Seagate Exos x16 vs WD Gold: Difference and Comparison

As innovation has increased in terms of technology, especially for storage purposes, several companies and brands are also releasing new models of hard drives or storage devices for the same. It is important to make sure the important crucial data is stored safely while using the device.

As new hard disks and storage devices are introduced, the confusion among them increases. An example of such devices is Seagate Exos x16 and WD Gold. Both of them were released with similar features, which led to confusion.

In fact, some might think they are the same. However, that’s not really the case.

Key Takeaways

  1. Seagate Exos X16 and WD Gold are enterprise-class hard drives designed for high performance and reliability.
  2. Seagate Exos X16 has a higher maximum storage capacity of up to 16TB, while WD Gold offers up to 12TB.
  3. Seagate Exos X16 boasts a slightly faster-sustained transfer rate than WD Gold, contributing to better overall performance.

Seagate Exos x16 vs WD Gold

The difference between Seagate Exos x16 and WD Gold is that both of them are manufactured under different brands and belong to different models. Seagate Exos x16 is new as compared to the WD Gold in the market. In most of the terms, Seagate Exos x16 is ahead of WD Gold as it was released later, but compared in terms of Impact resistance WD Gold does have an advantage over Seagate Exos x16 as it is 70 G in WD Gold and 50 G in Seagate Exos x16. Last but not least, they also differ in terms of dimension a little bit.

Seagate Exos x16 vs WD Gold

Seagate Exos x16 is known for its feature of maximum storage option and heist risk-space efficiency. It is also best for gaming purposes due to the higher RPM of 7200, which is ideal for it.

It was released in 2019 and came with a maximum power of consumption. It is also not very expensive (price may vary in countries).

WD Gold is also a good option for gaming purposes and is best for heavy appliance workloads. It can be used for a longer period. Most of its features are the same as the Seagate Exos x16, but more people are aware of this as it was introduced earlier.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonSeagate Exos x16WD Gold
BrandSeagate BrandWestern Digital Brand
Release DateIt was released in June 2019It was released in July 2018
Impact resistance  50 G70 G
Maximum Power ConsumptionIt has 10 WtIt has 7 Wt

What is Seagate Exos x16?

Seagate is a famous name in the world of storage in the technology world, introducing the Exos x16 model of HDD. HDD refers to the hard disk drives which provide space for data and the functioning of pc.

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That can be used as a random access memory or read-only memory too. They made a big revolution on the earth by making its citizens familiar with the 16TB storage.

They expanded their capability of storage with the launch of Seagate EXOS x16 by providing 16TB of storage to the world in a single device.

Its second name also refers to its storage capacity of 16TB, and the first name represents and ensures the quality of the product. Seagate has been proven to be one of the reliable brands for technology accessories.

In comparison with the 12 TB product of Seagate, 16TB provides 33% increased petabytes on each rack. It is only possible because of the Massive capacity in the 3.5″ form factor in Seagate EXOS x 16.

The other version, which is available in place of Seagate EXOS x 16 is of 14TB memory capacity, which makes other options available too for customers.

What is WD Gold?

It is another big name in the market for storage devices. WD is a short form for western digital, which provides excellent products in the market also associated with storage requirements, which include SSD and HDD.

They are available in various forms and have different storage capabilities. The available ones are 10TB, 8TB, 6TB, 4TB, 2TB and 1TB in increasing order. The customer can choose according to their needs and requirements and have plenty of options to choose from.

They can be used at various places, such as enterprise servers varying from small to medium range. 

They are also being used in rack-mounted data centres as storage as well as servers. According to an announcement made in the year 2016, WD gold can handle 550TB of workload, which is huge each year.

With that, it also maintains an MTBF of 2.5 million hours per year. In addition to all the other pros of WD, the other and most significant and unique thing about WD is it leverages a technology which is known as HelioSeal, which is a helium technology.

It allows the products to increase and produce a better performance, with increased capacity per square foot. It also increases efficiency in terms of power and reduces power consumption so that it can be effectively operated in data centres regardless of size.

