Troy Weight Conversion Calculator

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  • Enter the amount you want to convert in the "Enter Amount" field.
  • Select the unit you are converting from in the "From Unit" dropdown.
  • Select the unit you want to convert to in the "To Unit" dropdown.
  • Click "Convert" to calculate the conversion.
  • The result will be displayed below along with the formula used for conversion.
  • Your calculation history will be listed in the "Calculation History" section.
  • Click "Clear" to reset the input fields and result.
  • Click "Copy Result" to copy the result to the clipboard.

Calculation History:

    Troy Weight Converter is an essential tool for professionals and enthusiasts in fields where precious metals like gold, silver, and gemstones are measured. The system, named after the French city of Troyes, where it originated, has been a standard for these commodities since the Middle Ages. Understanding and utilizing the Troy weight system is crucial for accuracy and standardization in transactions.

    Concept of Troy Weight

    Historical Context

    The Troy weight system has a rich history, dating back to Roman times. It was widely used in medieval markets, especially in Troyes, a prominent trading city. This system was initially used for weighing coins and later extended to precious metals and gemstones.

    Units of Troy Weight

    The primary units in the Troy weight system are the grain, pennyweight, troy ounce, and troy pound.

    • Grain: The smallest unit in the Troy system. Historically, it was based on the weight of a single grain of wheat.
    • Pennyweight (dwt): Equals 24 grains. The term comes from the weight of a medieval silver penny.
    • Troy Ounce (oz t): Comprises 20 pennyweights. It’s the most widely recognized and used unit in the trading of precious metals.
    • Troy Pound: Contains 12 troy ounces. It’s less commonly used today, as the avoirdupois pound has become the standard for most other weight measurements.
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    Conversion to Avoirdupois System

    The avoirdupois system is more common for everyday use (groceries, postal items, etc.). A troy ounce is heavier than an avoirdupois ounce, while a troy pound is lighter than an avoirdupois pound. This distinction is crucial in ensuring accuracy in weight and thereby in transactions.

    Formulae Related to Troy Weight

    Conversion Between Troy Units

    1. 1 pennyweight (dwt) = 24 grains
    2. 1 troy ounce (oz t) = 20 pennyweights = 480 grains
    3. 1 troy pound = 12 troy ounces = 240 pennyweights = 5760 grains

    Conversion to Avoirdupois System

    1. 1 troy ounce (oz t) ≈ 1.097 avoirdupois ounces
    2. 1 troy pound = 12 troy ounces ≈ 0.82286 avoirdupois pounds

    Conversion accuracy is critical, especially in high-value transactions. Therefore, using precise tools like the Troy Weight Converter becomes indispensable.

    Benefits of Using Troy Weight Converter

    Accuracy in Transactions

    The most significant benefit is the accuracy it provides in transactions involving precious metals and gemstones. Given the high value of these materials, even a small mistake in measurement can lead to substantial financial losses.


    The Troy weight system is internationally recognized, especially in the trade of precious metals. Using a Troy Weight Converter ensures compliance with global trading standards.

    Ease of Use

    Modern Troy Weight Converters are digital and user-friendly. They allow for quick and accurate conversions between different units of weight, which is invaluable for professionals in relevant industries.

    Educational Value

    For those learning about precious metals, gemstones, and their trading, understanding and using the Troy weight system is foundational. Converters serve as practical educational tools.

    Interesting Facts

    • The troy ounce is the only unit of the Troy weight system that is still in widespread use today, primarily in the trading of precious metals.
    • The term ‘troy’ is believed to originate from the French city of Troyes, a major trading hub in the Middle Ages.
    • The Troy system was used in England until the 19th century when the country officially adopted the more general avoirdupois system.
    • The troy ounce is heavier than the avoirdupois ounce used in the United States for all other weight measurements, which sometimes leads to confusion.
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    The Troy Weight Converter is more than just a tool; it’s a bridge between the rich history of the ancient trading world and modern precision requirements in the trading of precious metals and gemstones. Its importance in ensuring accuracy, maintaining standardization, and facilitating ease of transaction cannot be overstated.

    As the world continues to recognize the value of these commodities, the relevance of the Troy Weight Converter remains unwavering, reflecting both historical significance and modern utility.

    1. “Weights and Measures: An Informal Guide” by John H. Lienhard, University of Houston. This book provides a detailed historical context of different measuring systems, including the Troy weight.
    2. “Guide to the Troy Weight System” by the Precious Metals Association. An in-depth guide on how the Troy weight system is used in current precious metals markets.
    3. “The History and Use of Our Earth’s Chemical Elements: A Reference Guide” by Robert E. Krebs. While focusing on chemical elements, this book also touches upon the historical aspects of weighing systems, including the Troy weight.
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    About Author

    Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.