East Coast vs West Coast: Difference and Comparison

The U.S. is divided into two, and those are, East Coast and West Coast, which are on the opposite sides of America. The East Coast and West Coast have been portrayed and perceived in many ways.

There are a lot of differences in their culture, behavior, lifestyle, and many more.

Key Takeaways

  1. The East Coast features a humid subtropical climate with hot summers and cold winters, while the West Coast has a Mediterranean climate with mild winters and warm summers.
  2. West Coast cities have a more laid-back vibe and are known for technology and innovation, whereas East Coast cities have a fast-paced lifestyle and are known for finance and history.
  3. East Coast beaches have warmer water temperatures and are more suitable for swimming than West Coast beaches, which have colder water and attract surfers.

East Coast vs West Coast

The East Coast of the U.S. is the coastline where the Eastern U.S. meets the North Atlantic Ocean. It is longer and has snowy winters followed by humid and hot summers. The west coast is the coastline along which the Western U.S. meets the North Pacific Ocean. It has warm weather year around.

East Coast vs West Coast

In the United States, the easternmost states refer to the East Coast, stretching from the Atlantic Ocean on the Eastern side to Canada in the north. Thirty-six percent of the population in America has a residence on the East Coast.

The East Coast is more sensitive to hurricanes, and this season is around for an extended period. 

The West Coast of the U.S. refers to the westernmost coastal states going along the line of the Pacific Ocean. It is also called the Pacific Coast.

Seventeen percent of the U.S. population resides in these states. There are also states which do not border the mainland but are considered a part of the West Coast.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonEast CoastWest Coast
CareerA career is considered the most important, and usually, it’s not taken well if you don’t have a proper job.Career is not taken as a part of the dynamic to make relations, and it will not be a problem.
Part-Time JobsEast Coast is mostly onto the idea of a legacy career, and the mindset is to graduate and get into something big.West Coast is completely different, and people do odd jobs here and there while also having a full-time career.
TrafficThe Traffic is very well maintained, and better public transportation is available.The Traffic is jarring, and there is a roadblock no matter where the place is.
The vibe of the placeThe East Coast has a hard vibe, and toughness is required to stay here.The West Coast has a gentle vibe, and it is not that hard to live here.
WeatherThe weather is considered very energetic and exciting here.The weather is considered rather lame and tame in comparison.
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What is East Coast?

The East Coast’s regions are taken from the east of the Appalachian Mountains that are on the shore of the Atlantic Ocean. From North to South, Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Virginia, Maryland, South and North Carolina, Georgia and Florida, are taken.

The place-name itself is born from the idea that 48 continuous states, along with two coastlines, one in the western part and the other on the easter part, define the East Coast. 

The other names that East Coast is called include Eastern Seaboard (another name for Coast), Atlantic Coast, and Atlantic Seaboard (because it lies along the Atlantic Ocean). The states are divided into the Atlantic shoreline, fourteen officially, including Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Connecticut, Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. 

Some other states are also found along the Atlantic but are not part of the Eastern Coast. But Pennsylvania, Vermont, and West Virginia are taken as a part due to the history of the original thirteen colonies (The Colony of New Hampshire, New York, and Virginia.)

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The Eastern Handle of West Virginia ended at the Potomac River.

east coast

What is West Coast?

Pacific Coast is also known as the West Coast, Pacific states, and the western seaboard. This is the line of the coast along which the West meets the North Pacific Ocean.

The states continuous along the West are typical of California, Oregon, and Washington, but sometimes Alaska and Hawaii are also included, taken so by the United States Census Bureau. 

Excluding Alaska, the Democratic Party has dominated West Coast politics in all of contemporary history, with the states consistently voting for Democrats in elections at various levels, no matter what. As mentioned above, excluding Alaska, the other four states out of five of the West Coast states have voted for Democrats in presidential elections since 1992.

In which three of the states have been doing so since 1988.

The definitions of what exactly comprises the West Coast have been conflicting and ever-changing for a long time. A few reports mention that the West Coast has always included California, Oregon, and Washington.

But in other circumstances, primarily in the majority, it also takes Alaska and Hawaii. Still, the latter is for census purposes, while the former is because it is located in North America and the original three states. 

west coast

Main Differences Between East Coast and West Coast

  1. Pizza and bagels are considered unbeatable on the East Coast, and there isn’t a better place to get them than here. They are compared to the West Coast, where the Mexican food is much better than anywhere else.
  2. Being an entrepreneur is considered only taken up after graduation and years of experience on the East Coast. But the West Coast is on a whole different level, building small businesses no matter the background or years. 
  3. The East Coast is stricter in terms of a degree or experience. But on the West Coast, passion and whether a person can do it is considered.  
  4. Legal issues are much more intense on the East Coast because of the various political connections. Comparatively, the West Coast is pretty much the same in politics. 
  5. The outskirts tend to be farther from the city’s heart on the East Coast. On the West Coast, the outskirts are near the city and much cheaper than the cost on the East Coast.
  1. https://apsjournals.apsnet.org/doi/abs/10.1094/PHYTO-99-6-0739
  2. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-44252-w 
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About Author

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.