Ogre vs Troll: Difference and Comparison

The primary distinction between an ogre and a troll is found in their basic traits, nature, and origin.

These are fictional or folkloric creatures. Various writers and authors of rising literature have created several poems and compositions.

Key Takeaways

  1. An ogre is a legendary creature depicted as a large, grotesque, man-eating monster.
  2. A troll is a supernatural being in Norse mythology and Scandinavian folklore, depicted as a giant, ugly creature.
  3. An ogre is depicted as a man-eating monster, while a troll is a supernatural being.

Ogre vs Troll

An ogre is a mythical creature that is portrayed as stupid, brutish, and violent and is commonly found in folklore and fantasy fiction. A troll is another mythical creature, known for its regenerative abilities and its penchant for causing trouble and mayhem.

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Ogres are depicted as nasty and rude humanoid monsters in popular culture. In comparison to Trolls, Ogres have a more uniform appearance.

Ogres have their origins in well-known French folklore and myths. Ogres are not described anywhere as turning into stones when exposed to direct or indirect sunlight.

Trolls were thought to be more rational, while Ogres were thought to be more crazy and deadly.

Trolls are shown and portrayed as natural creatures. Trolls have a wider range of appearances than Ogres.

The Trolls have their origins in well-known Scandinavian tales, mythology, and folklore. According to various traditions, trolls are said to turn into stones when exposed to direct or indirect sunlight.

Trolls were thought to be more sensible and reasonable than ogres. Furthermore, Trolls may or may not feed on humans.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonOgreTroll
Depicted asCruel and brutal humanoid monsters.Represented as natural beings.
AppearanceLess diverse appearance.More diverse types of appearances.
OriginFrench folklores.Scandinavian folklore.
Effect of sunlightDo not convert into stones.Convert into stones.
Convert into stones.Less reasonable, irrational, and murderous.More rational, reasonable, may or may not even feed on human beings.

What is Ogre?

The first picture that springs to mind when we hear the word “ogre” is of Shrek, the most famous and well-loved ogre since time immemorial.

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Through his depiction and story, the features of ogres are also extremely effectively explained. Ogres are considered humanoid monsters in the traditional sense.

They are enormous, huge, and awful. Mythology, fiction, and folklore are used to describe them.

In fairy tales and mythology, they are described as unpleasant, humanoid monsters and creatures who feed exclusively on humans.

However, in literature, they are a metaphor for individuals who possess nasty habits. Ogres are considered brilliant people who exploit, brutalize, and are ruthless.

They are described as animals with insatiable appetites, a powerful physiques, and also abundant hair all over the body.

“Ogre” is a word having french origin. The word was first used in a poetry romance called ‘Perceval le Conte Du Graal,’ which was written and composed by the great personality Chretien de Troyes in the 12th century.

Marie-Catherine and Charles Perrault, both French, later popularised the phrase. According to some, Gilles de Rais’ real-life actions inspired the concept of ogres.


What is Troll?

In Norse mythology and Scandinavian folklore, trolls are said to be creatures possessing supernatural creatures.

They are portrayed as clever, dangerous, and possessing the potential to magically curse humans as well as devour them when the time comes.

They are thought to be more rational than ogres, and unlike ogres, they can be reasoned with.

They lived in dark caves in solitude in tiny family-like groupings on the mountains because they were supposed to turn to stone if exposed to sunlight.

They are shown to live in a remote location, distant from any human settlement. In comparison to ogres, they have a more diverse appearance.

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Trolls can be hideous and slow-witted. However, they can possess an appearance like humans and can be intelligent and clever as well. The origin of the term “troll” is unknown.

However, in Swedish folklore, an author named John Lindow portrayed and represented these creatures or trolls as similar to natural beings.


Main Differences Between Ogre and Troll

  1. Ogres are portrayed and represented as cruel and brutal humanoid monsters. On the other hand, Trolls are portrayed and represented as natural beings.
  2. Ogres possess a less diverse appearance than Trolls. On the other hand, Trolls possess more diverse types of appearances than Ogres.
  3. The origin of the Ogres can be traced back to the famous French folklore and mythologies. On the other hand, the origin of the Trolls can be traced back to famous Scandinavian fiction, mythologies, and folklore.
  4. When exposed to direct or indirect sunlight, Ogres are not depicted anywhere that they convert into stones due to sunlight. On the other hand, when exposed to indirect or direct sunlight, it is depicted in various folklore that trolls convert into stones due to sunlight.
  5. Ogres were considered as less reasonable, irrational, and more murderous than Trolls. On the other hand, Trolls were considered more rational and reasonable than Ogres. Moreover, Trolls may or may not even feed on human beings.
Difference Between Ogre and Troll
  1. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=lang_en&id=CKtvZ2kuEm0C&oi=fnd&pg=PT5&dq=ogre+and+troll&ots=hOShRfGuvk&sig=FnAABMvxH2RJ8kHSmw3RSU1bnfI
  2. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/036215378201200207

Last Updated : 13 July, 2023

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