Shadowverse Promo Codes (updated [2025])

shadowverse promo codes updated 2025 659597

Available Shadowverse Promo Codes

If you’re looking for active Shadowverse promo codes, several of these codes are available to redeem in-game:

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To redeem a code, follow these steps:

  1. Click on your ‘Avatar’.
  2. Select ‘Settings’.
  3. Choose the ‘Promo Code’ option.
  4. Enter the code into the gift code box and press ‘Confirm’ to receive your reward.

Please remember that some codes have expiration dates and may no longer be valid. Also, promo codes can be platform-specific, so make sure you’re using them on eligible platforms like Google Play or Steam. Regularly check for updates and new codes to ensure you don’t miss any exciting rewards.

Expired Shadowverse Promo Codes

Unfortunately, there are currently no expired Shadowverse promo codes to report. This is because most codes available for the game have no set expiration dates. As a result, players can redeem these codes at any time.

To redeem a promo code, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Shadowverse on your preferred device (Mobile/PC).
  2. Click on ‘Avatar’ -> ‘Settings’ -> ‘Promo Code’.
  3. Enter the code in the gift code box and press ‘Confirm’ to receive the reward.

Check online sources regularly for new codes, such as community forums and official Shadowverse announcements. Additionally, remember that promo codes are only redeemable in the game’s Google Play and Steam versions.

Also Read:  AFK Arena Gift Codes (updated [2025])

How to Use Shadowverse Promo Codes

Step by Step Instructions

  1. Open the game and go to the main screen.
  2. Click on your Avatar in the top-left corner.
  3. Navigate to Settings.
  4. In Settings, select the Promo Code option.
  5. Enter one of the available promo codes and tap OK to redeem.


  • If the OK button is grayed out, double-check the promo code for errors or extra characters.
  • If the promo code isn’t working, it could be expired or invalid. Verify the source and try another code.
  • If the Promo Code option is missing, update your game to the latest version, or contact customer support for assistance.

Where to Find Shadowverse Promo Codes

Official Channels

Stay updated with the game’s official social media accounts, such as Twitter and Facebook, where they might occasionally announce promo codes. Keep an eye on in-game events and special campaigns, too.

Third-party Websites

Browse websites like GGRecon and WikiTechLibrary, which compile and post active Shadowverse promo codes regularly. Remember to check these sites frequently, as they update their lists whenever new codes are released.

Community Forums

Join online forums like Reddit’s r/Shadowverse, where players share exclusive promo codes, tips, and tricks. Participating in these communities can help you stay informed about new codes and game updates. Be quick to redeem codes you find since they may expire or have limited usage.

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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.