Ageing vs Aging: Difference and Comparison

English (the language) is a global language and is the second language of many nations. Across continents, some words with the same meaning are spelled differently.

Mainly we use two types of English in regular life. One relies on the rules of North America, and another relies on the norms of the British.

The words ageing and aging have the same meaning with different spelling.

In both cases, it means getting old or growing old with time. However, because ageing is a British and Australian word, and ageing is an American word, there are spelling variances.

Key Takeaways

  1. Ageing is the preferred spelling in British English while aging is the preferred spelling in American English.
  2. Ageing refers to growing old or maturing, while aging refers to becoming older.
  3. Ageing can also refer to the process of something developing or changing over time while aging is more commonly used to describe people or living organisms.

Ageing vs Aging

Ageing is the preferred spelling in British English. Ageing is also a term used to describe the process of something developing or changing over time. Aging is the preferred spelling in American English. Aging is also a term more commonly used to describe people or living organisms.

Ageing vs Aging

The English word ageing means to grow older continuously, physically, psychologically, and socially.

The Britishers do not drop the vowel e from the word while changing an indefinite form of the word into a continuous one.

Therefore, in this case, the simple version of the noun is age, and ing is added at the end.

The American English word aging has the same meaning as ageing. Americans tend to drop the vowels placed at the end of the word while converting the word into a continuous one.

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So, infinite form is the same as ageing which is age. Its last letter (e) is dropped, and the word (ing) is added at the end.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonAgeingAging
Origin of the wordIt is a British word.It is a North American word.
CreationIt was created by Samuel Johnson, an English writer.It was created by An American lexicographer, Noah Webster.
How to RememberRemember, the extra letter(e) by relating it to England.While adding ing, omit the last letter of a word if vowel.
Countries that useEngland, Australia, Wales, and many more.Canada, Mexico, and America.
MethodBritishers added (ing) at the end of the original word (age).Americans write spelling as per the pronunciation.
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What is Ageing?

Ageing is a verb in English that describes a constant process of growth of living things (including people and animals) over time.

The original term is “age,” which is a noun in the English language. It can imply “to grow” or “to relate to a period.”

Ageing is a word that is present in British dictionaries and textbooks. Dr. Johnson, who was both a writer and a lexicographer, established British English in the late eighteenth century after almost eight years with other lexicographers.

The language was later adopted in other European countries as well.

They made a British dictionary (A Dictionary of the English Language). British English is mostly adopted from countries like France and Germany.

Since Australia does not have any official language, the Australians mostly use British English.

Britishers add (ing) to the end of a definite word that ends in a vowel without omitting the vowel. Now let us take an example of the word, age.

To use it in the continuous form in British English, follow age + ing= ageing. We did not drop the letter (e). An easy way to remember this word is to relate the letter (e) to the British country, England.

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What is Aging?

Similarly, aging is also a verb in English having the same meaning as Ageing. However, we should not confuse aging to be a synonym for the word ageing.

It is because aging is a word used in American countries.

The word aging comes from the same root as the word, age.

Noah Webster was a lexicographer who created an American dictionary in the early 1800s that included several words that differed in spelling from those in the British dictionary but had the same meaning.

Aging is one such word that is different in spelling from the British word, Ageing, and used in North America. The American English rule is clear and logical: write what you pronounce.

Americans, while adding a suffix (ing), remove the last letter of the original word if it is a vowel, especially e.

Now understand with an example the root word is age. In American English, to turn the word, age in a continuous form. Remove the letter (e) and add ing at the end of the word.

Examples of using this word in sentences:

1) All people are aging with each passing day.
2) To slow the process of aging, consume a healthy diet, including fibers and proteins.

normal aging

Main Differences Between Ageing and Aging

  1. The rule to write ageing is the addition of the noun age and suffix (ing). However, the rule to write aging is to remove (e) from the noun age and add (ing) as a suffix.
  2. The verb ageing is a British word. On the other hand, the verb aging is an American word.
  3. The word ageing being the British variant, is more formal while writing than the spelling aging (American English is a bit informal).
  4. The rule of remembering that ageing is a British word, remember it has an extra vowel (e) before the (ing) suffix. The spelling of aging is according to its sound.
  5. The man behind the spelling of ageing is lexicographer, Dr. Johnson. On the contrary, the modern American English word aging is as per the rules of Noah Webster.
Difference Between Ageing and Aging

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Emma Smith
Emma Smith

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.


  1. This post gives a great explanation of the differences between the British and American uses of the words “ageing” and “aging” and the reasons for these differences. I found this very informative – thank you!

  2. I have a deep interest in language and etymology and I found this post to be incredibly detailed. Thank you for the thorough explanation

  3. I found this to be a very interesting read and it has certainly provided me with a lot of food for thought about the differences between the two

  4. Oh, how fascinating. I can’t imagine why anyone would have an interest in this, but I guess that’s just me

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