Negligence vs Gross Negligence: Difference and Comparison

As law-abiding citizens, we are responsible for our actions as they could lead to consequences. We are responsible for the outcome in any situation. Not paying attention to details and being negligent can cause harm to others. Trying to neglect the other’s safety is done on purpose, and this gross negligence can attract penalties and compensation.

Key Takeaways

  1. Negligence denotes a lack of care or failure to meet a reasonable standard, while gross negligence signifies a severe or extreme lack of care.
  2. Gross negligence is more culpable than simple negligence, leading to more severe legal consequences.
  3. Negligence can result from carelessness, whereas gross negligence arises from a conscious disregard for safety or an intentional act.

Negligence vs Gross Negligence

Negligence is a failure to carry out ethical or appropriate care in a specific circumstance, and it is an area of tort law. It is a careless mistake that does not intend to harm the plaintiff. Gross negligence is a heightened degree of negligence involving reckless conduct that affects the life or property of another.

Negligence vs Gross Negligence

Any person failing to take reasonable precautions could be negligent. This action may cause harm. The person involved in the incident did not intend to cause any injury. But the careless action resulted in the accident. The caution “wet floor” is not placed after mopping a spill is an example of negligence.

Gross negligence is reckless behaviour with no regard for the safety of others. It is considered a purposeful act with no respect for health and safety. As this is a willful act, it will cause severe damage or injury to the parties involved. The driver is speeding in a pedestrian area.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonNegligenceGross Negligence
MeaningNegligence is a careless mistake.Gross Negligence is an intentional mistake.
IntentionIn negligence, there is no intention to harm the plaintiff.In Gross negligence, there is an intention to harm the plaintiff.
Legal ImplicationThe damages caused must be compensated.The damages must be paid. There could be additional penalties or jail terms.
GravityThe damages caused will not be life-threatening.It could cause serious damage to life or property.
ExampleA dog bite, when the harness is loose.Builder using faulty materials for construction.
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What is Negligence?

Negligence is failing to take reasonable care of self and the surroundings. This action causes harm, and the action will be considered negligent. This lapse was unintentional, and there is legally binding for the person responsible for the incident. 

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A few cases of negligence:

  • A driver jumps a traffic signal in a hurry to reach the destination.
  • A property owner fails to remove the building material from the premises causing injury to a person.

To prove the negligence of someone’s else mistake, you need to include the following elements:

  • Duty-The person overlooks their legal duty to protect the injured party from the distress caused by the circumstance.
  • Breach-There is a legal breach by the defendant due to the actions.
  • Causation-The action or inaction of the defendant has caused damage to the plaintiff.
  • Damages-The action of the defendant has caused harm to the complainant.

Even if the intention to cause injury was not the intention, it did cause damage to the party. Not paying attention to minor details will hold the person responsible for the damage accident and liable for damages.

A lawsuit helps the injured to claim compensation for the injuries caused. The case can claim medical bills, lost wages, and property damages. 

The plaintiff can claim mental anguish and suffering. Proving negligence is the essential part of claiming damages. If the above four elements are present in any situation, the injured party can claim to be hurt by ordinary negligence and demand the necessary compensation.

What is Gross Negligence?

Gross negligence in the legal concept means significant or gross carelessness and a punishable offence. Gross negligence involves reckless disregard or indifference to the other person, and it is not a simple act of inattention or failure. It is a deliberate act that causes significant damage to other people.   

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A few examples of gross negligence are as follows:

  • To prescribe medication despite being listed as an allergy.
  • To speed on pedestrian traffic.
  • To run a faulty lift without safety.

This deliberate negligence causes severe injury or damage. A lawsuit can claim damages but even punish the guilty. The intention may be harmless in some circumstances, but the damage caused could lead to gross negligence. In this instance, the example could be drunk driving or a person trying to glance at a mobile.

Speaking to the lawyer to report an accident case must be initiated immediately. The lawyers can review the case details and ascertain if the accident resulted from gross negligence. Gathering evidence is crucial, and experts’ help strengthens the case against the defendant. 

The lawyer can handle the insurance company for claims. Filing the claim within the appropriate time frame is crucial in claiming the loss. A personal injury claim ensures you get the damages to cover the medical bills or other damages caused during the accident. The lawyer must ensure reasonable punishment for the negligence caused.

Gross negligence is reckless and willful misconduct causing injury. In gross negligence, the action becomes intentional. It must be proven voluntarily disregarded towards the plaintiff’s care and caused the foreseeable grave offence.

Main Differences between Negligence and Gross Negligence

  1. An unintentional mistake is negligence. An intentional fault is a gross negligence.
  2. The unintentional error causes a mishap to the plaintiff in negligence. The intentional error causes an accident to the plaintiff in gross negligence.
  3. In negligence, the unintentional mistake does impose legal responsibility. In gross negligence, since the blunder was intentional, legal action is bound.
  4. In negligence, the dependent is responsible for compensation to be paid. In gross negligence, the dependence is accountable for payoff and even penalty.
  5. A ski instruction failing to check the equipment causing the accident is negligence. Forcing the injured to wait without immediate medical attention is gross negligence.
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About Author

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.