Feet vs Square Feet: Difference and Comparison

If not understood keenly, mathematics can sometimes be confusing, especially regarding measurements. 

Key Takeaways

  1. Feet is a unit of linear measurement in the Imperial system, used to measure length, width, or height.
  2. A square foot is a unit of area measurement calculated by multiplying length and width in feet.
  3. Feet describe one-dimensional measurements, whereas square feet are applied to two-dimensional surface areas.

Feet vs. Square Feet

Feet (ft) is a measuring unit used to measure the distance, length, or height of an object or single-dimensional space including the height of a person. Square Feet (sqft) is a measuring unit used to measure the area of two-dimensional space including the area of a room or area of piece of land.

Feet vs Square feet

Feet is the plural of the word “foot” We use “feet” to determine the height or length of a given object or area and use “square feet” to calculate the area of a two-dimensional space.

While “feet” can only measure one aspect of an area, “square feet” calculates the area enclosed within the prescribed square or rectangle, i.e., it functions in two-dimensional space. In contrast, “feet” is limited to one-dimensional functioning only.

Both these terms are extensively used in architectural spaces, like calculating the land area or an enclosure or determining the length of the roof or pillars or the structure itself.


Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonFeetSquare Feet
OriginPlural of “foot.”Plural of “feet.”
DimensionsOne-dimensional in nature.Two-dimensional in nature.
NatureNon-SI unit for measuring length.Non-SI unit for measuring area.
MeasurementsOne-feet measures 12 inches or 0.3048 meters in length.1 square foot corresponds to 144 square inches in area or 0.0929 square meters.
DefinitionAny object’s height, breadth, or length is measured in inches or feet.The area of any given space is determined by multiplying its length and breadth.
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What is Feet?

Feet (plural of which is foot) is the non-SI unit for determining a given object or entity’s length, breadth, or height. This calculation is made on a one-dimensional basis, considering that “feet” calculates only one aspect of measurement of the object or space provided.

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We use “feet” to determine the height or length of a given object or area and “square feet” to calculate the area of a two-dimensional space. It is the non-SI unit for measuring length.

The globally used symbol of feet is “ft.”. Also, know that one foot corresponds to 12 square inches or 0.3048 meters in length, respectively.


What is Square Feet?

The plural of “feet” can be termed “square feet.” Square feet are two-dimensional and are the non-SI unit of calculating the area of a given space, square, or rectangle.

The area of a room is calculated by multiplying the length and width of the room in feet. For example, if the space provided is 12 feet in length and, say, 12 feet in breadth, then the estimated area of the space provided is 12 multiplied by 12, resulting in 144 square feet.

The globally used symbol of square feet is “ft^2.”. Also, know that one square foot corresponds to 144 inches or 0.0929 square meters in area, respectively.

square feet

Main Differences Between Feet and Square Feet

  1. One-feet measures 12 inches or 0.3048 meters in length. 1 square foot corresponds to 144 square inches in area or 0.0929 square meters.
  2. Any object’s height, breadth, or length is measured in inches or feet. The area of any given space is determined by multiplying its length and breadth.

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  1. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=6hljDwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PT9&dq=Feet+and+Square+Feet&ots=DcdPn7AJHg&sig=ujbDisXygrJGS2C3K1DkxO35Ows
  2. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0032579119501614
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Emma Smith
Emma Smith

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.


  1. This article shows the importance of understanding linear measurements and area measurements. Understanding the difference is very important in order to communicate and understand technical instructions.

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