Aria vs Cavatina: Difference and Comparison

Aria and Cavatina are referred to as musical terms. One simply means solo voice, and the other means a short song.  

These terms have different meanings and derivations in different languages. The word Aria mostly means “air” in Italian, but it also means “noble” in Persian, “lioness” in Hebrew, and “treasure” or “gold” in Albanian. 

But the word cavatina has different derivatives, such as “kavatine” in Germany, “cavatine” in French, and also “cavatine” is plural in the Italian language, and cavata is diminutive in Italian.

Key Takeaways

  1. Aria is a vocal solo, while cavatina is an instrumental solo.
  2. Aria is sung in an opera or oratorio, while cavatina can be performed in any genre of music.
  3. Aria is longer and more complex than cavatina.

Aria vs Cavatina

An Aria is a solo vocal piece sung by an opera’s main character, accompanied by an orchestra ensemble, and is a showcase of the singer’s vocal technique and emotional range. A Cavatina is a shorter, more lyrical solo vocal piece that is used in operas, cantatas, and other vocal works.

Aria vs Cavatina

An aria is a song (a piece of vocal music) that is most performed in the context of opera. The English equivalent of the same word is “air,” which can be heard in earlier songs.

An aria in opera is always for one singer (accompanied by the orchestra) and is most commonly a scene in which a character expresses emotions about what is happening in the story rather than action that advances the plot.

Cavatina is a classical phrase that refers to a short song with a simple nature and no second theme or air repeat.

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It’s now commonly used to refer to any simple, lovely air, as opposed to magnificent arias or recitatives, which are part of a bigger movement or scene in oratorio or opera.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonAriaCavatina
MeaningAria is a classical form of music for a solo song or voice in an opera. It is also defined as a self-contained piece for a single voice.Cavatina is an aria in opera which is sung without any repetitions in one or two sections. 
ComposersAlessandro ScarlattiStanley Myers
Instrument Played OnOperaGuitar
CompositionsCan be self-contained compositions.Always a part of a larger movement of the music.
Developed in In the mid-18th centuryEarly 18th century
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What is Aria?

Originally, the opera (short for Opera de Musica; Work of Music) was divided into two sorts of song: the recitative, which was loose singing similar to speech rhythms with a melody

over a basic bass line in chords, and the cantata, which was more formal.

These types of singing propelled the opera forward. Arias, which were sung by a main character in the opera, were far more ornate and had a simple form such as A B A,

where A is the main theme, and B is a contrasting middle section, with the A section repeated. 

Aria, or Air in English, is a song in the opera that creates the mood of the characters at the time.

The aria might be compared to a ballad or a torch song in popular music. Instead of recitatives, musical theatre uses only spoken conversation, yet the songs could be considered equivalent to arias. 

Arias is a type of music that any artist can sing. It is possible to intend it at any speed. 

Arias is frequently contrasted with recitatives, which allow the audience to hear ordinary content from an opera. Many arias are extremely difficult to master and need years of practice.

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What is Cavatina?

Cavatina is a vaguely used term in musical expressions. It is another simplest form of the aria.

Cavatina is the Italian root word for “cavata”, which means generating music from a musical instrument.

Cavatina is nothing but simply a sound that is generated from an instrument. Cavatina is a short song that doesn’t have any complications of repetitions or second strain with modest characters.

Cavatina is not self-contained and is a part of opera as it is far simpler than an aria or a recitative. The cavatina is always part of a deeper musical tendency.

In cavatina, the songs would take rather slow and compete within themselves in a slow tempo. 

An example of cavatina would be a movement in Beethoven’s string quartet in B flat, op. 130 (1826) and another famous piece by Raff, which was originally for violin and piano of the slow movement of Rubra’s string quartet No.2

Cavatina can be an aria but not vice versa. It is an aria sung in one or more sections without repetitions. 

It has been said that originally cavatina was created or formed for piano, but after expansion of the form, it was best suited for a guitar. 

And it was developed in the mid-18th century, a coincidence with an aria that happened to be developed in the early 18th century.

Main differences Between Aria And Cavatina

  1. Aria is a melody that a solo singer performs, and cavatina is a tone that is produced from a musical instrument.
  1. Aria has repetitions, but cavatina doesn’t have any repetitions.
  1. Arias is not an operatic solo simpler and briefer, but cavatina is a briefer and operatic solo simpler than an aria.
  1. Aria occupies a single voice as a larger work in its musical piece and has to be accompanied by a musical instrument, whereas cavatina is the musical instrumental piece itself.
  1. A singer cannot sing two arias in a row meanwhile, a singer can sing two cavatinas or more than ten in a row.

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About Author

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.