Ounce vs Troy Ounce: Difference and Comparison

Measuring weights using proper objects is very important. If one mistake happens, then everything will be wasted.

There are two types of weight measurements available for daily measurements and for measuring valuable metals such as Ounces, and the other one is Troy Ounce. They are useful in measuring these quantities as they have good standards. 

Key Takeaways

  1. An ounce equals 28.35 grams, while a troy ounce equals 31.10 grams.
  2. Troy ounces are used primarily for weighing precious metals, while standard ounces are used for everyday measurements.
  3. The troy ounce is historically connected to the Roman monetary system, while the ounce is derived from the avoirdupois system.

Ounce vs Troy Ounce

An ounce is a term that is used to measure various units of weight, and it is used as a means to measure everyday items. A troy ounce is a term that is used to measure the weight of special metals such as silver, gold, and platinum, and it can be measured in both kilograms and grams.

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An ounce is used for measuring quantities that we use in our daily life. It makes our measurement simple, so we don’t have to worry about the hassle after cooking.

Because if we take wrong measurements, everything will be failed in cooking and the taste won’t be good. Gold will also be measured in ounces.

It is used for measuring fluid mass as well. 

Troy ounce is still one of the best methods of measuring precious metals in today’s modern world because of the standard quality. It is one of the standard units. The troy weight will differ by 10% heavier than the normal ounce.

Some confusion will arise whenever they use pounds and troy ounces for measurements, but each has its standards. 

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonOunceTroy Ounce
Weight28.349 grams31.103 grams
Derived fromAncient roman unciaFrench town
Pound16 ounces will equal one pound in an ounce12 troy ounces will equal one pound in troy ounce
Grains437.5 grains will be equal to one ounce480 grains will be equal to one troy ounce
UsesIt is used in everyday itemsIt is used in precious metals and gemstones

What is Ounce?

An ounce is a name used for measuring different units of weight. It can be made in different types, such as pounds, grams, grains, and many other things.

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An ounce of water can also be measured. It is measured in imperial fluid water.

Imperial fluid water will have a mass of one ounce, which is exact, and it will not change in any terms. In a fluid ounce, there will be 2 tablespoons.

For this, they use a certain specific formula for measuring it further.

Fluid ounce also helps in measuring volume. Not only are fluid ounces used in measuring volume, but tablespoons will also be used in measuring volume.

1 cup should have 16 tablespoons of water to make it one ounce. For 3/4 cup, it will be reduced to 12 tablespoons of water. For 2/3 cups, it will be reduced to 10.6 tablespoons of water.

For 1/2 cup, it required 8 tablespoons of water. For 1/3 cup, it uses 5.3 tablespoons of water. 

For 1/4 cup, it uses 4 tablespoons of water. We can measure ounces for other cups as well. It can be done simply by visiting the online ounce calculator, which is available on online sites.

With their help of them, we can find all types of quantities. Not only is it measured in tablespoons, but it will also be measured in teaspoons and millimeters.

It is used for measuring cooking ingredients, especially in the areas of baking where measurement is very important. 


What is Troy Ounce?

Troy ounce is used for measuring precious metals. UK people will measure troy ounces in different weights, and the US people will measure them in different weights.

It got its name troy from a city called Troy in France. During the Middle Ages, European people used it widely for measurements.

It is used to weigh gold, silver, and platinum as they are precious metals measuring in troy ounces, giving them the correct weight.

The gold weight that we see every day is measured with the help of a troy ounce. That is why they change every day when the value gets updated.

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Troy ounce can be measured in grams and kilograms depending on the user’s requirements. When we measure precious metals using trounce, the weight of the metals will be heavier than the normal ounce.

That’s why the price of the materials is also high. It is worth more than the traditional ounces.

When the pound is measured in troy ounces, its value will be less than a normal pound. It is one of the last remaining materials which is still used in the troy metric system.

In these modern times, it is the only measurement type that is used in measurements. It is very different from the common ounces used.

Precious gemstones are used because they are highly valuable, which is one reason they are measured with troy ounces.

troy ounce

Main Differences Between Ounce and Troy Ounce

  1. The weight of the ounce is 28.349 grams. On the other hand, a troy ounce weighs 31.103 grams.
  2. The ounce is derived from ancient Roman uncia. On the other hand, the troy ounce is derived from a french town.
  3. The pound equivalence of ounce is 16 pounds. On the other hand, the pound equivalence of troy ounce is 12 troy ounces.
  4. One ounce will be equal to 437.5 grains. On the other hand, one troy ounce is equal to 480 grains.
  5. An ounce is used in everyday items that we use, such as cooking and other measurements. On the other hand, the troy ounce is used in measuring precious metals and gemstones.
Difference Between Ounce and Troy Ounce
  1. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0301420716301337
  2. https://books.google.com/bookshl=en&lr=&id=FP8_AAAAcAAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PA753&dq=Difference+Between+Ounce+and+Troy+Ounce&ots=QGMxyrC0hg&sig=UzQW8KcfgtoOFLIRt1B3-OX-CJA

Last Updated : 11 June, 2023

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11 thoughts on “Ounce vs Troy Ounce: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The article provides an excellent overview of the uses of an ounce and a troy ounce. The table providing a comparison of these measurements is very useful for anyone seeking to understand their differences.

  2. It is important to measure weights using appropriate objects to avoid mistakes that could ruin the measuring process. The difference between an ounce and a troy ounce is that the troy ounce is used to weigh precious metals. This information is essential to understand the differences between these two ways of measurements.

    • I will share the information in this article on the differences between an ounce and a troy ounce with my students. It’s very detailed and clarifies the uses of both types of measurements.

    • The detailed comparison table is very helpful for anyone looking to understand the differences between an ounce and a troy ounce. The article provides an excellent overview of these measurement units.

  3. The article explains the importance of measuring weights accurately using appropriate units. I found the detailed comparison of the parameters between an ounce and a troy ounce to be particularly useful. This article provides a comprehensive explanation.

  4. The article’s detailed explanation of an ounce and a troy ounce provides valuable insights into their respective uses. It’s clear and informative, offering a comprehensive comparison of these measurement units.

  5. The detailed information on the uses of ounces and troy ounces in everyday life and for precious metals is enlightening. The comparison table is particularly useful in understanding the key differences between these measurements.

    • The explanation of the different uses of an ounce and a troy ounce is very informative. The historical context is particularly interesting. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this article.

  6. The article provides an informative comparison of an ounce and a troy ounce. One key takeaway is that a troy ounce is based on the Roman monetary system, while an ounce is derived from the avoirdupois system.

  7. The comparison of an ounce and a troy ounce in the article provides a thorough understanding of their applications. The explanations of the historical origin of these units greatly enhance the comprehension of their uses.

  8. The difference between an ounce and a troy ounce is clearly explained in the article. It’s particularly interesting to learn that the troy ounce has historical connections to the Roman monetary system.


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