Web Designer vs Web Developer: Difference and Comparison

Web designers and web developers are two distinct people. The work done by a web designer is different from the work done by a web developer.

The web developer develops a new website, and the web designer and additional features and designs to the webpage.

Key Takeaways

  1. Web designers create a website’s visual layout and aesthetics, focusing on user experience and design principles.
  2. Web developers build and maintain the website’s functionality, working with programming languages and frameworks.
  3. Web designers emphasize creativity and visual communication, while web developers concentrate on technical expertise and problem-solving.

Web Designer vs Web Developer

The difference between Web Designers and Web Developers is their job. The web developer develops a webpage, whereas the web designer designs the web page. The web developer focuses on the functions and structures. The web designer focuses on the design and architecture of web pages. The web developers work on the back-end side of the web pages, and the web designers work on the front-end side of the web pages.

Web Designer vs Web Developer

Web developers are nothing, but they are programmers. They are responsible for constructing a new website that is designed by a web designer.

The web developer must know PHP, HTML, JavaScript, jQuery, node.js, ASP.NET, Python, etc. The main responsibility of a web developer is to create perfectly functioning websites.

Web developers can collaborate with web designers to create better websites. Web designers help change the look of the website web developers create.

A web designer may be called an architect of web pages. They are responsible for adding attraction to the websites. They must know various web designing tools like Photoshop, Illustrator, Sketch, etc.

They have the ability to change the entire look of the websites. Some software like Photoshop and Corel Draw have awesome features that will help to change the look.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of comparisonWeb DeveloperWeb Designer
Technical knowledgeWeb developers require solid technical knowledgeA web designer does not need technical knowledge
Visualization KnowledgeA web developer does not need visualization knowledgeWeb designers need visualization knowledge
TypesTwo types of web developers are availableThree types of web designers are available
Tools usedWeb developers use coding libraries and frameworksWeb designers use photoshop and prototyping tools
Working areaDeveloping sideDesigning side
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What is a Web Developer?

The programmers are called web developers. They are responsible for constructing a new website that is designed by a web designer.

The web developer must know PHP, HTML, JavaScript, jQuery, node.js, ASP.NET, Python, etc. The main responsibility of a web developer is to create perfectly functioning websites.

Web developers can collaborate with web designers to create better websites. Web designers help change the look of the website web developers create.

Web developers are categorized into three types. They are front-end developers, back-end developers, and full-stack developers. The part that is directly exposed to the users or clients is called the front end.

The part hidden inside the website is the language used to create the web page, called the back end. The person who can work on both the front and back end is a full stack developer.

The third category is a special category. Fundamentally, it has only two types.

The front-end developers work on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The back-end developers work on writing APTs and creating libraries.

Maintenance and Responsiveness are the two main factors maintained by the front-end developers. Bug clearance and system compatibility are two main factors maintained by back-end developers.

The front end is a client-side task, and the back end is a server-side task. Apart from that, the full-stack developer needs to concentrate on all the work of front-end and back-end developers.

web developer

What is Web Designer?

A web designer may be called an architect of web pages. They are responsible for adding attraction to the websites. They must know various web designing tools like Photoshop, Illustrator, Sketch, Autocad, etc.

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Some software like Photoshop and Corel Draw have awesome features that will help to change the look. The main responsibility of the Web designer is to make the web page more creative and attractive.

Web designers are categorized into three types. They are UX designer which stands for User Experience Designer, UI designer which stands for User Interface Designer, and Visual Designer.

The UI designer is aware of clients’ tastes and feelings to give better output. The UI designer works on the creativity area to give more attraction.

The visual designer works on both task and give a more reliable product. All three can do similar tasks in different manners. They approach the same thing in different paths.

The User Experience Designer can intend to create the websites. UI designers must give the experience that is actually demanded of the customers.

The User Interface Designer needs to know the current technology and tools used in the Web Designing field. The features like buttons, data fields, and various options in web pages are designed by UI designers.

The visual designer is like a comprehensive ensemble. They are responsible for the entire design of the websites.

web designer

Main Differences Between Web Designer and Web Developers

  1. Web developers are technical people having technical knowledge, whereas web designers are creative-minded people.
  2. Web developers develop user-friendly websites, and web designers make those websites more attractive.
  3. Web developers expose their ideas to functional structures, whereas web designers expose their ideas to visualizations.
  4. The web developer thinks about the backend work for a perfect website, and the web designer thinks about the outer looks.
  5. The web developer must grasp PHP, HTML, Python, and the web designer must know Photoshop, Illustrator, and Sketch.
Difference Between Web Designer and Web Developer
  1. https://www.kgmtu.ru/documents/nauka/Recent-Achievements-and-Prospects-Kerch-April-22-2019.pdf#page=244
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Chara Yadav
Chara Yadav

Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.


  1. The collaborative efforts of web developers and web designers, with their distinct skill sets and expertise, contribute to the creation of seamless websites that prioritize both functionality and visual appeal.

    • The unique contributions of web developers and web designers are vital elements in creating websites that successfully balance functionality and visual aesthetics.

    • Web developers and web designers intertwine their knowledge and skills to create cohesive, user-centric web projects.

  2. It is crucial to recognize the specialized skills and contributions of web developers and web designers, as this understanding is essential in creating a successful website.

  3. The unique skills of web developers and web designers contribute to a cohesive website that is both functional and visually appealing. Their collaboration results in a holistic user experience.

  4. I agree, the clear understanding of the responsibilities of web developers and web designers is vital in ensuring a well-developed and visually appealing website.

    • Both web developers and web designers form an integral part of website development, with their unique skill sets enhancing the overall user experience.

    • Web developers and web designers complement each other in creating functional and visually appealing websites.

  5. Understanding the differences between web developers and web designers is key in understanding the collaborative efforts that lead to innovative, user-focused web projects.

  6. A comprehensive understanding of the differences between web developers and web designers can significantly contribute to the success of web projects. Both roles play a fundamental part in a website’s creation and maintenance.

  7. Web developers are responsible for the functionality of a website, whereas web designers are more focused on the visual elements. The distinction between the two roles is essential for creating well-rounded websites.

  8. The distinct roles of web developers and web designers are vital in achieving an optimal website design. Both technical expertise and creativity play significant roles in creating engaging web experiences.

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