Fate vs Coincidence: Difference and Comparison

The terms Fate and Coincidence are like that only. Fate can be represented by the term destination, which means it will happen anyhow, and Coincidence can be represented by the term accidentally, which means something happened unknowingly.

And when things are already written and cannot be stopped from happening, it is called fate, or it illustrates fate. Fate is also a religious issue as so many religious people believe it.

Key Takeaways

  1. Fate refers to the idea that events are predetermined and inevitable, while coincidence refers to events by chance.
  2. Fate is associated with a higher power or destiny, while coincidence is not.
  3. Fate is perceived as having a significant impact on an individual’s life, while coincidence is less meaningful.

Fate vs. Coincidence

The things that happen by Fate cannot be terminated, and it is believed that people’s fate is already written or authored by the Supreme power or spiritual power. And Coincidence is a term that describes those things that happened due to some accident or happened by chance.

Fate vs Coincidence

In terms of religion, Fate is fixed and cannot be changed. Depending on people’s faith, each person’s fate is written by some spiritual spirit.

The term accidentally is a best-suited synonym for coincidence. Coincidence is not pre-planned and very different from Fate as fate is already written.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonFateCoincidence
DefinitionIt is the evolution of situations or circumstances that are not in humans’ control and are sometimes regarded as predetermined by spiritual powers.The situations or circumstances which arise unknowingly can also be described by the term accidentally.
No. of alphabetsFATE contains four alphabets.The term COINCIDENCE contains eleven alphabets.
Religious viewsSo many religions believe in fate as they consider it predetermined by spiritual powers.Coincidence does not relate to any religious views.
SynonymsThe synonyms of Fate are predetermination, destiny, future, etc.The synonyms of Coincidence are accident, by chance, concurrency, etc.
Pre-plannedFate is believed to be predetermined or predestined.Coincidence is not pre-planned, and it happens unknowingly.
Pre-readingSome people talk about others’ futures and things written in fate through cards or palm reading.Coincidence cannot be predetermined, or there is no pre-reading for coincidence.
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What is Fate?

Fate is a term that is used to describe the circumstances which are predetermined or predestined. Both fate and coincidence cannot be predicted.

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People consider themselves lucky and unlucky through their fate. Sometimes if something terrible happens to a person, they blame it on their luck, viewing themselves as unfortunate.


What is Coincidence?

Coincidence can be related to things that happen accidentally or unknowingly. Coincidence is not related to any religious views but has its meaning.

It is not spiritual or holy and is the standard term used daily. Some examples that may help you better understand the term coincidence are sometimes we wear the same dress as the other person; two friends have the same haircut, etc.


Main Differences Between Fate and Coincidence

  1. Fate is the evolution of situations or circumstances that are not in humans’ control and are sometimes regarded as predetermined by spiritual powers. Coincidences are situations or circumstances which arise unknowingly and can also be described by the term accidentally.
  2. The synonyms of Fate are predetermination, destiny, future, etc. The synonyms of Coincidence are accident, by chance, concurrency, etc.
Difference Between Fate and Coincidence
  1. https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9780691187013/html
  2. https://msp.org/pjm/1959/9-4/pjm-v9-n4-s.pdf#page=191

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Emma Smith
Emma Smith

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.


  1. I appreciate the detailed exploration of the differences between fate and coincidence, but I’m not entirely convinced by the author’s arguments. Some crucial philosophical questions remain unaddressed.

    • I agree. The article raises many interesting points, but there’s still much to be discussed on this topic.

  2. The article offers a stimulating examination of fate and coincidence. I particularly appreciate the comprehensive comparison table and the well-researched references provided by the author.

  3. This article is well-written and provides an insightful exploration of the concepts of fate and coincidence. It does a good job of comparing and contrasting these two terms and exploring the religious views associated with them. Excellent work!

  4. I expected a more in-depth discussion of the philosophical and existential implications of these concepts. I found the article somewhat lacking in that regard.

  5. I found this article to be very informative and educational. The author does an excellent job of explaining the differences between fate and coincidence, as well as the religious implications of each concept.

  6. The author’s manner of presenting the material is engaging and thought-provoking. I am impressed by the well-structured and articulate analysis of fate and coincidence.

    • I concur. The clarity and insight offered in this article make it an excellent resource for anyone interested in the subtleties of these concepts.

  7. I have found this article to be enlightening and thought-provoking. The author adeptly navigates the complexities of these philosophical concepts and offers valuable insights for further consideration.

  8. This article has provided a good overview of the fundamental differences between fate and coincidence. However, it would have been beneficial to further explore the broader cultural and psychological implications of these ideas.

  9. I must say, I disagree with the author’s conclusions. The religious views on fate and coincidence are much more complex and varied than presented in this article. I would have appreciated a more nuanced analysis.

    • I see your point, but I think the article provides a solid foundation for understanding the general concepts of fate and coincidence.

    • I, however, think the conclusions are well-supported and align with commonly held beliefs about fate and coincidence.

  10. It’s refreshing to read an article that approaches these topics with a high degree of intellectual rigor. The author’s knowledge and expertise shine through in every paragraph.

    • Absolutely. This is a refreshing departure from the superficial treatments of fate and coincidence that are encountered in popular discourse.

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