Adding and Subtracting Integers Calculator

adding and subtracting integers calculator 660524
  • Enter the first number in the "Enter the first number" field.
  • Select an operation from the dropdown list.
  • Enter the second number in the "Enter the second number" field.
  • Click the "Calculate" button to perform the calculation.
  • Use the memory buttons (M+, M-, MR, MC) to store and retrieve values.
  • The calculation result will be displayed in the "Result" section.
  • Your calculation history will be shown in the "History" section.
  • Click the "Clear" button to clear the input fields and result.
  • Click the "Copy Result" button to copy the result to the clipboard.

The Adding and Subtracting Integers Calculator is an online tool that helps users perform arithmetic operations on integers. It is a simple and easy-to-use calculator that can add and subtract positive and negative integers, whole numbers, or decimal numbers. The calculator shows the work for the math and shows you when to change the sign for subtracting negative numbers.



Integers are whole numbers that can be positive, negative, or zero. They are represented on a number line, which is a horizontal line that extends infinitely in both directions. Positive integers are located to the right of zero, while negative integers are located to the left of zero.

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Addition of Integers

When adding integers with the same sign, we add their absolute values and keep the sign. For example, 3 + 5 = 8 and -3 + (-5) = -8. When adding integers with different signs, we subtract their absolute values and keep the sign of the larger number. For example, 3 + (-5) = -2.

Subtraction of Integers

Subtracting an integer is the same as adding its opposite. For example, 3 – 5 is the same as 3 + (-5). When subtracting integers with different signs, we add their absolute values and keep the sign of the larger number. For example, -3 – 5 = -8.


The formula for adding two integers with different signs is:

a + b = a - |b| if a * b < 0

The formula for subtracting two integers with different signs is:

a - b = a + |b| if a * b < 0


The Adding and Subtracting Integers Calculator has several benefits:

  1. Saves time: The calculator saves time by performing arithmetic operations quickly and accurately.
  2. Easy to use: The calculator is easy to use and does not require any special skills or knowledge.
  3. Shows work: The calculator shows the work for the math, making it easy to understand how to perform arithmetic operations on integers.
  4. Free: The calculator is free to use and does not require any downloads or installations.

Interesting Facts

Here are some interesting facts about adding and subtracting integers:

  1. Adding two negative numbers gives a negative result.
  2. Subtracting a negative number from another negative number gives a positive result.
  3. Adding two positive numbers gives a positive result.
  4. Subtracting a positive number from another positive number gives a positive result.

Use Cases

The Adding and Subtracting Integers Calculator has several use cases:

  1. Education: The calculator can be used by students to learn how to perform arithmetic operations on integers.
  2. Business: The calculator can be used by businesses to perform financial calculations involving integers.
  3. Personal Finance: The calculator can be used by individuals to manage their personal finances.

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About Author

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.