Dielectric Constant vs Frequency: Difference and Comparison

Dielectric material refers to a material that is an electric insulator. It is a very poor conductor of electricity. No current flows when this material has been placed in an electrical field.

Dielectric constant and frequency help understand dielectric capacitance and dielectric properties changes.

Key Takeaways

  1. The dielectric constant measures a material’s ability to store electrical energy within an electric field, while frequency refers to the number of oscillations per unit time of an electromagnetic wave.
  2. A higher dielectric constant indicates a greater capacity for a material to store electrical charge, while a higher frequency indicates a more rapid oscillation of an electromagnetic wave.
  3. The dielectric constant is an inherent property of a material, whereas frequency depends on the source and properties of the electromagnetic wave.

Dielectric Constant vs Frequency

Dielectric frequency is determined by the ability of a material to store electrical energy in an electric field. The dielectric constant is high at low frequencies but as the frequency increases. The dielectric frequency is the frequency range at which a dielectric material exhibits its optimum electrical performance.

Dielectric Constant vs Frequency

A dielectric constant is a particular value derived from the calculation and later given to a capacitor. This value is based on comparing the capacitance of the particular substance in a vacuum.

It is executed both with and without a dielectric material present. A dielectric material is an insulating material.

A dielectric frequency is the changes that occur in the properties of dielectrics caused due to the changes within an electric field frequency.

A dielectric’s potential for storing energy depends on the electric field’s frequency applied at a particular moment. Dielectric dispersion is another term for this phenomenon.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonDielectric ConstantDielectric Frequency
MeaningIt is a measure of determining the dielectrics changing in line with the changes in the electric field.In most cases, a graph is constructed while determining the dielectric properties at different frequencies.
MeasurementIt is measured using the formula K= C/Co; C and Co are capacitance with and without dielectric presence.Equipment is used for measuring the properties of the dielectric at different frequencies.
ValueThe value here remains constant. Commonly room temperature at a specific frequency is used. The value here is variable. It changes along with the variation in the electric field frequency.
GraphsIt is important in engineering while developing new materials that will be used in different fields. It helps in determining the best situations for the material to be used. In most cases, a graph is not constructed while determining the dielectric constant.
ApplicationsIt is important in engineering while developing new materials used in different fields. It helps in determining the best situations for the material to be used. It is very useful for scientists in predicting how materials will perform in a given situation.
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What is Dielectric Constant?

A dielectric constant refers to a particular value calculated and later given to a capacitor. The value is based on comparing the capacitance of the particular substance in a vacuum, both with and without a dielectric material present.

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A dielectric material is an insulating material. Any device capable of storing an electric charge is called a capacitor. And how effortlessly a substance can store an electric charge is called Capacitance.

The dielectric constant can be described with the help of the given formula k = C / Co. In the formula, the ‘k’ is a constant, which is calculated. The C represents the capacitance in the presence of dielectric material.

Whereas Co represents the capacitance without the presence of dielectric material. The value calculated is always greater than 1. It has been determined at a set temperature of 25 degrees Celsius for several different substances.

The dielectric constant values can change along with the changing temperature values. This is due to the impact of the conductivity of materials.

The dielectric constant provides information regarding the electricity-storing capacity of a particular substance and further determines the use of the substance. 

What is Dielectric Frequency?

A dielectric frequency refers to the changes that occur in the properties of dielectrics caused due to the changes within an electric field frequency.

The potential of a dielectric for storing energy is dependent on the electric field’s frequency applied at a particular moment. Dielectric dispersion is another term for this phenomenon.

It is possible to calculate the changes that occur in dielectric properties for different frequencies. The method utilized for measuring the properties at different frequency values is known as Dielectric spectroscopy.

Mostly a graph is constructed that displays the changes in various properties at increasing frequencies of the electric fields. The graph can showcase the changing electrical charges.

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This concept is very beneficial for scientists. The recordings of the changes in dielectric properties at different electric field frequencies assist them in understanding the behaviour of a given material in several conditions.

The experiments conducted on the dielectric properties of the material can give crucial information about the material. This information is further used for alterations for improvement and decking of their applications.

Main Differences Between Dielectric Constant and Frequency

  1. Dielectric Constant refers to a value for a particular capacitor based on possessing a particular dielectric present. Dielectric Frequency is a measure determining the dielectrics changing in line with the changes in the electric field.
  2. Dielectric Constant is measured using the formula K= C/Co; C and Co are capacitance with and without dielectric presence. Equipment is used for measuring the properties of the dielectric at different frequencies.
  3. In the case of the Dielectric Constant, the value here remains constant. Commonly room temperature at a specific frequency is used. In the case of Dielectric Frequency, the value is variable. It changes along with the variation in the electric field frequency.
  4. A graph is not constructed while determining the dielectric constant. A graph is constructed while determining the dielectric properties at different frequencies.
  5. Dielectric Constant is important in engineering while developing new materials in different fields. It helps in determining the best situations for the material to be used. Dielectric Frequency is very useful for scientists in predicting how materials will perform in a given situation.
  1. https://journals.aps.org/prb/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevB.3.1338
  2. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/1193114/
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About Author

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.