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Many factors lead to various types of pollution like air pollution water pollution and are degrading the natural environment and the planet earth.

Due to this, many people and companies have taken a pledged to save the planet by various methods and processes. To reuse and to recycle are the processes done to reduce waste in the environment and on the earth.

We reuse and recycle different products every day. Due to global warming and temperature changes, people have paid attention to saving the planet. 

Though the meaning of both reuse and recycle is the same, there is little difference between them.

Key Takeaways

  1. Reuse involves using a product multiple times before discarding it, whereas recycling involves breaking down and processing materials to create new products.
  2. Reusing items conserves more energy and resources than recycling, as recycling processes can be energy-intensive.
  3. Both reuse and recycling contribute to reducing waste and conserving natural resources.

Reuse vs Recycle

The difference between reuse and recycling is that reusing is a method where the same product is put to a different purpose. Reusing also saves energy, and no new product is created, whereas the method of recycling means turning an old product into a new product. This process consumes and saves a little energy, and also a new product is created.

Reuse vs Recycle

Reusing is a method where the same product is put to a different purpose. It can elongate the life span of the product. No new product is created. Reusing does not create any damage to the environment.

This process saves energy. Buying and reselling the used item or product is also considered reusing.

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Recycling is a method where the old product into a new product. The old product is converted into a new product. A new product is created. This method does sometimes harm the environment.

This process consumes and saves a little energy. Recycling helps to get rid of garbage.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonReuseRecycle
DefinitionThe method of reusing means putting a product to a different use.The method of recycling means turning an old product into a new product.
ObjectiveReusing can elongate the life span of the product.The old product is converted into a new product.
UsefulnessThe same product is used many times.The old product is converted into a new product which reduces waste for the environment.
FormNo new product is created.A new product is created.
Environment harmingThis process does not harm the environment in any way.This method does sometimes harm the environment.
EnergyThis process saves energy.This process consumes and saves a little energy.

What is Reuse?

The literal meaning of reusing is employing a purpose to a product or an item.

The method of reusing is putting a product to a different use. The form of the product is not changed. It simply means that the same product is used for a different purpose after its old purpose has been fulfilled.

As the same product is used, no new product or item is created. Also, the method of reusing does not harm the environment in any possible way.

If a product or an item is used again over and over, then this process is called reusing. Reusing also elongates the life of the [item or the product.

This process saves energy in general.

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For example, some people give their clothes or shoes as a charity or donation to someone. This method is called reusing. In this method, no energy is wasted, and also no degradation is provided to the environment.

Buying and reselling the used item or product is also considered reusing.

This process is used to describe the act of allocating another purpose to the used thing without changing the appearance of the item or the product.

Reusing indeed has a great impact on the environment. 


What is Recycle?

The literal meaning of recycling is treating or processing the material or the product to make something else. In this process, the old product is converted into a new product.

The method of recycling means turning an old product into a new product.

In this process, a new product is created. This process consumes and saves a little energy.

For example, converting plastic bottles consumes energy, and a new product is also created aluminium items recycling. 

The energy is used according to the transformation.

The old product is converted into a new product which reduces waste for the environment.

Recycling is a part of waste management. The products must be used to their full potential before recycling.

Recycling is widely used to protect the environment.

Though this method can be sometimes expensive for the companies and not all materials are recycled, some like glass, metal, etc., are recycled.

Recycling helps to get rid of garbage.


Main Differences Between Reuse and Recycle

  1. Reusing is the process where the same product is used again, whereas recycling is the process where the product is separated and recycled.
  2. A new product is made from recycling, whereas reusing does not lead to a new product.
  3. Recycling requires energy consumption, whereas reusing does not need any energy.
  4. Reusing does not cause any harm to the environment, whereas recycling can produce harmful chemicals and can cause environmental damage.
  5. The same product is used many times whereas the old product is converted into a new product which reduces waste for the environment.
  6. Reusing can lengthen the life span of the product, whereas the old product is converted into a new product.
Difference Between Reuse and Recycle
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By Emma Smith

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.