Maths Concept vs Maths Skill: Difference and Comparison

Quite the terms “maths skills” and “maths concept” are used synonymously. They are not quite the same, yet they go hand in hand.

Learning how math abilities and concepts differ may help one obtain a fresh outlook on math education and arithmetic obstacles and create a better understanding.

Key Takeaways

  1. Math concepts encompass theoretical understanding, such as principles, rules, and formulas, while maths skills involve applying these concepts to solve problems.
  2. Developing maths concepts requires critical thinking and logical reasoning, whereas maths skills necessitate practice and mastery of techniques.
  3. Strong maths concepts provide a foundation for acquiring various maths skills, and the two aspects work together to foster mathematical proficiency.

Maths Concept vs Maths Skill

The difference between maths concept and maths skills is that maths concept involves understanding the subject through a theoretical medium, and maths skill involves the practical application of the learned concepts. Maths concept is retained in our memory for a much more extended because they include holistic understanding, and maths skills can be forgotten quickly if not practised because they only involve learning.

Maths Concept vs Maths Skill

Maths concept is defined as solving and understanding maths theoretically. Knowing a maths concept helps you to understand answers and formulas better.

It’s not simply about knowing how to calculate the numbers. It is all about grasping mathematics beyond the rules that need to be memorized.

Maths skills relate to practical capabilities that are essential regardless of the sector or size of the firm. To grasp a mathematical concept, you must first comprehend it and then practice applying it.

You need to understand basic skills first and then work your way up.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonMaths ConceptMaths Skill
DefinitionIt refers to the way of solving and understanding maths theoreticallyIf you know the concept, you don’t necessarily need to have the skills as well.
Co-relationRetaining ideas is easier and the memory lasts foreverTo have the skills, you need to understand the related concepts first
Memory RetentionIt isn’t easy to retain skills if they are not practiced regularlyYou can learn any image in any way suitable to you
ProgressionYou can learn any concept in any way suitable to youYou need to understand basic skills first and then work your way up
ExamplesGeometry, addition, subtraction, cardinal number/ordinal number, etc.,Number perception, counting, computing, and reasoning
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What is Maths Concept?

A maths concept is mathematics’s underlying ‘why’ or ‘main idea’. Knowing a math idea implies you understand the reasoning behind the solution.

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You grasp why you received the response you did, and you don’t need to remember answers or formulae to work them out.

Since you understand how things function, you can come up with your solutions and formulae. You better comprehend answers and procedures and can identify if something’s incorrect.

When you comprehend a maths concept, you have effectively advanced to the next level of arithmetic, allowing you to analyze and organize abstractly.

Several people discover that they can’t comprehend arithmetic solutions until they first grasp a “big idea” or basic concept. Students frequently struggle with learning formulae and recalling specific numbers.

There is no link between what they are learning, such as addition vs subtraction.

But if you understand why something works – for example, why one plus one equals two – these mathematical puzzle pieces begin to fall into place much more quickly.

Learning a concept extends beyond memorizing every rule and technique in your book. We want teachers to build on our understanding when they teach an idea or a topic.

And thus, understanding a maths concept entails more than just being able to perform calculations.

math concept

What is Maths Skill?

The word “mathematical skills” does not just relate to abstract concepts taught in school, such as calculus. They are practical skills that are useful regardless of the industry or size of the firm in which you operate.

This includes abilities like time management. 

Being able to meet deadlines well is essential for day-to-day tasks as well as long-term planning achievement. Being able to conduct mental math rapidly will help you in various occupations, including logical argument construction.

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Abstract thinking is required in many jobs that need the same logical reasoning as is used to solve math issues.

The capacity to analyze and compare non-physical ideas such as freedom or honesty and data analysis is referred to as abstract thinking. At some time in your career, you must evaluate and analyze data.

You may enhance your mathematics skills in the very same way you would any other ability with constant practice. However, you cannot improve a mathematical skill if you do not understand what that skill requires.

It is not enough to grasp a subject to master it; you must also practice implementing it realistically. This piece of advice is more applicable to specific math skills than others.

There are several online games available to assist you in developing your complex abilities, such as mental arithmetic, but perhaps not your creativity.

You’ll have to use your imagination to develop strategies to target specific talents and push yourself in the same way you would specifically target a muscle region when working out.

math skills

Main Differences Between Maths Concept and Maths Skill

  1. Maths concept refers to understanding maths through a theoretical process, and maths skill refers to applying those concepts practically.
  2. It is not important to acquire skills to understand a concept but to understand the concept to apply skills.
  3. The memory of a maths concept last longer than maths skills.
  4. Concepts don’t always need to be learned in order but skills need to be learned in the progression of basic to advanced.
  5. Examples of maths concepts include Geometry, addition, subtraction, and examples of maths skills include counting and computation.
Difference Between Maths Concept and Maths Skill
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About Author

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.