Torah Bible vs Quran: Difference and Comparison

There are over five holy books in the Islamic religion on their sacred Gods. Quran, Torah, Zabur, and Injil are the most important holy books among prophets.

In that case, Quran and Torah bible are the most notable ones, aware of Muhammad and Moses.

Meanwhile, Quran is the centre of religious text among Islamics, and it also inferred that Torah was given to Moses.

Key Takeaways

  1. The Torah, Bible, and Quran are religious texts of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, respectively, with varying beliefs and practices.
  2. The Torah is the foundational text of Judaism, the Bible is a collection of Christian scriptures, and the Quran is the holy book of Islam.
  3. Each religious text has a different historical context, audience, language, and style, but all emphasize monotheism and ethical teachings.

Torah Bible vs Quran

The difference between Torah Bible and Quran is that the Torah Bible is for Jews and Christians about Moses. On the other hand, Quran is about the God Allah, aka Muhammad, and is for Muslims.

Torah Bible vs Quran

The Torah Bible, also known as Hebrew Bible, is full of laws, teachings, and instructions about the insights of Moses. It plays a crucial role among the Jews. Torah conveys the ideology of the world created by God, the development of Abraham and Sarah’s family in the land of Canaan, and the creation of Israel.

On the other hand, Quran is the cynosure of the religious texts in Islam. Muslims suppose that the holy book Quran is about the oration of God through the angel Jibril to the final prophet, Muhammad. Fascinatingly, during the month of Ramzan, Muslims tend to finish off their recitation of the whole Quran in one go.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonTorah Bible Quran
DefinitionTorah bible is a Jewish Bible, which consists of guidelines, instruction, and teaching of the law of God (HaShem), which has already been mentioned in the first five books of Hebrew manuscripts. Quran is a religious text script of Islam, which tells the life of Muhammad (Prophet and Founder of Islam) that subsumes his portentous, Divine message and covers books of Torah, Adam, and Zabur Injil. 
Language Written in Tiberian Hebrew(Judaism), considered to be Jewish oldest languageInitially, Quran was developed in Classical Arabic and later translated into 47 languages worldwide. 
Number of verses 58526346
PrologueThe Torah Bible was believed to be written before the materialistic world was created by God and culminated when people moved to Canaan, at the same time Moses’s death occurred. Quran is said to be believed that it is God(Allah)’s ultimate revelation to Humanity and Muhammad’s messages to recite the Quran every day and form a group of Islamic following the guidelines of Angel Gabriel. The Quran implies the duties and responsibilities of God to the world.
PublishedIt is assumed that the Torah Bible was published in the 6th BCE, which was credulous when sources were identified. Quran was finally disclosed in the 18th century in the year 10 A.H. after the Death of Muhammad in 632 when the prophet handed over the recitation at Ghadir Khumm. 
Revision The Torah Bible did its revision in the 5th Century BCE and was ultimately completed by the 6th BCE. Quran translation was a strenuous task for scholars, and it was difficult to decode the meaning. Revision started in the month of Ramadan. 
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What is Torah Bible?

It is the first book among the twenty-four books in the Hebrew Bible. The Torah bible is for Jewish and Christians about the pedagogy God gave Moses around 3300 years ago at Mount Sinai.

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It consists of five books of the Old Testament for non-Jews: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Similarly, Torah is also known as the five books of Moses.

The Torah Bible conveys the message of Israel to mankind and is used as a blueprint to create the world, written by Moses.

There are over 70 versions of the Torah Bible around the globe. It is said that the believers read the Torah Bibles at the beginning of the Jewish New year.

Initially, the Torah bible emerged to Jews around 1250 BCE.

The Torah Bible starts its teachings from God’s creation of the world, about the people of Israel and Egypt, and ends with the death of Moses.

Subsequently, each episode is divided into Genesis(The Beginning), Exodus(Shemot-the names of the people in Israel and Egypt), Leviticus(Vayikra- the history of the Jewish people), Numbers(Bamidbar- Israelites’ journey to the land of milk and honey, Canaan) and Deuteronomy(D’varim- the instructions of God).

It is also the oral Torah of God given to Moses at Mount Sinai in 1312 BCE about Judaism and completed in the 6th or 7th century.

torah bible

What is Quran?

Quran is the most famous and essential holy book in the Islam religion. The Quran has 114 chapters; 86 are about the prophet Muhammad’s life in Makkah, and the other 28 are about the prophet’s migration to Madinah.

The holy book is about the teachings of God(Allah) to the prophet Muhammad through the angel Jibril.

The recitation of the Quran to Muhammad began when he was 40 years old and continued till his death, which is after 632 years.

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Quran is a book of guidance for Muslims, a sign of Muhammad’s prophethood and the religion’s significance.

Quran is written in the month of Ramzan by the prophet Muhammed as per the instructions of God. Presently, the Quran has been translated into over 100 languages around the world.

The Quran word appears over seventy times in the Quran, with different meanings.

Initially, the Quran is revealed to the last prophet of Allah around 1400 years ago to give an account of humankind’s purpose.


Main Differences Between Torah Bible and Quran

  1. The main difference between Torah Bible and Quran is their religious text- where Torah is about Jewish and Christ; on the other hand, Quran is an Islam script. 
  2. The Torah Bible was created primarily before the Quran, so the Quran subsumes the Torah as a part of it. Torah Bible was incipient before God created the world till the Death of Moses in the 6th BCE. Albeit Quran came up after the Death of Muhammad in 632. 
  3. Torah is considered the Holiest book in Judaism among the five books of Moses, representing the outlined laws for Jews to perpetuate. Quran solely focuses on the God Allah’s saying in the form of His messenger Muhammad. 
  4. Torah and Quran have similarities, but Torah was the first text revealed to the world, and Quran was revealed as the final prophet Muhammad to the Muslims.
  5. The Torah Bible has 187 chapters with 5852 verses, and the Quran has 114 chapters and 6346 verses.
  6. Torah was published in the 6th BCE, whereas Quran was found after the death of His messager Muhammad in the 18th Century 10 A.H. in 632. 
Difference Between Torah Bible and Quran
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Emma Smith
Emma Smith

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.


  1. This article not only covers the basics but also delves deep into the historical and linguistic aspects of the Torah Bible and Quran.

  2. The structured comparison table is quite enlightening. It provides a clear overview of the differences between the Torah Bible and Quran.

  3. An engaging and scholarly piece that offers valuable insights into the significance and historical context of these religious texts.

  4. This article provides an insightful comparison between the Torah Bible and Quran, offering a deeper understanding of their respective significance.

  5. The scholarly approach to comparing these religious texts is commendable. The article offers significant insights.

  6. A profound analysis of the Torah Bible and Quran. The detailed comparison provides clarity on these religious texts.

  7. Very informative article. It’s great to learn more about the holy books of different religions and their significance.

  8. An eye-opening comparison between the Torah Bible and Quran. This article does a great job of outlining the fundamental aspects of each.

    • Definitely, this kind of in-depth discussion is essential for understanding different religious perspectives.

  9. This is an interesting take on the significance of Quran, Torah, and Bible in different religions.

    • Absolutely, these comparisons shed light on the distinct beliefs and practices of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

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