astrology, it is circular in shape.

What is Hindu Astrology?

The system of Astrology in Hindu Astrology is known as Jyotisha. Various names like Vedic Astrology or Indian Astrology know it.

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Some controversies relate to the fact that Hindu Astrology might have also developed from the interaction of Greek Astrology.

Hindu or Vedic Astrology predicts the events or behaviour of an individual by calculating the movements of celestial bodies.

Hindu Astrology mainly consists of the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Mars, and the two nodes of the moon- Rahu and Ketu.

Hindu Astrology is not influenced by the planets Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto, unlike Western Astrology. The Date of Birth and the planetary movements together combine to produce a horoscope.

The Jataka is square in shape in Hindu Astrology.

Vedic Astrology has six different branches:- 

1. Gola- It deals with the Astronomical position of the planets.

2. Ganita- These are the mathematical tools that are used to derive the calculations of astronomical positions.

3. Jataka – This is basically an individual’s birth chart, which consists of character, trait, success, luck, and failure.

4. Prashna- This branch deals with the process of finding answers to an individual’s questions. It mainly depends on the time when the question is asked and also the date and time of birth of the individual.

5. Muhurta- It deals with the time when a person takes life’s most important decisions.

6. Nimita- It depicts war and disease.

hindu astrology

What is Western Astrology?

Western astrology is a system of astrology that is largely popular in Western countries. Western Astrology uses the principle of the Tropical Zodiac to predict any person or individual’s luck or future events.

Western Astrology has its beginning in Ptolemy’s Tetrabiblos, which is a continuation of Babylonian traditions.

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The main principle of Western Astrology is the relationship between the Sun and the Earth is only dependent on the Date of Birth of the person or individual.

Babylonian astrology and thoughts have a close relation to European thoughts and traditions.

In Western Astrology, there are a total of 12 signs, and these signs are divided into four basic elements of the Earth: Fire, Earth, Air, and Water.

These signs are also divided into three qualities Cardinal, fixed, and mutable. The shape of the Jataka is Circular which is much different from that of Hindu Astrology.

Western astrology does not consider Constellations during calculation. Since Western Astrology is entirely dependent on the position and the movement of the Sun, thus it is mainly used to focus on an individual’s psychology, character, and personality. It does not use the “Dasha System,” unlike Hindu Astrology.

western astrology

Main Differences Between Hindu Astrology and Western Astrology 

  1. The zodiac signs are determined by the position of constellations, known as the Sidereal Zodiac in Hindu Astrology. In contrast, it is determined seasonally in the case of Western Astrology, which is known as the Tropical Zodiac.
  2. Hindu Astrology had its roots 500 years ago in India, whereas Western Astrology had its origins 2000 years ago in Greece and Babylon.
  3. Hindu Astrology uses the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, and Rahu-Ketu, the two moon nodes, for the calculation of prediction. Western Astrology only uses planets like Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.
  4. Hindu astrology uses both the date and time of birth for the calculation, while Western astrology only uses the date of birth.
  5. The shape of Jataka or Janam Kundli in Hindu Astrology is Square, whereas that of Western astrology is Circular.
Difference Between Hindu Astrology and Western Astrology
  1. https://books.google.co.in/books?hl=en&lr=&id=SKBxa-MNqA8C&oi=fnd&pg=PA376&dq=Difference+Between+Hindu+Astrology+and+Western+Astrology&ots=jm5V0PlJ6D&sig=0on2G_zbnHpkBs00rRjgN7etvVU&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=Difference%20Between%20Hindu%20Astrology%20and%20Western%20Astrology&f=false
  2. https://books.google.co.in/books?hl=en&lr=&id=jBzSLNNbTWwC&oi=fnd&pg=PA1&dq=Difference+Between+Hindu+Astrology+and+Western+Astrology&ots=zocZxmlOwq&sig=yDWM63X7JQcGmickxqgWgX-D7mo&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false

Last Updated : 13 July, 2023

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6 thoughts on “Hindu Astrology vs Western Astrology: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The differences in methodology are really intriguing. It would be nice to see some examples of predictions from each form to analyze their effectiveness. I think that’s the true test of their value.

  2. It’s not surprising that both methods have distinct techniques. It’s a reflection of the rich and varied cultural traditions that have contributed to their development.

  3. I find the different approaches to be quite fascinating. It’s interesting to see how the interpretation of planetary movements varies between these two astrological systems.

  4. Astrology has always been a topic of debate. However, exploring these differences can help bring a greater understanding of each approach and the reasons for these variations.

  5. Astrology has always been an interest of mine. It’s interesting to see how the Hindu and Western methods are different. Each method seems to have its advantages and uses.

  6. A debate between prophecies! This will go on and on. I’m amazed to see how the two systems differ so widely in their methods, yet both aim to achieve the same outcome. Such an interesting topic.


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