Edition vs Addition: Difference and Comparison

Edition and Addition are words belonging to different fields of study. An edition refers to multiple series and the form through which written material is published.

The term addition is a mathematical term that means to increase something. Both the words fall into the part of speech of nouns.

Key Takeaways

  1. An edition refers to a version or printing of a book, magazine, or newspaper, while addition refers to adding something to a pre-existing set or group.
  2. Edition implies a revision, update or new features added to work, whereas addition implies creating something new.
  3. Edition can also refer to a specific time or era, while addition has no such connotation.

Edition vs Addition

‘Edition’ refers to a specific version or form of something, a book or other written work. ‘Addition’ is the action or process of adding something to something else or the process of calculating the total of two or more numbers or amounts.

Edition vs Addition

An edition is definable as the form in which a book or magazine is published. It also refers to the series of literary works produced.

The number of books or prints of a written work is known as the editions of the work. Numerous television shows and radio programs also have editions.

The term addition is a primary mathematical technique that means adding two or more things or numbers to one another. It is one of the first mathematical processes taught to students in an elementary school.

The term addition in a mathematical context is denotable by the ‘+’ (plus) sign.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonEditionAddition
Part of speechIt is a noun and a verb.It is only a noun.
Field of StudyLiterature and library science.Mathematics
DefinitionA series of publications of literary works or television programs.A mathematical operation of adding two or more numbers.
Used inNewspapers, books, magazines, dictionariesAlgorithms, problem-solving and legal documents
Type of conceptIt is a tactile concept and can be purchased. It is a process and an abstract concept.
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 What is Edition?

An edition refers to a special issue of a newspaper or a magazine. It is also released to commemorate an occasion. Several newspapers have special Sunday Editions that are different than the papers that come out on the weekdays.

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Certain magazines also put up special monthly editions to focus on particular themes or celebrations. A Christmas edition, an Independence Day Editions, and a Mental Health Awareness Day edition are some examples of special editions.

An edition also means the volumes of a literary work. A new edition comes out a writer makes edits to his work and publishes it again.

The Oxford dictionary released its latest edition in 2020. It was the 12th edition. The objective of releasing new editions is to include or make changes and update the old information. The word version is synonymous with edition.

An edition also means the form in which a work is published. Numerous books are also published in paperback editions or e-book editions. The online editions are uploaded on the internet.

Certain products which are produced are also sold as limited editions. An edition also refers to several written works all published at a particular time.

Some editions focus on a particular topic that is released by media companies. Radio interviews and television programs, too have editions.

What is Addition?

The term addition is definable as the method of adding two or more things or numbers to each other. It is a mathematical action that includes vertical and horizontal additions.

A sum or amount is obtained when two or more numbers or prices are added to each other.

It is the first kind of mathematical action out of the 4 types taught to students. Children learn this process by the age of 5 or 6 years.

The technique of addition is taught on hand with the help of fingers. Later, complex addition is taught in written form. The other mathematical operations include subtraction, multiplication, and division.

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The term addition in linguistic context means increasing something. The inclusion of a thing or a person into an activity is also known as an addition. For example: “There was an addition to the group”.

Often an addition is made to older information to update the data. Additions help in keeping the data up to date. An addition to something is an increase in it.

Additions also take place in building structures. When a new part is added to an already built structure, it is called an annex. Annex is also called the addition to a legal document.

Main Differences Between Edition and Addition

  1. An edition is a concept related to the publication of literary work, whereas the term addition is primarily a mathematical and algorithm based concept.
  2. The word edition is defined as a series of published articles or writings, whereas addition denotes increasing a particular thing or number.
  3. The word edition can be used as a noun and verb, whereas the word addition is just used as a noun.
  4. The word edition is normally referred to in literary or media works whereas the term addition is referred to in mathematics and algorithms.
  5. The editions of a literary or media work can be bought or touched, whereas the term addition is a learnt process and technique.
Edition vs Addition – What are the differences
  1. https://www.nature.com/articles/358749a0
  2. https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1973-00209-001

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About Author

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.