JSF vs JSP: Difference and Comparison

The website was an important achievement in the world of computing. There are different kinds of websites like personal, governmental, business, corporate, organizations, etc. They are dedicated to one purpose.

Many other websites link them with the help of hyperlinks. A static website is something that has a lot of web pages, and information is stored on them in the format sent by the Client browser.

Dynamic websites are something that changes automatically every day and customizes things. JSF and JSP are also part of the websites. They serve different purposes.

Key Takeaways

  1. JavaServer Faces (JSF) is a Java-based web application framework that simplifies building user interfaces for server-side applications.
  2. JavaServer Pages (JSP) is a technology for creating dynamic web content, embedding Java code directly into HTML pages.
  3. JSF is more suitable for large-scale, complex applications, while JSP works well for smaller projects and simple dynamic content.


JSP is a presentation technology that uses HTML and Java code in the same file to create dynamic content. JSF is a component-based framework that separates the presentation layer from the business logic and data access layers using its own set of components.


JSF stands for Java Server Faces. It uses Java technology. It is primarily used for building the user interface for web applications. It can also be used as a component-based system. It simplifies data integration.

It is best suited for the larger project work. It describes various sets of components like API, i.e. application Programming Interface and UI components.

It also allows the facility to connect with UI, reuse, extend, or target the customer. It simplifies the transfer of the data among UI.

JSP stands for Java Server Pages. It helps software developers make dynamic web pages with the help of SOAP, XML, HTML and other documents. JSP is very similar to PHP and ASP, but it uses Java Programming.

JSP can also be viewed as Java servlets because they are converted into one in their run-time. So every JSP is a servlet. It’s cached and reused until the original JSP is modified.

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Either JSP can work independently or become a part of server-side controller design.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonJSFJSP
Filename.jsf.jsp, .jspx, .jspf
MVC Its a framework having faces servlet controllerAccessed by webpages like HTML, XML etc.
TagDynamicDeclared in TLD file.
SupportIntegrates with rich face supportDoesn’t
FeaturesA template-based component system, 2 XMLs, managed beans etc.Compiled in java bytecode to function properly.
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What is JSF?

JSF is a framework which is why it is used widely in the web industry. It can be said as the component-driven model that UI runs. It forms a part of Java Platforms as Java Community Process formalises it.

It uses the MVC framework, making JSF simplify the UI components on one page. Java specification request proposed the technology in developing the package known as Java server pages in 2001.

Talking about the recent developments in JSF, Facelets was developed and was incorporated in JSF 2.0 version.

The function of Facelets is to provide tag creation using XML instead of Java codes.

The latest JSF has new features that support handling Javascript, images, and CSS and can separate them into JAR files, adding support for separate development, staging, events, and production modes etc.

Facelets take up the requests, then load the given template, make a component tree, process it and then wait for the response from the client.

All the interests of UI components are saved at the end of every request, called state serving.

It has multiple features that are not in JSP. As it is one of the largest presentable types of application, it can handle large projects easily.

Ajax, one of the popular apps in the field of UI designing, can be run, handled and managed by JSF only. Because of its integration, JSF goes so well with it.

What is JSP?

JSP was developed by Eclipse Foundation 22 years ago. If we have to run JSP, we would need a web server compatible with a servlet container, like Apache Tomcat /Jetty.

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It was released in 1999 by Sun Microsystems. It runs on Java Programming language and is very similar to PHP and ASP. JSP was mainly built for creating dynamic web pages by the software developers.

It works very well with small applications. But in large applications, a certain framework and component-based module and interface are required that JSP doesn’t have. JSP is a request based servlets.

It means that it will run when a request is sent to the client. It can be used independently. But JSP is mostly used as a component of MVC design. A model can be JavaBeans, and the controller can be JavaServelet.

JSP is suited for the service related to purpose, unlike JSF. The working of JSP is very different from JSF. In JSP, one component doesn’t affect the other. So if there is any error, it will not be a problem.

New views can also be created in JSP without having to write the model.

JSP is more flexible. However, in terms of maintaining the structure of the web applications, it becomes tough. JSP has a core technology. So various kinds of developers will be developing different components.

It becomes messy when all of the components are integrated.

Main Differences Between JSF and JSP

  1. The extension used for JSF is .jsf. The extension used for JSP is .jsp, .jspx, and .jspf.
  2. JSF is a framework consisting of a faces servlet controller with backing beans. Webpages like HTML, XML etc., access JSP.
  3. JSF tagging attributes are dynamic and can automatically map properties and value expressions on the UI interface. In JSP, the tag needs to be declared in the TLD file.
  4. JSF integrates with rich face support. While JSP doesn’t.
  5. Features of JSF include managed beans, a template-based component system, and two XML-based tag libraries. The feature of JSP is to compile a Java bytecode to function properly.
  1. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=3k9ucms335AC&oi=fnd&pg=PR1&dq=JSF+VS+JSP&ots=2iBPbgfTAK&sig=OwiQfkZxkIFKgcpxED3-HblGaug
  2. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=eRTVm0W2LKwC&oi=fnd&pg=PR22&dq=JSF+VS+JSP&ots=MJmnWcO-qi&sig=GI-ZqT2RApgx86tIgeNI5Z8qG2E

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Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.