Adoption & Foster care appear to be very similar at first glance: both require taking a kid into your home to take care of and nurture.
Many potential parents mistake the two when attending foster or adopting parent training programs. However, there are two key distinctions: permanence and parental rights.
Key Takeaways
- Adoption involves legally transferring parental rights and responsibilities from a child’s birth parents to adoptive parents; fostering is a temporary arrangement where a child lives with foster parents.
- Adopted children become permanent members of their adoptive family, while foster children may return to their birth family or move to another foster home.
- Adoption is a lifelong commitment while fostering has a more flexible time commitment and may involve various levels of support for the child and foster family.
Adoption vs Fostering
Adoption is a legal process that establishes a permanent parent-child relationship between individuals who are not biologically related. Fostering is a temporary care arrangement where a child is placed in the care of a trained and licensed caregiver that provides a safe environment for them.

Adoption is indeed a lifelong commitment. It’s a binding legal relationship that gives the adopted baby all of the rights and privileges which would be granted to a biological child.
The adopted family are the baby’s legal parents for the rest of his life, just like they’ve just given birth to him. Adoptive parents are at fault for all of their child’s decisions, and just it’s like he’s their biological child.
The adoptive parents’ responsibilities include the baby’s medical care, monetary duties, and academic and spiritual growth.
In fostering, when the youngster is, the kid’s legal guardian retains full parental rights. Even though the state manages these rights, they stay intact unless the child is placed for adoption.
This factor comes into play when it comes to educational, medical, and even religious considerations for the child. Adoptive parents are given complete legal custody and rights when they adopt a child.
The adoptive parent or parents are solely responsible for the child’s care.
Comparison Table
Parameters of Comparison | Adoption | Fostering |
Job | Adoption is a one-time job but it is full time. | Fostering could be done multiple times and generate money for the Fostering parents. |
Payment | During adoption, only some amount of monetary help is given to adopting family. | In fostering family receive weekly paychecks for the child’s expenses. |
Previous connections | After adoption child can’t meet or have a relation with biological parents. | In fostering a child can meet and can have good relations with bio-logical parents. |
Legal rights | All the legal rights of the child are transferred to the adopted family. | Foster family only holds the basic rights of the child |
Age limit | When the child turns 18 still the adopted family will be considered the family of the child. | When a child turns 18 then the foster parents have no rights over the child. |
What is Adoption?
Adoption is a legal process in which a person or family assumes the parental role of some other person, most a child, so it transfers all legal benefits and rights of being that child’s parent from the biological parents.
Well before adoption, the biological baby’s parents will nearly always conduct extensive research to locate a family who they believe will be a perfect match for their child and who will raise him in the manner they believe is appropriate.
Just after adoption, the child rarely sees his or her biological parents again. In every way but biologically, the family that adopts it becomes its genuine family.
When the child reaches a specific age, the family may inform the child that it has been adopted, although this relies on the family’s attitude toward doing so.
There are terms used to describe adoptions with all these different relationships between the adopted child or his or her biological parents,
such as closed and open adoptions, where open adoption preserves the relationship between the child with his or her biological family members and closed,
or confidential adoptions remove all ties between the child and his or her biological family.

What is Fostering?
Fostering, also known as foster care, can be considered a job in the sense that the person or people who become foster parents to a kid are biweekly paychecks for their efforts.
This has proven to be a motivation for adults to take responsibility for children as well as the role of foster parents to make money quickly.
However, the number of such occurrences has dropped significantly in recent years, and the government is trying to motivate people and increase the number of foster care.
Foster homes can refer to several different systems. Wards, group homes, and orphanages are among examples of all this.
Of course, a single individual can act as a foster family, wherein case he has to be a government caregiver. Fostering is most similar to adoption in this case.
Another significant issue is that maintaining the link between both the adopted with his or her birth parents is supported, whether through letter exchanges, pictures, or other forms of media.
Whenever a child reaches the age of 18, he or she probably leaves the foster care system and becomes self-sufficient, and the Foster families hold no right over the child.

Main Differences Between Adoption and Fostering
- Adopted children lose all connection with their biological parents, whereas foster children are encouraged to maintain contact with their birth family.
- The birth family’s legal responsibilities, rights, and benefits will be transferred to the adoptive parents. On the other hand, Fostering has almost no legal rights transfers and allows the child to preserve his or her original surname and parental rights.
- Adoptive parents receive only a small amount of help from the welfare service division, and this isn’t true in all nations, whereas foster parents or caretakers are paid regularly.
- Adoption is a one and full-time job, whereas fostering could be done more than once.
- Adoptive parents care for and raise their children for the rest of their lives, whereas foster parents or organizations care for children until they reach the age of 18.