Oxycodone vs Percocet: Difference and Comparison

Several drugs have been introduced, from natural products such as opium to synthetic drugs like methadone. However, narcotic drugs, in other words, Narcotic analgesics, are always exercised under the control of certified professionals and used as pain relievers.

Key Takeaways

  1. Oxycodone is a powerful pain reliever used to manage moderate to severe pain.
  2. Percocet is a combination of oxycodone and acetaminophen used to manage pain and reduce fever.
  3. The main difference between Oxycodone and Percocet is that Percocet contains an additional ingredient, acetaminophen, which enhances its effectiveness as a pain reliever.

Oxycodone vs Percocet

Oxycodone is an opioid pain medication that is used to manage moderate to severe pain. It works by binding to specific receptors in the brain and spinal cord to decrease the perception of pain. Percocet is a combination medication that contains oxycodone and acetaminophen, a non-opioid pain reliever. Acetaminophen is added to enhance the pain-relieving effects of oxycodone and reduce fever.

Oxycodone vs Percocet

Oxycodone is a pain medication in the family of opioids. Following that, Thebaine is the progenitor of Oxycodone, which was founded in Germany in 1916 as a part of the Opioid drug family. 

On the other hand, Percocet is also a type of narcotic drug, but four combinations of Oxycodone with acetaminophen together produce Percocet. It is used in short-term pain-relieving cases.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonOxycodonePercocet
DefinitionOxycodone is a narcotic drug issued as a pain relief mediation, which aids to manage by assuaging severe acute or invertebrate pain. Oxycodone is a pain medication among the family of opioids.Percocet is a narcotic drug that mixes four combinations of  Oxycodone with acetaminophen together to produce Percocet for tempering short-term pain. 
Etymology Oxycodone originated from Thebaine in Germany in 1916 as quality life pain relief generic mediation. Percocet is also a part of the drug family termed as Opioids, which got approved in 1976 by the US FDA.
PurposeOxycodone is mainly made for moderate-severe pain which may direct the human brain to respond to the pain and ameliorate the quality of life in terms of pain.Percocet is created to mollify short-term pain or suffering.  The combination of Oxycodone and Acetaminophen undermine pain and also eliminates the feverish feeling that is caused by the pain.
Side EffectsConstipation, Dizziness,  Vomiting, Headache, sweating, trembling, loss of appetite, nausea, respiratory problems, bradycardia, low Bp and hallucination, etc. may cause oxycodone overdoses. Mercurial or mood swings, Headache, Drowsiness, dizziness, stomach ache, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, constipation, and fever, etc.
Legal inCountries like Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, Australia, UK, the USA, Singapore, and Germany tolerate the consumption of Oxycodone only under the prescription of medical terms.Percocet is legal in the USA, UK, India, Pakistan, Japan, Germany, Vietnam, Iran, Brazil, China, Thailand, Mexico, Egypt, Turkey, Russia, Bangladesh, Philippines, Nigeria, and Indonesia
Age criteria It is sanctioned that the use of Oxycodone can be prescribed above 11 years of age. Percocet highly recommends not to consume by those, who are under 18 years old. 

What is Oxycodone?

Oxycodone is a well-known narcotic drug that is issued as a pain relief medication in various operations undertaken by doctors.

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Subsequently, oxycodone was legalized in various countries, such as Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, Australia, the UK, the USA, Singapore, and Germany.

Oxycodone is mainly made for moderate-severe pain, which may direct the human brain to respond to the pain and ameliorate the quality of life in terms of pain for short-term operations. 

However, overdose engenders an addiction to Oxycodone, besides the other risk factors like Constipation, Dizziness, Vomiting, Headache, sweating, trembling, loss of appetite, nausea, respiratory problems, bradycardia, low Bp, and hallucinations.

What is Percocet? 

On the other hand, Percocet is also a type of narcotic drug, but four combinations of Oxycodone with acetaminophen together produce Percocet.

To put it in simple words, Percocet is created to reduce short-term pain or agony. The combination of Oxycodone and Acetaminophen undermines pain and also eliminates the feverish feeling that is caused by the pain.

On the whole, Percocet medications are prescribed under the guidelines of professionals as a pain-killer for minor surgeries.


