Creationism vs Intelligent Design: Difference and Comparison

The terms Creationism and Intelligent Design were the concepts created by humans. We are always intrigued by who and how this Earth was created and so on.

Key Takeaways

  1. Creationism asserts that a supernatural being created the universe and life, while intelligent design proposes that life’s complexity implies a purposeful designer.
  2. Creationism aligns with religious beliefs, whereas intelligent design attempts to provide a scientific explanation.
  3. Critics argue that both creationism and intelligent design lack empirical evidence and are pseudoscientific.

Creationism vs Intelligent Design

The difference between Creationism and Intelligent Design is that people who believe in creationism argue that God created the entire world, whereas people who believe in Intelligent Design argue that God did not create the entire world but rather has a scientific explanation for it. These concepts have evolved centuries ago.

Creationism vs Intelligent Design

Creationism is a concept and a term to establish the idea that the entire universe, the mother earth that we live in, and the existence of marvel creatures and humans was all brought about by God or Gods.

Intelligent Design is a concept and a term that is exactly the opposite of Creationism. People here believe that the creation of the entire universe, earth, nature and even humans was not brought about by any divine or supernatural power.

Comparison Table

Parameters of Comparison CreationismIntelligent Design 
What does it mean?Creationism is the belief that God or any divine power is the reason for all the creation on earth and the universeIntelligent Design is the belief that the earth and the universe was not created by any divine power
Books on itAll religious textsThe Blind Watchmaker, Creationism’s Trojan Horse and The Devil in Dover
Believers are called asThey are called TheistsThey are called Deists
MeaningBelief in the special creationThe belief that the creation has scientific reasons
OrganisationsThe people who believe in Creationism form organisations such as people with religious beliefsDiscovery Institute, Centre for science and Culture
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What is Creationism?

Creationism is the belief that the evolution of the universe, creation of the earth, and existence of man and other creatures were created by God or divine power or supernatural power.

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The believers of Creationism believe in the term called “special creation”. It refers to the fact that God created everything. There are also other forms of Creationism.

” Flood Geology” is another term where people believe that the geographical features the earth possess is the literal belief from “Genesis six to eight” chapters, which talk about a global flood.”Old earth creationism” is another term that has its beliefs originated from the book of Genesis.

There are also other subdivisions in this category. There are three main subdivisions which include:  Gap creationism, Day age creationism and progressive creationism.  


What is Intelligent Design?

Intelligent Design is the belief and theory that the existence of earth, the universe and living beings came into existence because of facts and proofs based on science.

Intelligent Design argues with Creationism for two main reasons. The Irreducible complexity states that certain biological creatures would not have been formed with pre-existing systems.

There are many other such complexities, such as Fine-tuned universe, Intelligent design, Theistic science and Neo creationism. The concept of intelligent design evolved from the argument of design.

Intelligent Design was started in 1990 by keeping Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution as the base. The believers of Intelligent Design did not believe what the chapter of Genesis in the Bible says.

intelligent design

Main Differences Between Creationism and Intelligent Design

  1. Creationism books are based on religion; hence they are mostly religious texts. Intelligent Design has some books such as The Blind Watchmaker, Creationism’s Trojan Horse and The Devil in Dover.
  2. Creationism is based on a theory called Special creation, whereas Intelligent Design is not based on that theory. It is based on a theory called natural selection.
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Chara Yadav
Chara Yadav

Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.


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