Cruise vs Crews: Difference and Comparison

A homophone is a well-known concept in the English language. Homophone words appear similar while conversating but distinct during writing.

Moreover, they even have different meanings. Cruise and crews are homophonic words in English. Both are very distinct in contemplating and cannot be employed at each-others places. Moreover, both the words are different while spelling.

Key Takeaways

  1. A cruise is a large passenger ship used for leisure and vacation trips, while crews refer to the team of people working on a ship or other forms of transportation.
  2. Cruises offer various onboard amenities, entertainment, and dining options, while crews are responsible for managing and operating the vessel.
  3. A cruise experience focuses on relaxation and enjoyment for passengers, while crew members work to ensure the smooth operation of the ship and passenger satisfaction.

Cruise vs Crews

Cruise means traveling for vacation or taking a trip on an ocean for pleasure. These type of trips are taken in boats, ships, Yachts, etc. Crews are the men and women who work together to ensure that vehicles like ships, aircrafts, etc. function efficiently and at their optimum.

Cruise vs Crews

The word cruise has been derived from the Dutch in the mid of the seventeenth century in 1650. In Dutch, it is meant to cross. It implies traveling anyplace through waterways (ship and boat) in English.

While traveling on a cruise ship, people enjoy different activities (partying, enjoying meals, gaming, etcetera). This word is a verb. The word crews is a collective noun. It is the plural version of the crew, which is taken from the French term in the fifteenth century.

This term was first used in French to describe a troop of soldiers. It means a group of staff working on airplanes and cruise ships in English.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonCruiseCrews
DefinitionThe term cruise means to enjoy vacay on a cruise ship.The word crews is a plural of the crew that means a group of staff on air and water vehicle.
Invented InThe word cruise has been known since the seventeenth century.The word “crews” was added to the English language in the 15th century.
Parts of SpeechThe term cruise is a verb.The word crews is a collective noun.
RootsThe term cruise originates from the Dutch.The word “crews” derives from the French language.
ExampleHe went on a cruise from Mumbai to Goa.Submarine crews are well-trained.
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What is a Cruise?

A cruise is a water transport (ship and boat). It is one of the largest transport for carrying people. People travel to enjoy their vacation on cruise ships.

Although this word has been originated in the 17th century, the concept of a cruise ship came in the 19th century.

Augusta Victoria sailed with over two hundred passengers from the Mediterranean to the Near East in the late 19th century. However, the first cruise vessel was invented by German experts in the 20th century.

There are a limited amount of cruises available around the world. It can transport millions of people at once. On cruise ships, passengers can pre-book their trips online or in person. Passengers can enjoy many activities over there. 

They can party, play games, do adventurous activities, book rooms, and do other fun activities. Though it is an expensive type of transport, it is worth the experience. People travel to exotic places to relax and make their holiday special.

The word cruise is a verb in the English language and is the homophone of the word crews. To learn this differentiation in English, we must learn how to use it in sentences while speaking and writing.

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For example,

  1. The crews on the cruise were very friendly.

The word “crews” is used for staff, and the word cruise is to celebrate a holiday on the ship.


What are Crews?

The word crews is an English word. It is a noun that has its root in the French language. In French, it signified a group of soldiers or military during the mid 15th century.

It has the same pronunciation as the word cruise, but it is interpreted very differently. The word crews is a plural of the crew and indicates a group of staff hired for distinct tasks.

It designates the staff hired for the air and ship transport (airplanes, ships, cruise boats. An area where crews work has been named work yard.

The appointed staff in crews is responsible for catering to the passengers present in the airplane and grand ships.

They serve meals and beverages to the passengers and take care of other requirements of the travelers. Moreover, artists who are part of any film are called crews ( a team of artisans).

We must not be baffled by the usage of this word due to its homophonic feature.

We must learn the word crews in writing as this trick teaches us to comprehend the difference between cruise and crews according to meaning and spelling. The usage in a sentence is:-

  1. Crews of the Indian airlines are very amiable and cooperative.

Main Differences Between Cruise and Crews

  1. The word cruise is a Dutch word. On the other hand, the word crews is a French word.
  2. The word cruise has been known since the 1800s. On the other side, the word crews have been part of the English language since the 1650s.
  3. The meaning of cruise is vacating on the ship. On the other side, the definition of the word “crews” is a troop of staff hired from the same work.
  4. The word cruise is a verb in English. However, the term “crews” is categorized into collective nouns.
  5. The cruise is related to water transportation. On the other side, crews can be there for both air and water transportation for catering passengers.
Difference Between Cruise and Crews
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About Author

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.