How to solve Game-Breaking Nix Bug in Star Wars Outlaws

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Experiencing issues with Nix in Star Wars Outlaws can be frustrating, especially when he doesn’t respond to commands, hindering your progress. Here’s a comprehensive guide to address and potentially resolve the Nix responsiveness problem.

Nix Responsiveness Issue

Nix, the intelligent companion of protagonist Kay Vess, plays a crucial role in tasks like retrieving items, distracting foes, and interacting with the environment. However, some players have reported instances where Nix becomes unresponsive, ignoring commands and causing gameplay disruptions.

Potential Solutions to Restore Nix’s Functionality

Restart the Game and Manage Save Data

  • Exit the Game Completely: Close Star Wars Outlaws to ensure all processes are terminated.
  • Delete Save Files: Remove all saved data, including cloud backups. Be aware that this will erase your game progress, so consider this as a last resort.
  • Relaunch the Game: Start the game anew to check if Nix’s responsiveness has been restored.

Utilize the D-Pad Scan Function

  • Initiate Environment Scan: On your controller, press and hold the ‘Up’ button on the D-pad multiple times. This action scans the surroundings and may reposition Nix to the required location.
  • Repeat as Necessary: If Nix remains unresponsive during specific tasks, repeat the scanning process to encourage proper behavior.

Check for Game Updates

  • Install Latest Patches: Ensure that Star Wars Outlaws is updated to the latest version, as developers frequently release patches to address known issues.
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Report the Issue

  • Contact Support: If the problem persists, consider reporting it through the official Bug Reporter platform provided by the developers.

Additional Considerations

  • Backup Save Data: Before deleting any save files, back them up to prevent permanent loss of progress.
  • Monitor Official Channels: Stay informed about any official announcements or patches addressing this issue by following the game’s official communication platforms.

By following these steps, you can enhance your gaming experience and mitigate the challenges posed by Nix’s unresponsiveness in Star Wars Outlaws.

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Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.