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M.Phil. or Masters in Philosophy is a postgraduate degree. This is done by the students after graduation. This degree is awarded for the course in Philosophy. M.Phil. is a commonly known course, as it is an abbreviation of the degree of ‘Masters in Philosophy.

The duration in which the students complete their M.Phil. program is 2 years, which consists of 4 semesters.

This M.Phil. program is either based on research or coursework. There are some Indian Universities which offer students an M.Phil. courses in a wide range of subject options like Physics, English, Mathematics, and Management. Also, several universities provide this program in the curriculum of their university. Some of them are:

  1. University of Calcutta
  2. Delhi University
  3. Banaras Hindu University
  4. Punjab University, etc.

Key Takeaways

  1. M.Phil. is an advanced postgraduate research degree that requires original research and the completion of a thesis.
  2. M.Phil. is a two-year program that allows students to pursue research in their chosen field.
  3. M.Phil. is a stepping stone for pursuing a PhD or a career in academia or research.
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What is this Course About?

The research findings, human science, and a combination of both the practical and theory are some subjects taught in the M.Phil. course. The aspirants doing this have to fully train in 2 years of studying to perform research as their stepping stone in their careers in the next few months after the program.

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There are some M.Phil. job opportunities, like jobs in Educational Institutes and the Human Services Industry, for those pursuing this program.

Why One Should Choose M.Phil.?

The theory is an extensive examination of the complexities of studying human life and their beliefs by doing research about them or on them. The students doing the M.Phil. course rely on and work on the research materials to arrange the nature and personal behaviour of the people.

After finishing the M.Phil. course through deep learning, they can further keep researching the other doctoral program. After this course, one can get a lucrative job in some of the best hospitals like Apollo, Fortis, etc.

Entrance Exams

For ‘Masters of Philosophy‘ there are some of the most prestigious exams conducted by some renowned universities and institutes for admission are as follows:

  1. University of Mysore Entrance Exam
  2. Jawaharlal Nehru University Entrance Exam
  3. Punjab University Entrance Test
  4. Bharathiar University Common Entrance Test
  5. Indira Gandhi National Open University Entrance Exam

Subjects of M.Phil.

The subjects of M.Phil. which are pursued by an aspirant. It is as per the module which is set out. This module is split into 4 semesters, which cover 2 years. The subject list we provide might vary minorly due to different colleges and Institutes in the country.

  1. Analysis and Domain Study
  2. Philosophical Foundations of the Subject
  3. Study of Relative Discipline
  4. Dissertation
  5. Review of Origin and the Development of the Subject
  6. Advanced Research Methodology and Research in the Subject of Study
  7. Computer Application in the Domain of Subject
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Course Fee of M.Phil.

The course fee of the one who pursues [M.Phil.] Masters of Philosophy course is from 2,000 to 1 lakh annually. Also, these figures might vary based on the Universities, Colleges, and Institutions and in different quotas.

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By Emma Smith

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.