Cubic Yards Calculator

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  • Enter the dimensions of your object in the respective fields.
  • Select the unit for each dimension (Feet, Meters, or Inches) from the dropdowns.
  • Click "Calculate" to find the cubic volume.
  • Your result will be displayed along with a detailed calculation explanation.
  • Enter the cost per unit volume (optional).
  • The total cost will be calculated based on the volume and cost per unit.
  • You can copy the result and total cost to the clipboard using the buttons.
  • Your calculation history will be displayed below.
  • Click "Clear" to reset the form and start a new calculation.

Calculation History:

    Cubic Yards Calculator is a tool that helps calculate a three-dimensional object’s volume in cubic yards. It is used in construction, landscaping, and other industries where the volume of materials needs to be calculated. The calculator can calculate the volume of materials such as mulch, fill, gravel, cement, sand, and containers.


    The following are some of the key concepts that underlie the Cubic Yards Calculator:


    Volume is the amount of space that an object occupies. It is measured in cubic units, such as cubic meters (m³), cubic centimeters (cm³), and cubic inches (in³). The volume of a three-dimensional object can be calculated by multiplying its length, width, and height.

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    Cubic Yards

    Cubic yards are a unit of volume commonly used in the United States. One cubic yard is equal to 27 cubic feet. The Cubic Yards Calculator is used to calculate the volume of an object in cubic yards.


    The following are some of the most common formulas used in the Cubic Yards Calculator:


    • Area (ft²) = Length x Width
    • Volume (ft³) = Depth x Area
    • Volume in Cubic Yards (yd³) = Volume (ft³) / 27


    • Area (ft²) = Pi x (Diameter/2)²
    • Volume (ft³) = Depth x Area
    • Volume in Cubic Yards (yd³) = Volume (ft³) / 27
    • Pi = 3.14


    • Area (ft²) = 2 x Side Length
    • Volume (ft³) = Depth x Area
    • Volume in Cubic Yards (yd³) = Volume (ft³) / 27


    Cubic Yards Calculator is a useful tool for calculating the volume of materials in cubic yards. It can save time and effort compared to calculating the volume by hand. The calculator can calculate the volume of materials for various applications, including landscaping, construction, and home improvement projects.

    Interesting Facts

    • The Cubic Yards Calculator is used in a variety of industries, including construction, landscaping, and home improvement 1.
    • The volume of materials needed for a project can be calculated using the Cubic Yards Calculator, which can help to reduce waste and save money 2.
    • The Cubic Yards Calculator is a simple and easy-to-use tool that anyone can use regardless of their level of expertise 3.

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    About Author

    Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.