vs Revolut: Difference and Comparison is a cryptocurrency company, and Revolut is a global financial application. began its services in 2017, which offered payment cards, and Revolut began its services in 2015 by offering money exchange cards.

Both of them are crypto cards, and huge companies like Microsoft and Expedia accept payment in cryptocurrency.

Key Takeaways

  1. offers a wider range of cryptocurrencies for trading compared to Revolut.
  2. Revolut allows users to exchange cryptocurrencies at the interbank exchange rate without any hidden fees, whereas charges a small fee on top of the exchange rate.
  3. offers stake and earning opportunities for its users, while Revolut does not provide such options. vs Revolut

“” is a cryptocurrency platform that offers an extensive range of products, including a wallet, card payments, and investing tools.  “Revolut” is a financial technology company that provides a range of financial services, including a platform for buying, holding, and selling cryptocurrencies. vs Revolut is a website that offers users the use of cryptocurrencies. It started its services in 2017. It was the first company that offered VISA-backed rewards cards. It was founded in Monaco.

They made a new token called Chain, which became a premium token. It is available in Singapore, the USA, and EU countries. Revolut is an application. It began in 2015. It started in London.

This app can be termed an online bank. It is a full-fledged bank. They started their application as a currency exchange card. It is open to all. People situated in UK, Singapore, or Canada can use the services.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonCrypto.comRevolut
PlatformWebsite, ApplicationApplication
SpeedHigh exchange protocolFast international deliveries
PaymentNoFast international payments
TokenTwo-token systemNo

What is

This is a website that offers services for cryptocurrencies. The services began in 2017. It started its currency exchange card. The company was founded in Monaco. It was the first company that offered VISA-backed rewards cards.

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The services were started using initial coin offerings using Monaco tokens. It then formed a premium token. The premium tokens are the chain which has high-end. This is an ERC-20 token.

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation backs its services. It consists of fifty types of crypto coins. The users can buy or sell cryptocurrencies. It consists of the chain, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin, and Binance Coins.

It lets the user use the website or the application. The users can even make payments using cryptocurrencies. Users can borrow any line of credit using Stablecoin to buy or sell. Users also receive cashback through the services on every payment through cryptocurrencies. is a real investment in cryptocurrency. It offers credit card benefits. It lets the users use rebakes for payment in companies like Spotify or Netflix. They keep on prioritizing their tokens.

Their headquarters are situated in Switzerland. They are also situated in Hong Kong and Singapore. It is not a USA-based company.

crypto com 1

What is Revolut?

An application that started as a currency exchange card. This is an application as all its services are available online. It is an online bank. It provides services to many locations like Singapore, Canada, European Economic Area, and many more places worldwide.

It then offered services for cryptocurrency exchange. It started its cryptocurrency services in 2017. The application made changes and offered services for cryptocurrency as well. It is a bank.

It is a registered bank under Financial Conduct Authority. It has twenty-five fiat currencies. It also has 10 cryptocurrencies. It includes Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Bitcoin Cash, Stellar Lumens, Tezos, EOS, OMG Network, and 0x.

It allows users to buy and exchange cryptocurrencies with fiat currencies. The most used cryptocurrency is Bitcoin, Litecoin and Ether. It lets the user track the real-time rates and performance of the cryptocurrency. It is a unique bank. It is very easy for beginners.

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The trading fees of Revolut are comparatively low as compared to market trading fees. This system is based on exchange, not buying or selling. The services can be taken when you pay the money monthly. The higher you pay, you will receive more services. Revolut cards have a pretty look on them.


Main Differences Between and Revolut

  1. is a website, whereas Revolut is an application.
  2. is a real investment in cryptocurrency, but Revolut is not investing in cryptocurrencies.
  3. has a rewards scheme, but Revolut has no such rewards scheme.
  4. has a high-speed exchange protocol, but Revolut has fast international deliveries.
  5. has no payment service, but Revolut has fast international payments.
  6. has two token systems, but Revolut has no tokens.

Last Updated : 13 July, 2023

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24 thoughts on “ vs Revolut: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The in-depth comparison of and Revolut clarifies their distinct offerings and fees, allowing potential investors to assess which platform best aligns with their unique investment preferences and trading goals.

