Bourbon vs Tennessee Whiskey: Difference and Comparison

Bourbon and Tennessee whiskey are drinks that are enjoyed worldwide by everyone. While for some, maybe they are just drinks, for the people who enjoy them, they are a source of pleasure.

Some people are obsessed with these drinks and know every drink as they are way older than them. In contrast, there are others too, who do not have much knowledge about the drinks. Bourbon and Tennessee are drinks that are sometimes confused due to their similarities.

Key Takeaways

  1. Bourbon is a type of whiskey made from at least 51% corn and aged in new, charred oak barrels, while Tennessee whiskey is a type of bourbon made in Tennessee and undergoes a special filtering process called the “Lincoln County Process.”
  2. The Lincoln County Process involves filtering the whiskey through charcoal made from sugar maple wood, which gives Tennessee whiskey a distinct flavor.
  3. All Tennessee whiskey is bourbon, but not all bourbon is Tennessee whiskey.

Bourbon vs Tennessee Whiskey

Bourbon is bolder and has a more robust flavour compared to Tennesse Whiskey. Tennesse Whiskey is sweeter and smoother in texture because of the Lincoln County filtration process and has a more refined taste compared to Bourbon. They differ in their method of filtering and flavour.

Bourbon vs Tennessee Whiskey

Bourbon is an American whiskey that has a thick consistency and is made from grains. An opened bottle of bourbon has a shelf life of a minimum of a year and a maximum of two years. It is mostly consumed in Spain and Japan.

It has a brown and reddish appearance. Overconsumption of it can lead to some health issues, but if drunk in an adequate manner, it can be equally beneficial for health. It is a quite expensive drink that cannot be afforded by everyone but a few.

Tennessee Whiskey is a type of whiskey, or it is also recognized as a type of bourbon, only it is thin in texture due to distillation. It is made with corn. After the opening of the bottle, it only has a shelf life of six months or a year maximum.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonBourbonTennessee Whiskey
OlderOlderLess old
Grain usedBarley, rye, and wheatCorn
Most consumed countriesSpainUnited State
Shelf life1 to 2 years6 months to a year.
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What is Bourbon?

Bourbon has its roots in America, but despite this fact, its name is French. Most of the bourbon comes from Kentucky earlier.

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Consumption of Bourbon has some health benefits that include the following:

  1. Weight loss: it is very helpful in losing weight. It has low calories and carbs, along with zero dietary sugar. Therefore it is a good option for someone who is on a diet or is trying to shed weight.
  2. Fights cancer: cancer is said to be among the deadliest disease. Bourbon has a high content of ellagic acid. This acid helps prevent the risk of cancer in people. Although scientists are researching an edible substance that has this acid, till then, bourbon is the best option available.
  3. Protects against diabetes: as mentioned above, it does not contain dietary sugar. Hence bourbon is proven to be a protective drink against diabetes.
  4. Rich in antioxidants: antioxidants are good for the immune system and overall health of a person. Bourbon is rich in it, which makes the body strong in fighting against any disease or bacteria that may enter the body.
  5. Boosts immune function: it also protects the immune from colds during the extreme winter season. It is the most beneficial drink as it secures the body from outside weather conditions and keeps it warm.

What is Tennessee Whiskey?

This Whisky is only manufactured in Tennessee. It is distilled bourbon and therefore prepared in almost the same manner.

Consuming Tennessee Whiskey has all the following benefits:

  1. It is good for losing weight, as, after consumption, it fills the tummy, and it is also lower in calorie content along with carbs; therefore, it is beneficial for losing weight.
  2. Cancer prevention: bourbon also contains the acid that prevents cancer in humans and is therefore useful for reducing any chance of cancer.
  3. It is also used as a stress destroyer. For some people having a good drink is useful in busting stress, and Tennessee Whiskey is best for such options.
  4. It is also helpful in the digestion process. It helps break down the food and promotes the speed of this process.
  5. Boost the immune system: it boosts the immune system as it is high in antioxidants. Through this, the body becomes strong to fight diseases.  
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Like any other hard drink, it also has some side effects. This includes liver damage, and addictions are the main side effects. Therefore, the consumption of this should be done within a limit so that it does not affect the liver.

tennessee whiskey

Main Differences Between Bourbon and Tennessee Whiskey

  1. When it comes to age, Bourbon is way older than Tennessee Whiskey. The first bourbon was made in the year 1789, whereas the Tennessee Whiskey dates to 1981. Therefore when compared to Tennessee whiskey in younger.
  2. It is mostly said that Tennessee whiskey is just like bourbon in appearance, especially color, but in terms of consistency, bourbon is way thicker in comparison to Tennessee Whiskey, which has lighter inconsistency.
  3. Both of them are made with grains. For Bourbon, the main grains are barley, rice, and wheat. While for Tennessee Whiskey, the main grain used for the production of the drink is Corn.
  4. Both of them are indeed consumed worldwide, but both of them are different in terms of most consuming countries. The United States is said to be the country that consumed the maximum Tennessee Whiskey or whiskey in general, too, whereas bourbon is the drink that is consumed maximum in Spain and Japan.
  5. Both of them are different shelf life. The shelf life of Tennessee Whiskey is less than that of Bourbon in comparison. Bourbon has a shelf life of a year or two, while Tennessee Whiskey may only have a shelf life of six months or a year after the bottle is opened.
  6. When it comes to affordability, Tennessee Whiskey is more affordable as compared to Bourbon, which is slightly more expensive.
Difference Between Bourbon and Tennessee Whiskey

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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.