DES vs AES: Difference and Comparison

A lot of people casually uses several technical terms. But not everyone is aware of the original meanings of such terms.

People tend to use these terms frequently, but, in several cases, they cannot provide any explanation for those terms. DES and AES are two such terms.

Key Takeaways

  1. AES is a more secure encryption algorithm than DES.
  2. AES has a larger key size and operates faster than DES.
  3. DES is an outdated encryption algorithm and should be used for something other than modern security applications.

Des vs Aes

DES is an older encryption standard that was developed in the 1970s. It uses a 56-bit key to encrypt data in blocks of 64 bits. AES is a newer encryption standard that was introduced in 2001. It uses a variable-length key (128-bit, 192-bit, or 256-bit) to encrypt data in blocks of 128 bits.

Des vs Aes

The term DES is the short format of the Data Encryption Standard. The word encryption standard is quite familiar among people, as many have at least heard about it.

People have a vague idea of these encryption standards. DES was created back in 1976 when computers were relatively new.

The term AES is the short format for Advanced Encryption Standard. The word encryption standard is quite familiar among people, as many have at least heard about it.

People have a vague idea of these encryption standards. AES was created in 1999, around the time computer was famous.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonDesAes
AbbreviationAES is the acronym for Advanced Encryption Standard.The critical length of DES is 56 bits.
CreationIt was created in the year 1976.It was created in the year 1999.
Key lengthThe key length of DES is 56 bits.The key length is 128 bits, 192 bits, and 256 bits.
SecurityIt is not so secure and can be broken easily.It is much more secure.
EncryptionIt can encrypt up to 64 bits of just plain text.It can encrypt up to 128 bits of just plain text.
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What is Des?

The term DES is used widely in the areas of encryption and technology—the word DES can be abbreviated into Data Encryption Standard.

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As the name suggests, it is a type of data encryption that was in use. This type of DES was created in the year 1976.

It was when computers were just introduced. Also, access to a computer was limited to a few people.

The DES is relatively older than others.

The term DES has gone quite out of use in the recent past. People are aware of the encryption standards.

But they do not understand how exactly these standards work and the differences. As a person interested in tech, it is necessary to understand the fundamental differences that power the DES and the AES.

The DES is much older, so the technicalities of that are low compared to our times.

The critical length of the Data Encryption Standard is just 56 bits. It can encrypt up to 64 bits of plain text as the input. Under the DES, a block is encrypted with data in the size of 64 bits per block.

It is also not so secure and can be broken without any struggle. DES is much slower than the new standards, and was designed by the prominent tech corporation IBM.  

What is Aes?

The term AES is used widely in the areas of encryption and technology. AES can be abbreviated as Advanced Encryption Standard.

As the name suggests, it is a type of data encryption.

AES was created in the year 1999. It was when computers were popular worldwide and accessible to everyone.

The AES is relatively newer than the DES.

The term AES remains a vital part of the encryption standards today. People are aware of the encryption standards.

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But they do not understand how exactly these standards work and the differences. As a person interested in tech, it is necessary to understand the fundamental differences that power the DES and the AES.

The AES is much newer,, so the technicalities are relatively better than the DES.

The critical length of the Advanced Encryption Standard can be 128 bits, 192 bits, or 256 bits. It can encrypt up to 128 bits of plain text as the input.

Under the AES, a block is encrypted with data in the size of 128 bits per block. It is pretty secure and cannot be broken easily.

AES is much faster than the previous standards. Vincent Rijmen and Joan Daemen designed it.

Main Differences Between Des and Aes

  1. The abbreviation of the word DES is Data Encryption Standard. The abbreviation of the word AES is Advanced Encryption Standard.
  2. The DES was created in 1976 when the computer was unavailable or accessible to everyone. The AES DES was created in 1999 when computers were famous and accessible.
  3. The security of this old DES system is poor and can be broken. The AES is far more secure and cannot be broken easily.
  4. The DES was designed by the prominent company IBM. The AES was designed by two people, Vincent Rijmen and Joan Daemen.
  5. The old DES is slow with the process. The AES is relatively faster with the process.
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About Author

Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.