    • Absolutely, Morris. The comprehensive comparison of these platforms equips potential users with the necessary knowledge to make well-informed decisions, taking into account their individual investment needs and preferences.

  2. The detailed comparison of and Revolut offers an insightful analysis of their unique offerings and fees, empowering potential investors to make informed decisions aligned with their investment objectives and trading requirements.

    • Precisely, Uphillips. Understanding the nuances of each platform’s services and fees enables potential investors to make informed decisions based on their individual investment objectives and trading preferences.

    • That’s a comprehensive assessment, Uphillips. The detailed comparison serves as a valuable resource for potential investors, shedding light on the distinctive features and service offerings of both platforms.

  3. and Revolut are distinct platforms with their unique offerings and fees., with its broader range of cryptocurrencies for trading and stake and earning opportunities, caters to more experienced users. Revolut, on the other hand, provides easy access to cryptocurrency exchange with low fees and fast international payments.

    • That’s a solid breakdown, Alan. The subtle differences in their offerings and target audiences make both platforms suitable for different types of users, depending on their investment goals and priorities.

    • Absolutely, Alan. Each platform’s strengths and limitations offer valuable insights for potential investors to make informed decisions based on their investment preferences and financial objectives.

  4. The comparison of and Revolut offers valuable insights into their respective services and fees, providing potential investors with the necessary information to determine the most suitable platform based on their individual investment objectives.

    • Exactly, Cooper. The comparison of these platforms facilitates an informed decision-making process for potential investors by shedding light on the varying offerings and limitations of each platform.

    • Well said, Cooper. Understanding the differences in offerings and fees empowers potential investors to select the platform that best aligns with their investment goals and trading preferences.

  5. The detailed analysis of and Revolut comprehensively highlights their unique features and fees, enabling potential investors to make informed choices based on their specific investment preferences and trading requirements.

  6. Both Conglomerates are cryptocurrency platforms that offer a variety of services, including wallet, card payments, and investment tools. These platforms started in different years and their services and fees vary. offers a wider variety of cryptocurrencies for trading. Additionally, it offers earning and staking opportunities for users, while Revolut does not provide these options.

    • Both companies have their unique selling points and differences in services. It’s important for potential users to be aware of these differences to choose the right platform for their cryptocurrency needs.

    • I agree with you Keith. Both companies offer a good selection of services for potential crypto users. However, their slight differences in fees, speed, and reward schemes are good to keep in mind.

  7. Well-analyzed comparison! and Revolut offer a number of services, including card payments, and investing tools. Understanding the differences in their offerings helps users make informed choices based on their individual investment needs and preferences.

    • Absolutely, Ellis. The detailed comparison of these platforms helps potential investors gauge which platform aligns with their investment goals and trading preferences.

    • I couldn’t agree more, Ellis. It’s imperative for potential users to carefully assess the features and fees of each platform before making a decision, considering factors such as the range of cryptocurrencies offered, rewards, and exchange fees.

  8. The differences in services and fees between and Revolut make it crucial for potential investors to weigh their options based on factors like the range of cryptocurrencies offered, rewards, and exchange fees. This comparison provides valuable insights for selecting the most suitable platform based on individual investment objectives.

    • You’re spot on, Oliver. Understanding the unique offerings and limitations of each platform empowers potential crypto investors to make informed decisions in line with their investment preferences and financial goals.

  9. The comprehensive comparison of and Revolut illustrates the distinctions in their services, fees, and rewards, providing valuable guidance for potential crypto investors to select the platform that caters to their specific investment goals and trading needs.

    • Absolutely, Darren. The detailed comparison equips potential investors with the necessary knowledge to make well-informed decisions, taking into consideration their individual investment priorities and trading preferences.

  10. Yes, and Revolut are both impressive platforms in their own right. While Revolut offers fast international payments and a fast exchange rate without hidden fees, offers a wider range of trading options and earning opportunities for its users, making it a compelling platform for more experienced investors.

    • Indeed, the comparison of these platforms provides valuable insights for potential investors. The availability of services and differences in fees and rewards are crucial factors to consider when choosing the right platform.


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