19 Best Dollar Store Summer Wreaths For A Stylish Seasonal Decor

19 Best Dollar Store Summer Wreaths 2

You don’t have to spend a fortune to turn your home into a summer haven. By simply adding a gorgeous summer wreath can infuse seasonal allure. These charming adornments can quickly lighten up any area, from your entrance door to your lounge. What’s even better? You can source all required supplies from your nearby dollar store.

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19 Best Dollar Store Summer Wreaths 1
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Summer wreaths from dollar stores are an economical option for craft and decor enthusiasts. Not only are these wreaths affordable, but they also offer great versatility. Whether you favour a simplistic design or a more lively and colorful one, there’s a wreath concept to match your preference.

With a dash of imagination and motivation, you’re capable of creating a remarkable summer wreath that appears as though it originated from an upscale boutique. Thus, let’s explore the most exceptional concepts for summer wreaths from a dollar store and learn how to design stunning, cost-effective adornments that will keep your home radiant throughout the summer.

Dollar Store Summer Wreaths

19. Sun Hat Wreath

DIY Sun Hat Wreath 1.jpgfit12002c1200ssl1

18. Faux Succulent Wreath

DIY Faux Succulent Wreath 07

17. Sunflower Wreath with Easy Bow


16. Five Minute Dollar Store Forsythia Wreath

square Five Minute Dollar Store Spring Forsythia Wreath at the happy housie 7

15. Summer Cupcake Liner Wreath

Summer Cupcake Liner Wreath hero

14. Rope Nautical Wreath

rope nautical wreath

13. Deco Mesh Sunflower


12. Easy Bandana Wreath

IMG 3154 easy 4th fourth of july bandana wreath FEATwide

11. DIY Floral Bike Wheel Wreath

DIY dollar store floral bike wheel wreath

10. Summertime Flip Flop Door Decor

welcome flip flop wreath craft summer 1

09. Gardening Door Hanger

DIY Spring Wreath Tutorial

08. Easy Hydrangea Wreath

DIY Hydrangea Wreath Colorful Spring Wreath artsychicksrule

07. DIY Dollar Tree Coastal Wreath

dollar tree coastal wreath

06. Summer Lemon Wreath

DIY Summer Lemon Wreath Featured TNP

05. Birdhouse Door Decoration

Summer Birdhouse Wreath 700

04. Patriotic Burlap Wreath

American Flag Wreath by Coffe Going Cold

03. Dollar Store Nautical Buoy Door Hanger

nautical buoy wreath

02. Sunflower Wreath

sunflower wreath diy

01. Coastal Rope Door Hanger

DIY Coastal Wreath 10
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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.