Avoirdupois Weight Conversion Calculator

avoirdupois weight conversion calculator 660537
  • Enter the weight value you want to convert.
  • Select the "From Unit" and "To Unit" for conversion.
  • Click the "Convert" button to see the result.
  • You can use the "Clear Results" button to clear the result.
  • The "Copy Results" button allows you to copy the result to the clipboard.
Conversion Result

Calculation History

    The Avoirdupois Weight Conversion Calculator is an online tool that helps users convert between different units of weight or mass in the Avoirdupois system. This system is commonly used in the United States and the United Kingdom, and it is based on the pound, which is divided into 16 ounces.


    The Avoirdupois Weight Conversion Calculator is based on a few key concepts:

    Units of Weight

    The Avoirdupois system has several units of weight, including pounds, ounces, grains, hundredweights, and tons. Each unit is defined in terms of the pound, which is the base unit of weight in this system.

    Conversion Factors

    To convert between different units of weight in the Avoirdupois system, you need to use conversion factors. These factors are ratios that relate one unit of weight to another. For example, there are 16 ounces in one pound, so the conversion factor for pounds to ounces is 16.

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    Multiplication and Division

    To use the Avoirdupois Weight Conversion Calculator, you need to know how to multiply and divide. Multiplication is used to convert from larger units to smaller units (e.g., pounds to ounces), while division is used to convert from smaller units to larger units (e.g., ounces to pounds).


    The following formulae can be used to convert between different units of weight in the Avoirdupois system:

    From Pounds to Ounces

    To convert from pounds to ounces, use the conversion factor 1 lb = 16 oz. Then divide both sides of the equation by lb to get the conversion ratio 1 = 16 oz / lb. Using this ratio, you can multiply the input by 1 to cancel out the lb units and convert to oz.

    From Ounces to Pounds

    To convert from ounces to pounds, use the conversion factor 1 lb = 16 oz. Then divide both sides of the equation by 16 oz to get the conversion ratio 1 = lb / 16 oz. Using this ratio, you can multiply the input by 1 to cancel out the oz units and convert to lb.

    From Pounds to Grams

    To convert from pounds to grams, use the conversion factor 1 lb = 453.59237 g. Then divide both sides of the equation by lb to get the conversion ratio 1 = 453.59237 g / lb. Using this ratio, you can multiply the input by 1 to cancel out the lb units and convert to g.

    From Grams to Pounds

    To convert from grams to pounds, use the conversion factor 1 lb = 453.59237 g. Then divide both sides of the equation by 453.59237 g to get the conversion ratio 1 = lb / 453.59237 g. Using this ratio, you can multiply the input by 1 to cancel out the g units and convert to lb.


    The Avoirdupois Weight Conversion Calculator has several benefits:


    The calculator provides accurate conversions between different units of weight in the Avoirdupois system.

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    The calculator performs conversions quickly and efficiently.


    The calculator is available online and can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection.

    Interesting Facts

    Here are some interesting facts about avoirdupois weights:

    • The avoirdupois weight system is based on the Roman libra, which was a unit of weight equal to about 11 ounces.
    • The avoirdupois pound was originally defined as the weight of 7,000 grains of wheat.
    • The avoirdupois ounce was originally defined as the weight of 1/16 of a pound.
    • The avoirdupois ton was originally defined as the weight of 20 hundredweight or 2,240 pounds.

    Use Cases

    The Avoirdupois Weight Conversion Calculator has several use cases:

    Cooking and Baking

    Cooks and bakers can use avoirdupois weight conversion calculators to measure ingredients accurately.


    Shoppers can use avoirdupois weight conversion calculators to compare prices and ensure that they are getting good value for their money.

    Shipping and Packaging

    Shipping companies and packaging companies can use avoirdupois weight conversion calculators to calculate shipping costs and ensure that packages are packed correctly.

    Science and Engineering

    Scientists and engineers can use avoirdupois weight conversion calculators in a variety of experiments and calculations.


    Here are some references on avoirdupois weights:

    • The History of Weights and Measures by Kenneth E. Miller (2018)
    • The Science of Weights and Measures by Richard S. Davis (2015)
    • The International System of Units by Barry N. Taylor and Ambler
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    About Author

    Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.