Main Differences Between Seagate Exos x16 and WD Gold

  1. Both Seagate Exos x16 and WD Gold are manufactured under different brands; Seagate Exos x16 is made under the brand Seagate while Western Gold is the brand responsible for WD Gold production.
  2. They differ in terms of Model as well, Model of Seagate Exos x16 is ST12000NM001G, and WD Gold is WD6003FRYZ.
  3. They were released at different times. Seagate Exos x16 was released later in June 2019, whereas earlier in July 2018, WD Gold was released, and therefore it would be correct to say more people are aware of the WD Gold.
  4. When compared in terms of capacity, Seagate Exos x16 is a better option as it has a capacity large capacity of 16000 Gb, whereas the capacity of WD Gold is 12000 Gb, which is comparatively low.
  5. They also differ in terms of HDD Capacity and maximum power consumption, and in both of these features, Seagate Exos x16 has an advantage over WD Gold, HDD capacity and maximum Power Consumption of Seagate Exos x16 are 12 Tb and 10 Wt, respectively, whereas HDD capacity and maximum Power Consumption of WD Gold is 6 Tb and & Wt respectively.

Last Updated : 08 August, 2023

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18 thoughts on “Seagate Exos x16 vs WD Gold: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The comparison table was very informative and helpful in understanding the differences between the two storage devices. It’s crucial to consider all factors before deciding on a purchase.

    • I agree, Scarlett Campbell. The detailed comparison assists us in making well-informed choices based on our specific storage needs.

    • This article has really simplified the comparison of Seagate Exos x16 and WD Gold, allowing customers to evaluate and select the most suitable option for their requirements.

  2. The breakdown of Seagate Exos x16 and WD Gold’s specifications and features provides a comprehensive understanding of the storage devices. It’s beneficial for professionals and consumers alike.

    • This article presents a well-structured analysis of Seagate Exos x16 and WD Gold, enabling users to determine the most suitable option for their data storage requirements.

    • Absolutely, Vphillips. The detailed comparison allows individuals to assess key differences between the products and make informed decisions based on their unique storage needs.

  3. The comprehensive analysis of Seagate Exos x16 and WD Gold assists users in understanding the differences between the two devices and making well-informed decisions about their storage requirements.

    • Well said, Leanne Ross. The comparison enables individuals to evaluate the distinct advantages of Seagate Exos x16 and WD Gold in accordance with their specific storage demands.

  4. The author has effectively highlighted the distinctions between Seagate Exos x16 and WD Gold, providing essential insights for individuals seeking reliable storage solutions.

    • Absolutely, Rob32. The comparison has been presented in a clear and concise manner, offering valuable guidance for those considering these storage devices.

  5. The detailed information on Seagate Exos x16 and WD Gold is beneficial for those in need of reliable storage solutions. The article provides a comprehensive overview of the key differences between the two devices.

    • Absolutely, Emily Walker. The comparison offers in-depth insights into Seagate Exos x16 and WD Gold, equipping readers with the knowledge to make informed decisions about their storage needs.

  6. The article offers an in-depth comparison of Seagate Exos x16 and WD Gold, highlighting their unique features and benefits. It serves as a valuable resource for those evaluating storage options.

  7. The comparisons of Seagate Exos x16 and WD Gold are detailed and serve as a valuable resource for those seeking optimal storage solutions. The article provides an insightful analysis of their respective features and capabilities.

    • Exactly, Mike11. The depth of comparison helps individuals weigh the benefits of both devices, aiding them in making well-informed storage decisions.

    • The article’s thorough analysis of Seagate Exos x16 and WD Gold is commendable, providing users with a comprehensive understanding of what each device offers in terms of storage capacity and performance.

  8. This article provides valuable information on the features of Seagate Exos x16 and WD Gold, enabling us to make informed decisions based on their specifications and differences.

    • Exactly, Cameron59. We can now choose our storage devices more wisely, knowing the unique features and benefits of both Seagate Exos x16 and WD Gold.


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