Ball Pen vs Gel Pen: Difference and Comparison

Every day, we write a lot of things for memory, household, school, notes, or business purposes. Writing is important to every individual.

The mode of writing is a pen that must be selected appropriately to serve our purposes. The common two types of pens are ball and gel pens that share many similar features but also vary in different parameters.

Key Takeaways

  1. Ball pens use oil-based ink that dries quickly, while gel pens use water-based gel ink that offers smoother writing.
  2. Gel pens provide a wider range of vibrant colors and finer lines than ball pens.
  3. Ball pens have a longer lifespan and are less prone to leakage than gel pens.

Ball Pen vs Gel Pen

The difference between ball pen and gel pen is in the duration for which the writing lasts. Generally, it is said words that were written by ball pen last longer in comparison to the words written by gel pen. The gel pen is made using gel and water while the ball pen is made using thick oil and ink.

Ball Pen vs Gel Pen

A ball pen is also known as a ballpoint pen which is a pen that releases ink through the revolving ball at the tip while writing on paper.

The words that were written by using a ballpoint pen last longer than any other pens as ball pens are made of thick oil that gives a hard impression on the paper.

A gel pen is also used for writing and releases a thick liquid ink through the revolving ball at the tip of the pen while writing on the pen.

However, the words that were written by using a gel pen do not last long as gel spends are made by gel and water. Hence, it fades away easily due to wear and tear.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonBall PenGel pen
DurationWhen written by ball pens, the words last longer than the gel pen.When written by gel pens, the words last lesser than the ball pen.
CompositionBall pens are the composition of thick oil and ink.Gel pens are the composition of water and gel.
Smooth flowBall pens provide a lesser smooth flow for writing in comparison to gel pens.Gel pens provide a greater smooth flow for writing in comparison to ball pens.
CostBall pens are comparatively cheaper than gel pens.Gel pens are slightly expensive in comparison to ball pens.
Time periodThe ink of the ball pens lasts for several days in comparison to gel pens.The ink of gel pens reduces faster in comparison to ball pens.
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What is Ball Pen?

Ball pen which is commonly known as a ballpoint pen releases a thick liquid through the revolving tip and helps us to write anything we want.

Ball pens are made up of both thick oil and ink which makes the writings by the ball pen last longer in comparison to any other pens in the market. Notes written by a ballpoint pen can be stored for a longer time.

Ball pens are used for faster writing and takes notes as the thick oil present in the ball pen does not allow the ink to smudge while writing and ensures a smooth flow of writing.

The ink used in the ball pen is thicker and also the pen can be used for several days in comparison to any other pens in the market. Ballpoint pens are used widely by students.

Ballpoint pens are available in limited colors like black, red, blue, green, etc. The advantage of ballpoint pens is they are relatively cheaper than the other pens available in the market.

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However, it is always inevitable that advantages come with a disadvantage. Ballpoint pens do not better presentation of handwriting as the ink released by them is thick and light.

ball pen

What is Gel Pen?

A gel pen which is used for writing releases a liquid through the revolving tip and helps us to write neatly anything we want. Gel pens are made up of both gel and water.

As it is made up of water, the writings by the gel pens tend to last lesser in comparison to any other pens in the market. Hence, notes written by a gel pen cannot be stored for a longer duration.

Gel pens are used for smooth writing and better presentation of papers as the gel released by the gel pen is bright and thicker which makes the letters of our writing clearer.

The ink used in the gel pen is also thicker but the ink of gel pens reduces faster as the ink released by the revolving tip is more. Gen pens are widely used by students for a neat presentation of notes.

Gel pens are available in a wide variety of colors like blue, black, red, pink, etc. The disadvantage of a gel pen is that they are relatively expensive in comparison to the other pens available in the market.

Gel pens have higher viscosity which means a higher proportion of pigments in the medium.

gel pen

Main Differences Between Ball Pen and Gel pen

  1. Ball pen is cheaper in comparison to gel pen.
  2. The ball pen lasts longer than the gel pen. The words that were written using ball pens will stay longer in comparison to the gel pen.
  3. Gel pen ensures smooth writing more than the smoothness provided by the ball pen.
  4. Writing with a gel pen provides a better presentation and neat handwriting in comparison to writing with a ball pen.
  5. Ball pen is made with thick oil and ink while the gen pen is made with gel and water. Hence, the gel can easily smudge in comparison to writing with a ball pen.
Difference Between Ball Pen and Gel Pen
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Emma Smith
Emma Smith

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.

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