Courage vs Bravery: Difference and Comparison

Bravery and courage are two intertwined concepts. They are two sides of a similar coin. Both these factors are not just terms that can be used in huge instances, but they can also be mentioned in case of small reference.

Both of these factors are necessary for the smooth functioning of the human world today. As these two concepts are partially linked, people tend to confuse them, but they are two very separate ideologies.

Key Takeaways

  1. Courage is the ability to face fear or adversity with resolve, regardless of the outcome; bravery is the willingness to confront danger or difficulty, even when afraid or uncertain.
  2. Courage involves taking a principled stand or overcoming inner obstacles, such as self-doubt or anxiety; bravery involves facing external threats or challenges, such as physical danger or personal risk.
  3. Courage is associated with moral or ethical virtues, such as honesty, integrity, or justice; bravery is associated with physical or external feats of heroism.

Courage vs. Bravery

The difference between courage and bravery is that courage does not, in every instance, include any danger or threat. Bravery, however, includes a threat to one’s well-being or any risk of danger. Courage is required to overcome an act of bravery.

Courage vs Bravery

Courage is the ability to face a difficult situation. Courage is what leads one toward taking action.

On the other hand, bravery is the action that has, in turn, been taken after overcoming the fear. Bravery defines the physical action of courage, whereas courage is the mental strength that convinces the person to perform a difficult task.

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Comparison Table

Parameter of ComparisonCourageBravery
DangerIn the case of courage, there is not always a dangerInvolves dangerous situation
PrimaryComes firstAfter one gains courage commits an act of bravery
CharacteristicsMental or moral strengthIncludes mental, physical, and psychological strength
Overcame CauseLove, passion, and compassionIt takes place without any cause
ExampleAdmitting to a lieRisking one’s life to save others
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What is Courage?              

Courage is a foundation. It is the ability to undertake or confront something overwhelmingly difficult, dangerous, or painful. It is a choice that one overcomes.

Courage is deciding to take a particular action regardless of it being a personal struggle and dealing with it.

Bravery is a state of mind that is driven by a cause. It is driven by something that makes the person feel worth standing up and fighting for it. This cause is what makes it happen.

The true process of courage is not about overcoming the obstacle but instead, the choice to fight for it regardless and take a chance.

Courage is always linked with a compulsion to act on something by choice or force. The reason for concern is a concern, compassion, devotion, passion, or love.

There are 6 attributes of courage: feeling fear yet choosing to act, preserving in the face of adversity, standing up for what is right, extending the horizon and letting go of the familiar, and facing suffering with the dignity of faith.


 What is Bravery?

Bravery is the outcome of being brave or displaying courage. Bravery is confronting pain and danger or facing anything difficult without fear or hesitation.

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It is an action that a person has overcome. It is strength in a person that helps them overcome the act. Regardless of the matter being big or small, when a person faces any fear, it is an act of bravery.

Most of the time, a risk of danger or a threat to a person’s well-being is linked with displaying bravery. Bravery is also in saying out loud what one thinks of.

Acknowledging our fear, dissecting it, and facing it helps in overcoming fear and committing to an act of bravery.

Being brave can also involve performing certain tasks in our day-to-day life, such as disappointing others and taking a stand for oneself, saying no and honoring one’s choices, and speaking the truth regardless of the outcome.

Bravery as a concept can be applied to a larger number of instances, such as physical, mental, and psychological.


Main Differences Between Courage and Bravery

  1. In courage, there is not always danger involved. Danger might or might not be there. But in the case of bravery, danger or a threat to the person’s well-being is involved.
  2. Courage comes to a person first, and then it is accompanied by an act of bravery.
  3. Courage involves mental and moral strength, a majorly inner feeling, whereas danger involves mental, physical, and psychological strength as the action has to be done.
  4. In the case of courage, there is fear and hesitation within the person. In the case of bravery, the person has already overcome the fear, and the act has been committed.
  5. The reasons behind a person being courageous are concern, compassion, devotion, passion, or love. However, an act of bravery happens without any proper cause
Difference Between Courage and Bravery
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About Author

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.