Studying Abroad vs Studying Locally: Difference and Comparison

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Key Takeaways

  1. Studying abroad is an enriching experience that allows students to broaden their understanding, gain international exposure and develop valuable skills.
  2. Studying locally embraces the opportunities available in their own country, both academically and personally, while contributing to their communities.
  3. Studying abroad comes with additional costs while looking locally at an affordable price.

What is Meant By Study Abroad?

Studying abroad involves travelling to a foreign country and enrolling in an educational institution to pursue academic programs or courses. It allows one to immerse oneself in a different culture, enhancing intercultural competency and global awareness. Students can experience new traditions, languages, and perspectives, fostering personal growth and a broader worldview.

Selecting the proper study abroad program is crucial to ensure a successful and fulfilling experience. Students should consider factors such as the destination of the country, language requirements, academic offerings, program duration and cost. Consulting with academic advisors and online resources can help students make informed decisions. 

While studying abroad can be an exciting adventure, it also presents particular challenges. Adapting to a new environment, language barriers, homesickness, and cultural difference are common hurdles that students may face. Staying connected with family and friends back home through technology provides valuable support to them.

What is Meant by Studying Locally?

Studying locally is the familiarity and comfort of staying in one’s own country. Students are already familiar with the local language, culture and social norms, making the transition into higher education smoother and less overwhelming.

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Studying locally proves to be more cost-effective compared to studying abroad. Students can avoid hefty expenses such as international tuition, travel, and visa fees. By learning locally, students can take advantage of affordable education options, scholarships, and financial assistance available within their own country,

Studying locally allows students to maintain their support network, including family, friends, and mentors. A familiar support system nearby can provide emotional and practical support during challenging times, allowing students to navigate their academic journey easily. 

Local universities and colleges offer specialized programs and courses that cater to the specific needs of their country or region. This enables students to pursue subjects or fields of study that align closely with their interests, career aspirations and the local job market. Furthermore, studying locally can provide a deeper understanding of local issues, challenges, and solutions that prepare students for future employment or engagement within their community.

Difference Between Studying Abroad and Studying Locally

  1. Living in a foreign country exposes one to new customs, traditions and languages, providing a rich cultural experience, while looking locally may offer a different level of cultural immersion.
  2. Immersion in a foreign language environment can accelerate language acquisition through daily interactions, while, on the other hand studying locally may provide a different level of language learning opportunities.
  3. Studying abroad is expensive compared to looking locally.
  4. Studying abroad can enhance your international career prospects while looking locally. On the other hand, it may provide more specific career advantages within your home country’s job market.
  5. Studying abroad can be challenging as you have to build a new support network while looking locally has the advantage of being close to family and existing support network.
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Comparison Between Studying Abroad and Studying Locally

Parameters of ComparisonStudy AbroadStudy Locally
Cultural immersionExposure to new customs, traditions and languagesLess cultural immersion
Language learningAccelerate language acquisition through daily interactionsLess language learning opportunities
Cost More expensive Less expensive
Career opportunitiesEnhances your international career prospectsProvides specific career advantages within your home country’s job market
Support networkBuilding a new one can be challengingAvailable support of family and loved ones
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About Author

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.