Ball Pen vs Roller Pen: Difference and Comparison

In almost all parts of the world, the pen is a very common thing that is used, and there are a lot of varieties that are available for this particular product all across the world.

However, the two most common varieties that tend to confuse people are the ones known as ball pen and roller pen. While there are significant differences between these two, it becomes important to lay them down. 

Key Takeaways

  1. Ball pens used oil-based ink, providing smooth writing and reduced smudging, while roller pens use water or gel ink for a more fluid writing experience.
  2. Roller pens offer finer lines and more precision than ball pens, which produce thicker lines.
  3. Ball pens are more affordable and have longer-lasting ink than roller pens, which require more frequent refilling or replacement.

Ball Pen vs Roller Pen 

The difference between a Ballpen and a Roller pen is that the former basically uses ink that is super thick and does not bleed on paper, while on the other hand, the latter uses water-based ink and bleeds a lot when used on a paper of cheap or poor quality. Apart from this prominent difference, these two pens are also different in their making and other characteristics.  

Ball Pen vs Roller Pen

A ball pen can easily be recognized by the way it is made and the kind of ink it utilizes. It simply works on the concept of rotating the ball at the end of the pin that is used to put pressure on the nib.

This particular pen uses a very thick ink that lasts longer on any kind of paper and rarely bleeds in normal circumstances.  

But on the other hand, a roller pen happens to be slightly different from a ball pen as it uses water-based ink, not oil-based ink.

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This particular pen, because of using ink based on water, bleeds a lot on any kind of paper but gives a very shiny and smooth finish once the writing is complete. 

Comparison Table

Parameters of Comparison Ball Pen  Roller Pen 
Meaning  The term refers to a pen that uses very thick ink and feels rough on the paper. The term refers to a pen that uses very thin ink and feels fine on the paper.  
Ink used  The ink used in this particular pen happens to be based on oil. The ink used in this particular pen happens to be based on water.  
Writing  The writing of this pen looks like it has rested on the surface of the paper. The writing of this pen looks like it has penetrated the surface of the paper.  
Cost  This pen happens to be comparatively cheaper. This pen happens to be comparatively expensive. 
Bleeding on paper This pen rarely bleeds on the paper while writing. There can be many instances of this pen bleeding on the paper if the paper is of cheap quality. 
Durability  The durability of this particular pen happens to be very long. The durability of this particular pen happens to be relatively short. 
Compatibility  This pen is very versatile as it can write on almost all the surfaces possible. The pen is limited in terms of compatibility as it cannot write on glossy surfaces etc. 
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What is Ball Pen? 

A ballpen can simply be described as a pen that is very versatile and popular all across the globe due to the many characteristics and different features attached to it.

The pen essentially uses ink based on oil that happens to be very thick in texture and therefore does not bleed on the paper while writing.  

Certain attributes of this particular pen make it a universal product that is preferred by people in almost all geographical areas.

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The most prominent feature is that the pen carries along with itself a very long duration of utilization and happens to be very durable in terms of use, and not only this, in terms of price, this pen happens to be very cheaper and therefore is the most affordable choice available in the market.  

The way in which this particular pen writes makes the writing feel rough on the paper, and it looks like the ink has rested on the surface only.

This pen also happens to be very compatible with almost all surfaces and can write on any type of paper or other material. 

ball pen 1

What is Roller Pen? 

A roller pen, as compared to other popular pens in the market, happens to be another very prominent product in the market of stationery and like items.

This particular pen comes along with certain advantages and disadvantages but can be a real deal for people looking forward to its specific positive attributes.  

The pen uses very loose ink based on water and shines whenever something is written. The ink contained in this particular pen happens to be so loose that it can sometimes increase the probability of bleeding on the paper if the paper is of cheap quality; however, such instances can be avoided by the careful use of a roller pen.  

Another prominent quality attached with this particular product is that it looks very neat and clean after writing and therefore is mostly preferred by people who are writing any kind of examination etc.

However, the price of the product can be a downside for some people as it happens to be comparatively expensive in comparison to other pens available in the market. 

roller pen

Main Differences Between Ball Pen and Roller Pen 

  1. A Ball Pen uses very thick ink that is based on oil, while on the other hand, a Roller Pen uses very lose ink that is based on water. 
  2. A Ball Pen does not bleed on the paper in most cases, while on the other hand, a Roller Pen can bleed on the paper in most cases. 
  3. A Ball Pen happens to be very durable, while on the other hand, a Roller Pen lasts for a shorter duration comparatively. 
  4. A Ball Pen happens to be cheaper in cost while, on the other hand, a Roller Pen happens to be comparatively expensive. 
  5. A Ball Pen feels very rough on the paper, while on the other hand, a Roller Pen feels very smooth on the paper while writing. 
  6. A Ball Pen writes like the ink has rested on the surface of the paper, while on the other hand, a Roller Pen writes like the ink has penetrated the surface of the paper. 
Difference Between Ball Pen and Roller Pen


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About Author

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.