Main Differences Between Oxycodone and Percocet

  1. Oxycodone is applicable above 11 years of age, whereas Percocet is obliged not to consume under the age group of 18 years old as the ingredients added to create Percocet is quite effective in narcotic substance.
  2. Oxycodone is illegal in some countries as it engenders parlous addiction ion to the medicine, albeit Percocet is quite popular in usage for short-term pain relief and legal in the Philippines, Nigeria, Vietnam, Iran, Brazil, China, Thailand, Mexico, Egypt, Turkey, Russia, Bangladesh, and Indonesia, etc.
Difference Between Oxycodone and Percocet
  1. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s005200050259
  2. https://www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/965ECC2677940B03076D5F4D8F958238/9781108407830apx1_242-257.pdf/appendix_a_medication_database.pdf

Last Updated : 14 August, 2023

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23 thoughts on “Oxycodone vs Percocet: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The understanding of Oxycodone and Percocet’s applications and potential risks is crucial for promoting patient safety and informed medical decision-making. The article provides valuable insights into these aspects, guiding responsible usage of these medications.

    • You’re absolutely right, Natasha70. The comprehensive information in the article empowers patients and healthcare professionals to make well-informed decisions about pain management and treatment.

  2. Understanding the usage, etymology, and application of Oxycodone and Percocet is essential for patients and healthcare professionals alike. The comprehensive insights provided in the article are crucial for promoting responsible pain management and treatment.

    • I couldn’t agree more, Isabel Edwards. Informed knowledge about these medications is fundamental for ensuring patient safety and effective pain management strategies.

  3. The clear distinction between Oxycodone and Percocet based on age criteria, legal status, and purpose elucidates the importance of understanding these medications in the context of patient care. Physicians and pharmacists play a pivotal role in educating patients about these elements.

    • Absolutely, Toby Mitchell. With the clarity provided in the article, it becomes evident that informed education and guidance from healthcare providers are essential for safe and responsible use of Oxycodone and Percocet.

  4. The detailed comparison table provides a comprehensive overview of the differences between Oxycodone and Percocet, addressing their definition, purpose, and legal status. This information is valuable for informed decision-making and medical understanding.

    • You’re absolutely right, Rogers Faye. The detailed comparison allows individuals to make informed choices and understand the regulatory framework surrounding these medications.

  5. The detailed descriptions of Oxycodone and Percocet, along with their side effects and legal status, serve as valuable resources for both medical professionals and patients. Effective communication and dissemination of this knowledge can enhance the safety and efficacy of pain management practices.

    • I completely agree, Bradley28. Communication and education about the nuances of these medications are critical for promoting responsible and informed decisions related to pain relief.

    • Absolutely, Bradley28. The clear understanding of these medications empowers healthcare professionals to guide patients effectively and ensures that patients are equipped with essential knowledge for their well-being.

  6. It’s important to know the main differences between Oxycodone and Percocet as they are both powerful pain relievers used to manage pain. Oxycodone is illegal in some countries due to addiction risks, while Percocet is legal in several countries and commonly used for short-term pain relief.

    • You are absolutely right, Connor49. Understanding the legal and safety aspects of these medications is crucial for responsible usage and proper medical supervision.

  7. The etymology and history of Oxycodone and Percocet provide valuable insight into their development and intended usage. It’s interesting to note the countries where these drugs are legal and the age criteria for their prescription, highlighting the importance of regulatory control.

    • Indeed, Hughes Frank. Regulatory control and awareness of legal aspects are essential for ensuring the safe and proper use of narcotic analgesics.

  8. The detailed comparison of Oxycodone and Percocet and their legal status highlights the need for clear communication and guidance in the medical context. Healthcare professionals play a crucial role in educating patients about these medications for safe and effective pain management.

    • Absolutely, Chapman Gary. The comprehensive understanding of these medications is essential for promoting responsible usage and patient safety, emphasizing the role of healthcare providers in guiding informed decisions.

    • I completely agree, Chapman Gary. Effective communication and education about the distinctions and risks of Oxycodone and Percocet are fundamental for ensuring safe and ethical pain management practices.

  9. The medicinal and legal aspects of Oxycodone and Percocet underscore the importance of regulatory oversight and informed decision-making. Healthcare providers must prioritize patient education and safety to mitigate risks associated with these potent pain relievers.

    • Absolutely, Tom Walsh. The careful consideration of legal and safety factors is essential for promoting ethical and effective pain management practices.

    • I couldn’t agree more, Tom Walsh. Healthcare professionals must ensure that patients are well-informed about the use and risks of these medications to enable responsible and safe pain management.

  10. The side effects and potential risks associated with Oxycodone and Percocet should not be overlooked. Physicians and patients need to consider these factors when deciding on pain management strategies, especially in cases of long-term usage.

    • Absolutely, Sdavis. The side effects and risks must be carefully weighed against the benefits of pain relief, and medical professionals play a crucial role in guiding patients through these considerations.


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