Centimeters to Inches and Feet Converter

centimeters to inches and feet converter 660560
  • Enter centimeters in the input field.
  • Click "Convert" to calculate the conversion.
  • Click "Clear" to reset the input and result.
  • Click "Copy" to copy the result to the clipboard.
  • Your calculation history will be displayed below.
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    The Centimeters to Inches and Feet Converter is a tool that allows you to convert length measurements from the metric system (centimeters) to the imperial system (inches and feet). This tool is useful when you need to convert measurements for various purposes such as construction, design, or education.



    Centimeters (cm) are a unit of length in the metric system. One centimeter is equal to one-hundredth of a meter. The metric system is used worldwide and is based on multiples of ten.


    Inches (in) are a unit of length in the imperial system. One inch is equal to 1/12th of a foot or 2.54 centimeters. The imperial system is used primarily in the United States and is based on historical English units.


    Feet (ft) are also a unit of length in the imperial system. One foot is equal to 12 inches or 30.48 centimeters.


    Centimeters to Inches

    To convert centimeters to inches, use the following formula:

    Inches = Centimeters / 2.54

    Centimeters to Feet

    To convert centimeters to feet, use the following formula:

    Feet = Centimeters / 30.48

    Centimeters to Inches and Feet

    To convert centimeters to inches and feet, use the following formula:

    Feet = floor(Centimeters / 30.48)
    Inches = (Centimeters / 2.54) - (Feet * 12)


    The Centimeters to Inches and Feet Converter has several benefits:

    • Accuracy: The converter applies correct formulas for each conversion.
    • Versatility: The converter outputs inches and feet from a single input.
    • Consistency: The converter standardizes conversions between problems.
    • Accessibility: The converter removes mental math barriers to multi-unit conversion.
    • Applications: The converter supports dimensions across scales for design, construction, etc.
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    Interesting Facts

    • The metric system was first introduced during the French Revolution in the late 18th century.
    • The imperial system was developed in England during the Middle Ages.
    • The United States is one of three countries that have not adopted the metric system as their primary measurement system.
    • The meter was originally defined as one ten-millionth of the distance from the North Pole to the equator along a meridian through Paris.

    Here are some scholarly references that you may find useful:

    • Uttal, D. H., et al. (2013). The malleability of spatial skills: A meta-analysis of training studies. Psychological bulletin, 139(2), 352.
    • National Institute of Standards and Technology (2019). Metric Conversion Factors for SI Units: Special Publication 811.
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    About Author

    Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.