How to Solve Hamlet Tiny Murders His Brother to Avenge His Father in Storyteller

Hamlet storyteller

In the interactive game Storyteller, players craft narratives by arranging scenes and characters to align with specific story titles. One such challenge is titled “Tiny Avenges His Father by Killing His Brother.” To successfully complete this story, follow these steps:

Hamlet storyteller

Establish Family Relationships:

  • Scene 1: Set up a family scene where Greeny reveals to Tiny that he is his father.
  • Scene 2: Create another family scene where Greeny informs Hatey that he is also his father.

Depict Sibling Conflict:

  • Scene 3: Arrange a confrontation scene where Greeny and Hatey engage in a fight, highlighting familial discord.

Illustrate the Tragedy:

  • Scene 4: Design a cliff scene where Hatey pushes Greeny off, resulting in Greeny’s demise.

Supernatural Revelation:

  • Scene 5: Set up a séance scene where Tiny communicates with Greeny’s ghost, who reveals that Hatey is responsible for his death.

Enact Revenge:

  • Scene 6: Conclude with a cliff scene where Tiny confronts and pushes Hatey off, avenging his father’s murder.

By arranging these scenes in sequence, players effectively recreate a narrative of betrayal and vengeance, reminiscent of classic tragic tales.

For a visual demonstration of this solution, you can refer to the following video:

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Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.